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Exhale carbon, inhale misery — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Set for the 26?
Phone post
There was the soft sound of busy movement that morning. The dragging of pelts against stone floors, then the beating of skins as they were cleaned. The young mother shook them out thoroughly before taking them back inside. She resided in the familiar warmth of her birthing den.

Over the pale figures "walk of shame" absence she had returned and tidied up the place. Danica was proud of her job well done, but always restful without her blessing. Without him to occupy her time she had instead lined the entryway of their den with smell good things and started a cache of scavenged food.

Satisfied with herself the woman sat down on her hunches smiling. Home was ready for Daniel. Hopefully bringing him to the place of many of his bedtime stories would make up for her absence. She would be sure to also take him out on fun adventures to quench his wanderlust. Dreamily she sighed thinking of all the good that was to come.

Danica eventually rose to smell the crisp morning air. Her shame had passed, her wounded pride nursed. It had taken her far too long to recover, but nonetheless she would return. The wolf sipped from cold waters before setting out for Secret Woodlands.
(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2015, 03:41 AM by Danica.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Can we make it the 28th? Nina came to him on the 27th.
Also this thread cannot die because uh 2,026 WORDS OF GENTS RIDIC FEELINGS COMING YOUR WAY

The king was reeling, consumed by grief he'd never thought to know, punished for the meager strings he had extended from his small heart to connect with those of others. This bridges he had worked so diligently to build these last two years were crumbling all around him, inexplicably and without time for him to even attempt to save them. Death was sweeping in, far too early as it always had been ever since the passing of his father, and cradling those Gent had invested the most in to lull them into eternal sleep. This was what happened, he supposed. This was what had been deserved for being so weak as to think that that forging such caring relationships was practical, for being arrogant enough to think that he could control every factor that played within the lives of others.

His emotions were fickle these days, fueled by the dual losses of life he had endured, as well as the disintegration of the bonds he'd fought to form with Minka's offspring. Anger often took him, a seething, burning thing that coiled tightly inside of him and constricted his heart with a vice like grip. This was kept inside, as the king refused to let others see this side of him, not since his promise to @Raela. These were the times that he stole away from the rest, avoiding them to the extent of his abilities, and chasing them off with a silent, frigid baring of his fangs when they persisted. After hearing of Daniel, he knew that this would not be enough. He needed to step out of his own domain, away from the reach of others and seek refuge elsewhere, at least for the day. They would be angry within, perhaps, for taking liberties he refused to extend unto his subordinates. Yet as risky as the venture was, he knew as assuredly as the sky was blue that staying would be even more dangerous.

And so with word to Raela, the only woman whom he now would answer to, he departed, a single destination in mind. The effort had not been conscious, but his paws had taken him there all the same; to the creek, where Daniel had been born. As though the memories could be a barricade against the vicious reality he had found himself trapped within, he allowed imagination to take hold of his mind, hazing his senses as he recalled the boy's birth. Despite @Titan's absence, it had seemed as a new beginning to Gent, heralding something great for the bonded friends, for their packs, for their futures. It was an outside influence, and he thought himself able to maintain such a thing. Able to protect Danica and Daniel both, even if from such a great distance. How miserably wrong he had been, and the recollection was not allowed to develop too deeply before fury crept in again, pulling the man from the reverie and forcing him once more to face the cold truth he found himself competing with.

There was someone to blame for all of this, and while he doled out a significant portion of the onus unto himself, not even a drop of it would be delivered upon Danica's pristine cream shoulders. She was, and perhaps always would be, innocent within his eyes, a victim to the injustices forced upon her by others. Whether this was his own breed of love, or simply a necessary hope for the beast to hold onto, could not be deciphered, and possibly never would be resolved. Especially not when others were so readily available to step up to the guillotines. @Nina's possessed a very small portion of his anger, though the king knew that he had not enough information about Danica's home life within with thickets to validate this targeting. No, the one who shouldered the brunt of it would be Titan, the boy who had, to Gent's knowledge, been utterly absent his son's entire life. The boy who had abandoned Danica like the other men in her life, the one who had contributed to her instability and who should have been there to help carry the burden of raising a child. Who should have been the one protecting them both.

He had known, hadn't he? Danica had informed him of the seed he'd sown within her womb, and that had been the last she'd seen of him. A coward, a heathen! The insults raged within his mind, hackles raising as the thoughts rallied against the Thorben heir. The boy had better be dead, it was the only solution to the miserably-ending equation that would satiate the shadow beast. For what else could have kept him away from the life he had created and the woman he'd sworn to always love? Mateship was sacred, child-rearing was sacred, even a wolf of such a skewed moral compass as Gent's knew these truths as universal. They were not some amphigory, a fanciful impulse who's consequences could be tossed aside at whim. Yet in his glacial eyes, this was what Titan had done, and forgiveness could never be afforded. Not with Daniel's blood now painted thickly upon the boy's paws.

Once more, as though cyclically, this rage began to ebb. The flames died down, crystals of ice forming within his lungs, traveling into his heart, seizing his chest. A low whine slipped from his muzzle, blame put aside to once more focus on the loss that had befallen him. It felt as though every channel he had opened, every pathway that he been so meticulously kept had been shut to him. Hollow Heart Keep and @Naira, Chulyin, @Iopah and Secret Woodlands, @Astraeus, Lugh, Minka, her children, his children who had chosen to shut him out in the wake of their own grief, Titan, Daniel and Danica... everything had morphed beyond his control as soon as he thought they had been secured, and try as he might he could not stave off inklings of fear, ponderings of who would be next. Now every door is closed to me, he thought solemnly. Another jail. Another key. Another chain. All except Raela, and Danica... if he could ever find her.

His steps halted abruptly, eyes pinching shut as his tail extended horizontally behind him, rigid with frustration. The anger returned, but he bit it back, sick and tired of this constant fluctuating, of this pity he felt for himself and his efforts.

"Stop lobbing the blame around, Gent," he uttered under breath, dark lids slipping open to witness the ice particles left behind by his dissipating words. "You had control. You still have control. Raela isn't going anywhere. You can ensure that, as much."

As for Danica... she always seemed to sweep back into his life, green eyes glowing and a smile acting as the dam to all of her many sorrows. As much as he wanted to drop everything and chase after her, track her down and make her come home with him, keep her guarded like a princess within a brimstone tower, he knew that this was not feasible. All that could be done was to... wait... for...

Gent's head picked, life instantly returning to his pale eyes as they rapidly scanned the air ahead of them. Danica, his heart whispered fervently, but his mind was hesitant to accept the traces that his senses were picking up. More deep breaths, a few deeper scans, until he could no longer hold himself back. Rocketing forward, he careened through the forest, allowing no obstacle to slow him down as he raced toward Danica's phantasmal presence. His mammoth frame stripped the turning leaves from their perches and broke brittle branches off their soon-to-be hibernating parents. His wide, sturdy paw pads slipped through the bank mud, scrabbling over rocks and litter and other things. Everything within the forest yielded to him, everything gave way. Nothing would be able to keep her from him this time. Tonight, Danica would be coming home with him, where she belonged. Tonight, he would forsake the negativity that had so clouded his being these past few days. Tonight, he would rebuild, take back what was his and his alone.

A howl was raised into the air, melodic and yearning, but edged with demand. It beckoned Danica to come to him, to meet him halfway and haste their reunion. Certainly, she had missed him too. Certainly, she would need him as she faced the tragedy that had befallen them. And certainly, he would be there for her, as rock solid as ever despite the vicious weathering his stony facade had endured. She would come to him, and they would grieve together, and then she would finally come home to him, and all would be well. It was a promise etched deeply within his heart, one that he would not let go of without a fight. Hurtling over the land, everything that had gave away her presence grew stronger, louder, screaming at him to race harder, faster. To catch her before she vanished into thin air once again.

Then, the energy changed. His movements became fluid, then ladened, then waterlogged. Simmering to a full stop, she was within his view, peace laced deeply throughout her being. She appeared as though she had found some sort of tranquility, and his heart, which had been so feverishly spurring him onward only seconds ago now begged him to stop everything, to take the hourglass of time and break it open, emptying it completely and freezing time indefinitely. And if he could not do that, then to at least please, please back away, go back to Round Stone Crest, avoid the fatal truth he knew he had to bestow upon her unwitting ears. Neither of these things could be done, his mind told his heart, and both were made cold with the definiteness of the realization. Tail sinking to curl between his hocks, and neck leveling with his fallen shoulders, he watched her approach with pleading eyes. A simper escaped his lungs, issuing into the air almost silently. Those pale, icey eyes had melted into liquid, but not with tears. Never with tears.

"Danica," he murmured, his breath hot upon the cold fall air. His tail lifted ever so slightly, a couple of wags forced into the banner, an effort brought on by impressive willpower. There was an edge of mirth to his appearance, a genuine happiness to see her as well as an effort to stave off what was the come. Why did it have to be him to shatter her world into pieces? The shade king held no qualms about picking them up after someone else's emotionally violent mess, would gather them and hold them close to his heart as he carried them back home with her in tow. He would piece them back together, devotedly and patiently until she was whole again. But could he truly do both? Could he fix it all for her if he was also the one to utter the words that brought everything crashing down around her?

"Nina... said you've been missing," he ventured, and truly he needed to know, what had taken her away from her son? The part of him that wanted to blame craved to know, but it was concern for his dear friend's well being that rose above all else and took precedence in both his tone and his steady gaze. It didn't matter, ultimately, what she had to say. She could tell him she had chased a butterfly for days without a single thought to Daniel's livelihood and he would find some way, any way to twist this horrific truth and make it not so. Anything to preserve this last remaining tie to his past. Anything.

"Where, Danica? Where did you go?"
(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2015, 04:09 AM by Gent.)
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(That works! :)

GENT <3 )

The pristine beauty headed onward with light steps, gentle as a graceful doe descending across the pebbly shore. Wind tugged at her fur, blowing it behind her womanly figure. Chin high, elegant almost, she walked with the confidence of an army wrapped up in the illusion of a victory after failure. Her eyes shinned like freshly polished jewels set into a silver band. Such a creature wore a coat of cream tinted with shades of grey and tan, a star painted across her breasts. Her only flaw, a scar that wound up one of her hind legs, a limp in her every step. Danica appeared as if new, a wolf of other universal places, clean and fresh as if she'd never set paw in her jagged past. Rounded towers pressed forward as eagerness seemed to fuel her forward.

A howl slowed her to a silent stop, maw tilting upwards to meet it with a honey soft voice filled with the longing love of a sister. Gent? I'm coming my brother, I'm coming! She sang in high spirits ignoring the urgency in his tone, for she was in the warmth of her nativity. Hastening her pace she sped through the trees, tromping on the first of the fallen heart shaped leaves. Her grace thrown out the window in a mad run for her other half, not in a romantic way, but still perhaps he filled a piece of her no one but Tacoma or Ashton had even touched. Violently her pelt flew back as she shredded the land to meet him. The yearning swelled up in her with every heartbeat, the drum locked within her chest the mere echo of her happiness. "Gent!" She nearly screeched, skidding to a halt as she spotted him with a large smile smothered onto her features. Her banner swooshed side to side, her body hardly containing all of her bolted up emotions.

His words hit her like a single shard of glass, confusion momentarily faltering her before she swallowed it whole, "I was ashamed," Dani paused though there was no hint of hesitation in her voice, "But it's okay now! I'm going to get Daniel and we're going to live a life of adventure! We'll sleep in the birth den, and and roam about the lands in the day! I promise to visit you as frequently as possible! Oh think of all the glorious things I can teach him!" She jumbled out her words, literally bouncing around Gent as she spoke with a toothy little grin. Danica was purely childlike stuck in her world of peace that would crumple like the stone bricks of Jericho at the sound of the trumpets.

(This post was last modified: Nov 02, 2015, 02:58 AM by Danica.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

Ashamed? Ashamed of what? It didn't make sense to him, and as she continued on, simply boiling with joy, another agonized whimper slid off his tongue. It was all too clear, she had never been ready for this. She had been too young, too ill prepared, too alone. He should have made her come home with him that day that he had found her, pregnant and solitary in the Blackberry Fields. If he'd only acted, if she'd been with him and never left his sight, he could have kept her safe. Could have kept them both safe.

"Danica..." he attempted, but words came out only as a tortured whisper. The leviathan attempted to clear his throat, to gather himself. He drew his paws closer together, rolled back his shoulders, stood taller, but his confidence failed him. Why did this have to be him? Of all things, why was this his responsibility?

"Danica, listen to me," he at last managed with a careful measure of force to pull her from her enthusiastic chirping. "You aren't going to get Daniel," he told her, and his voice began to break regardless of how hard he tried to keep it solidly together. "You're coming back to the Crest with me. There's... there's nothing for you in Secret Woodlands anymore."

If only she could accept just that, if only he could control her utterly, down to her very soul. If he could wipe her memories, puppeteer her away from the grief he knew would so devastatingly overwhelm her the moment he uttered the words. There was clear hesitation, a long pause, before he was finally able to deliver the sentence.

"Danica, Daniel's dead."
(This post was last modified: Nov 26, 2015, 09:31 PM by Gent.)
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(@Gent...perhaps after your reply Cadence, TABs can enter a dashing @Titan ?)

Emerald orbs grew wide with anticipation, her tail still flopping around. What was the tall, dark, and handsome man to say? He straightened his posture and seemed to be prepping himself for something. Cocking her head to the side Dani narrowed her eyes into curious slits and offered a childish expression. "Well, are you gonna spit it out?!" The young wolf teased lightheartedly and fought off the temptation to tug one of his sensitive ears.

"Danica, listen to me."

Any hints of a smile faded from the soft lovely features of the beautiful creature, her head becoming upright. She composed herself of a more serious manner, but still owned the luxury of sitting. The swoosh of her flag completed, for it came to curl about her hindquarters as she waited quietly.  "You aren't going to get Daniel," Fluffy brows furrowed into tight knits above her thick lashes, a frustrated mug consuming her contorted face as she huffed and scoffed. Hastily the mom rose to her paws to retort, cut him off, and explain that not even he could stop her from waging wars, crossing seas, and entering the milky-way itself for her little baby. Nothing but the grim man enveloped in black with his long scythe could keep her from the tiny blessing that most defiantly belonged beside his dam. However, all that was on the tip of her tongue was cast away as he plunged forth to further fluster Danica. How could he say that there was nothing left for her?...

A heavy lump formed within her throat, and she calmly found her seat. The woman could feel her belly turn into knots, twisting and churning anxiously. A heavy dread ebbed away at her...was Daniel okay? If this was Gent's way of saying he had decided to take the boy to RSC with him, it wasn't the best way to inform one. Yet, the time he took to speak only caused the thick feeling of dread to intensify.

"Danica, Daniel's dead."

At the words bile forced it's way up the pale beast's throat and burned her lips, making a messy exit onto blades of yellow grass. Like a zombie the wolf rose and turned with slumped shoulders, her eyes that of a dead man's. Her muscles laid upon her skeleton loosely, a limp tail hanging. Danica looked forward as if spaced out, as if everything she moved passed never truly processed itself and ceased existence. Silvery paws were dragged almost lazily, strides short and lacking in determination.

"My Fault..."

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
Alright @Titan, you're up!

The retching forced his eyes shut and his ears closed down upon his head, desperate shut out the sound of it. It took true willpower to open those glacial optics once more, to witness the pain he had caused her with his announcement. Her grief was infectious, pulling his own out and he fought fang and claw to keep it down inside of him. His chest burned and his muscles were rigid, umoving. It wasn't until she spoke that he found the strength to press forward.

Swiftly he was at her side, pressing his shoulder to her's and draping his throat over his neck, pulling her into him.

"No, it's not, Danica. It's not your fault," he told her, forcefully. He could not allow this, could not allow her to shoulder all of the blame. Could not risk her seeking to punish herself for the death of her son.

"You should never have been expected to raise him on your own. Titan should have been at your side. Hudson. Me," they all had failed her, and he wanted her to turn anger upon them, for that was what helped him"We failed you both, Danica... and I'm so, so sorry..."