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Dark rainstorm — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Auta who has 12 posts.
Autumn walked, making her way up a densely wooded slope on a path to nowhere. The cream wolf looked up at the sky,which was slowly fading from day to night. The sun was slowly slithering down the horizon, and the darkness was stealing its light, turning to clouds a dull grey. Then, from the sky, fell a raindrop. And then another. In no time at all, Autumn was racing through the trees, water pouring down on her now rain soaked fur. Suddenly, the ground gave way beneath her, and she slipped, paws skidding on a patch of mud. She flopped ungracefully onto the drenched grass, limbs curled. After a bit, once Autumn had adjusted slightly to laying in a cramped position on the ground, she relaxed a bit. There was no pack that she had to worry about her, and no family to care if she lay here for the rest of eternity. Sighing, the lonely wolf wavered on the edge of sleep and awareness.

Autumn's peaceful rest was interrupted by the howls and barks of wolves in the distance, coming closer. Scrambling to her paws, she tried to run away from the others, but then realized the pain in her hind leg. Whimpering, she hid behind a bush, hoping that friend or foe, these wolves wouldn't notice her.