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a lone flower — Poison Path 
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Played by wolfsi who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Midday at Poison path, large heavy clouds cover the sky and a light rain has just started to fall. 


Five days it had been five days since he had entered the lore once more. He sighed as he looked back towards the red hills, which he still did not know the names off. I need to get the name of that place his thoughts spiraled around them memories which he had not wanted to bring back up made him growl slightly, no he had to stop he was no longer that week no longer that unworthy of his king. He had to moved on, he had to find the black king and fast. His eye where turned to the sky the large black clouds where covering the bright blue that should have been there. He sighed, this truly did not look weary well he had to moved on had to find the way out of this territory before the storm hit. Or at least find some shelter

Ai moved slowly through the bright colored flowers, a narrow path was shaped in between the many colors. Why had he come there? This place wasn't safe he had crossed into claimed lands and a storm was slowly breaking free from the dark cloud over him. The white male looked around once more, why had he decided to go this way? He sighed as he kept on walking, lost, this wasn't the way his king had shown him not at all. And so he sighed his head dropping as he stopped, maybe he should go back, but which way was back? He looked around a spark of horror in his eye, he turned around walking along the worn out path under his paws. However, as the trail split he just stood there unable to remember which way he had come from?


he looked at them, both ways where old and worn out and the flowers around them had slowly started to re grow. He sighed, he was lost, hungry and on claimed lands. He sighed as another drop hit his nose, this wasn't going to be pleasant when the storm broke free. He sighed as he just chose a path, what did it matter? No matter which way he went he would either get back to where he had started to hopefully closer to his black king. Slowly he made his way among the followers slowly he made his way towards the unknown of the horizon.

"Speech." thoughts It 
(This post was last modified: Sep 16, 2015, 05:50 PM by Ainashi.)
please don't judge me for talking to my self, after all, you were the one who ruined me.

Keala is permitted to enter any thread Zilas is part of regardless of the tag unless otherwise stated 

Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
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Duckweed Calor
Their small makeshift den was no more a comfort than anywhere else, and since his mother spent so much time wandering, Duck found himself doing the same. He was stuck here, so there was no point in doing anything but getting used to it. At least until she decided to uproot them again. With how hostile @Tauza and @Staleek had been towards their mother lately, Duck wasn't so sure that they would consent to go wherever she finally decided was appropriate - but Duck knew that he would do nothing but follow her. She was his rock, his safe place, and maybe if his siblings decided they hated her that much... it would be all the better for him. Maybe then it could just be the two of them, and he could be rid of them once and for all. Maybe mother would finally realise that she was better off without them, too.

In an attempt to understand his mother's headspace, Duck had come back to this place, this place to the north of the lake she loved so much. This was where she had lived once, where she had been born. He knew very little of her childhood, of her family, for she did not speak of it specifically; when she discussed her past, it was the places she told them of, the mountain and the forests and the rivers, not the people. Duck had just always thought that it was a clear indication of what she found the most important, that she placed rock above flesh, but something about actually being here made him wonder. Still, he hadn't approached her about it. If she wanted to tell him anything, she would.

Idly he kicked at a loose stone, sending it down a short hill, watching it bounce as it fell. The moment it hit the bottom and stopped, the first raindrop hit his forehead, and Duck looked up to see the dense clouds rolling in, and sighed. There were old dens around here somewhere; she had taken them there before calling for the others. Duck bet that she would have loved to be here in the rain, for getting cold and wet was one of her favourite things in the whole damn world. He'd skip out on it this time. Making a hopeful estimate of the direction of the old pack's dens, Duck hung his head low as he walked, ears back, pretending that he recognised some of it.

A sore lack of paying attention to his wider surroundings meant that Duck only noticed the white wanderer when he was already far too close (which was still a good few body-lengths away) - coming to an abrupt stop with an "oh!", Duck's heart leapt into his mouth, and his tail curled pre-emptively underneath his body. Could he sneak away before being noticed...? His luck was never that good.
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by wolfsi who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Okay so at the given moment of this tread Zilas would still be Ainashi and he would still be a loner…. just trying to eliminate any confusion coast by his name change…

He mowed slowly through the landscape flowers of many colors catching his eye, poisoners most of them could kill if eaten. It was all so calm and relaxing it had a hypnotizing feeling as if you could lie down in all the beauty and never wake up, just sleep the wrath and pain of this world away. Not that the young boy would mind, the thoughts of binge free of this tormenting world would be perfect but he had a mission on his mind. The dark fur of his king and his glazier blue yes where strong in his mind, no he wasn't ready to go just yet. He had to prove his father wrong had to be stronger, something he could only be if he was by the side of the dark king.  Yeah the game of chess had started a lone time ago and know it was time to play it the right way. He huffed as shook his fur, it was tangled as usual.

As he walked he paid little attention to the world around him did not care, and yet the sound of the young males voice caught him off guard. Turning around his body showed no signs of dominance but a slight pull to his tail as it dropped to hang down, a habit of his past.  Though as the off white stranger was caught be his eyes his body seemed to relax his tail waged and his smiled, Just a pup. "you there, what's a pup doing so far out on his oven?" his eyes traveled the body of the boy or what he could see of it. A smile was placed on his tainted lips.


The fur of the child seemed to be a shade of white appearing to be more off-white than pure with. The young male seemed fear full, his small frame clearly not to pleased with running into a stranger "Go home Kid." a changed of words his smile fainted as he felt his tail stopped its movement.

The stranger in front of him might just be a pup, but he shouldn't be out in his oven. Ai had no remorse for the kid no need to keep on smiling, he was not a happy wolf. He snorted the kid should have stayed in his warm cave with his family, something the gray scaled male had never had.

           "Speech." thoughts It 
please don't judge me for talking to my self, after all, you were the one who ruined me.

Keala is permitted to enter any thread Zilas is part of regardless of the tag unless otherwise stated 

Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Duckweed Calor
Paging @Tauza or @Staleek to make this worse? C:< Otherwise I may bring Bella in to stop this being the most quickly resolved thread ever!

While he did automatically recoil at the idea of an interaction with a stranger, there was a very, very small part of Duck - born only recently - which wondered if this might not be so bad. @Gilligan had found him at one of his most embarrassing lowest points, but for whatever reason that red boy had chosen solidarity over cruelty. Duckweed hoped that he would cross paths with the yearling again, something that he never hoped, ever. To associate kindness with a face other than his mother's was unheard of - and Gil was different, he was the same age and a boy, like him. Maybe Duck was even allowed to think of him as some kind of friend.

Seeing the pale wolf's tail wag, Duck believed, for a split second, that this situation might turn out similar. But it wasn't quite right, the tone of voice was a little too condescending, the smile not one of friendliness but merely a non-threatened one. Duck cringed back a little more, disliking the nature of how he had been addressed, wishing that he had paid more attention to where he was going so that this could have been avoided.

It was like he was being treated as a child - and a proper child, a few months old, rather than his true age! Once more he hated how frail and small he looked, how he would, somehow, always look even more pathetic than he felt. At the dismissal, Duck's instinct was to obey, turning to leave with a low, apologetic whine.
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
It hadn't begun as tailing him, but it would have been lying to say that Bella hadn't deliberately turned onto her son's trail once she happened upon it. The lake child had been intending to pay a visit to the scenic expanse of water she loved so much anyway, and spending it with her family would only improve the visit. The heavy rain clouds overhead only promised a more dramatic, satisfying experience. It pleased her that Duck was taking the time to explore and familiarise himself with his new neighbourhood, with the place she had told them about so enthusiastically. The sullen, grumpy attitude that had plagued her youngest seemed to have vanished upon actually arriving at the mountain, though he had never told her what had so befallen his mood. Whatever it was, she hoped it was behind them all.

She had caught sight of his pale shape from a distance, though with herself yet concealed in the greenery which flourished alongside the lake she did not yet call out. Similarly she spotted the stranger, and recognising Duck's trajectory, predicted that the boy was lost in his own head - for he wouldn't deliberately let himself run into anyone like that. Already feeling pangs of anxiety on his behalf, Bella pressed forward, navigating the terrain quietly and efficiently to reach them.

Go home, kid, she managed to catch, and an irritable huff passed her lips. Stepping forward just as her son moved to do as he had been told (the audacity of the man to speak to another like that!) her ears were pushed back in displeasure, her eyes narrowed at the unknown pale wolf with the mismatched eyes. Moving forward to comfort her son (who stared at her for a moment, bewildered, before knowing what was coming next and looking like he wanted to die) she turned a disapproving look to the rude man. "That was unnecessary," she said, her voice clipped. "This is free land - he has as much right to be here as you."
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by wolfsi who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
ooc: @Duckweed  


For a moment the eyes of the off-white kid seemed hopeful of sorts, though it fated as soon as he had spoken the young boy seemed as if he would rather be in a bottomless pit. He looked the boy over once more, something was off as if his words were hurting him but why?

off all wolves Ai would know how words could break your soul you hope, your life. He had been there, in his family he was the one who were nor supposed to be. His liter had died shortly after birth only he had survived, and his father had looked at him once and refused to accept him as his soon. He had become the thing that the rest of his family could let there anger out one. He had been nothing, but not anymore. He wasn't like that anymore, he had found his king. A wolf who needed him who had not seen him as a burden but as an actual wolf.


he had been lost in thoughts for a while, and did not notice the female approach them. When he finally caught on to what was going on she was way to close. Her narrowed eyes burned him like fire that burned away the dry grass one and open plain. He felt his tail pull his ears lie down and jaws pulled up in to a silly grin. For a moment habit of the past took over, but only for a moment before it all fell to the ground and he returned to the way he had been before. Clamming no dominance he listened to the woman.

"you are right free land it is, but the lake isn't uninhabited " he fell silent for a while trying to find the words. He had not meant to imply that the kid had no right to be there but even he had caught the scent of the pack that was residing somewhere in the area. "I where merely implying that the mountains aren't safe for a pup to wander alone. I am sorry if it was said the wrong way miss." he watched her for a moment was she the mother of the pup or just a stranger who had overheard them? It did not matter to him he did not intend to argue with her. "But still keep an eye out it seems that a pack have made their home in this area."

  "Speech." thoughts It 
please don't judge me for talking to my self, after all, you were the one who ruined me.

Keala is permitted to enter any thread Zilas is part of regardless of the tag unless otherwise stated 

Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Duckweed Calor
sorry hun! I'll be faster so we can finish this up <3

It was all done with the best of intentions, he knew, but still. Somehow, even acting with only his interest at heart, his mother knew exactly how to cut Duck right down to his tiniest constituent parts, and the worst part was that she didn't even realise. He suppressed the whine in his chest (but it came out as a long, silent stream of air anyway) as he watched his knight in shining armour come in to rescue the helpless damsel against the fearsome beast, except it was just his ma and her pathetic son who couldn't even hold his own against some loner. Honestly he would have forgotten the ordeal soon enough, and would have been grateful for its swift and timely conclusion! At least this grey loner had been to the point, Duck could respect that.

Instead he had to endure being protected as though he were two weeks old, and it was so unnecessary. Still, he slunk down behind her, more ashamed of the situation than afraid of the stranger (and yes he knew that he wasn't helping himself). He singled out a tuft of grass sticking out between two rocks and stared at it, hoping for it to spontaneously combust as he listened to the grey loner calmly explain himself, all smooth words and no stutter at all. Oh sure, now he was being reasonable. Seeing no reason why he needed to partake in the conversation his mother had swooped in on, the pale yearling continued to fixate on the grass, imagining the smoke rising and himself floating along with it.
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
Sternly she watched the young man, waiting for any of an apology, explanation or further rudeness, for while she was displeased with what she had overheard, there was a chance yet that it had been a misunderstanding. She half expected some measure of wickedness when she saw that wide grin, but when words followed, they were reasonable enough. Allowing the maternal hostility to fade a little from her posture, she regarded the grey man and nodded once. Duck was small for his age, so while he could hardly be mistaken as a year younger than he was, his diminutive stature did tend to give the wrong first impression.

"We're aware of the claimed territory," she replied evenly, not yet entirely sure what to make of the situation. In hindsight, her action seemed disproportionate, but what if it had gone the other way? Bella could only be thankful that he had not turned out to be hostile. What if she hadn't been nearby? Maybe she should advise Duckweed to stay a little closer to home from now on in case anything happened. She thought briefly back to her encounter with @Datura, and a cold lump of dread formed in her gut as she thought of all the horrible ways that could have gone - all the ways she would have believed it to go. She was glad he had surprised her, not that the reunion was something to be remembered fondly.

"He's perfectly able to look after himself." A skipped beat. Hopefully Duckweed would hear it and believe it. An ear tipped towards the loner, and Bella wondered if maybe she could get something of worth out of this. Disinclined as she was to approach the wolves who lived so close to her old home, she was now resorting to hearsay from loners who were rude to her children. "Do you know anything about these wolves?"
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health