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Promises Kept. — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Long overdue.. but eets here! :D

Her return to Grizzly Hollow with Alexanders puppies had been uneventful... She had parted ways with the mysterious Angier.. taken the pups to Borden and his mate Jaysyek.. been accepted back into the folds of the pack.. but ...had yet to find her home here. Raigo was somewhere... she had no idea where he'd gotten off to - and found herself terrified he'd run off again. The white giant moved around the borders of their pack lands.. reinforcing the scent markers with her own unique musk..all the while watching for the darker pelt of her adopted brother. Vlarindara crossed his scent a few times, and each time, she lifted her head to the heavens and called out to him.. praying he'd answer her back. She had a promise to keep, after all - she'd returned to Grizzly Hollow.

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