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Some like it weird — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Han who has 7 posts.
Axira Luene

i'm gonna give all my secrets away...

There you go! @Ruenna

Was it South or was it North? Sometimes she couldn't see the difference between top and bottom. But what would it matter when you could sense the direction of your home, or simply make a new one in her case. Although she had quite taken a liking to her temporary Den she had found in the Sierra Hills. Just a few strides away from the top, before she would literally stand on top of the mountain to look down on those nobodies. Of course, she was just one of the ghosts that made her mark on the world before it would fade with time. She straightened her neck as she tried to pick up her own scent from a few days ago. It would be a terrible miscalculation if she actually found the hills but she had to wander miles south before she could find her Den back. There was nothing waiting for her that made her connected to the hole in the ground. No resources she had hidden under leaves or sand she could snack upon and needed finishing. No, she just felt like sleeping on the hill with the stars in eyesight and a morning sun to wake her rudely by shining brightly in her eyes.

She sniffed and walked further south. Or was it north? Her pelt was still damp from the previous fleeting rain that had suddenly crashed down in the forest of Red. Seriously the color was slowly creeping on her nerves and the scenery that slowly turned back to green and brown was oh so satisfying for her eyes. Shaking her head she fought off some annoying little insects. Parasites.

She couldn't have strayed too far from her ''home'' but suddenly she felt like she was in another part of the land. No more red but a blooming green was now surrounding her. Although the greens were a lot less offensive to her eyes, she was slowly wondering if this land was divided by the colors of their forests. It was quite ironic, the only thing left was a wolf pack called Green and another called Red and they would fight dramatically under the falling sun. She wouldn't mind another dramatic scenery. It had been such a long time since she had watched from the sidelines how two packs had fought over something less important than the mosquito biting her ass. In general she had avoided most packs or wolves in her travelling business. She didn't count the moments she would stalk and eat the leftovers from the little groups of wolves. Everything was allowed in the world of the Rogues. And she always made sure to be well hidden and safe whenever she stole a piece for her own. Why the effort of hunting when a free dinner was right down your paws.

Axira could hear something crash and break. But paid no heed to the sound. Probably some idiotic animal that miscalculated their jump or fell over that one branch that mocked your life by throwing your face in the mud. Yes, she knew how that would go, no need to look and laugh. Just yet, maybe if she heard something more it would spark her interest. Strolling through the woods she slowly started to divert a bit more away from the sound. The scents of wolves seemed more concentrated, more constant. It could be a pack that travelled their set paths or maybe a rogue that claimed a tiny piece for their own. She wasn't sure but she was confident it couldn't bring much good. They usually were highly protective of what was theirs. She couldn't blame them, she was exactly the same. But she could be quite grudging whenever they stood in the way of her own goals. Sighing she wanted to turn around and maybe consider another home instead of the Sierra Hills. Her ears perked back, she swore she could hear a whine but maybe it was just another imagination. Or maybe she just didn't want to accept that this forest was hiding only her own presence.

(This post was last modified: Jun 20, 2016, 04:53 PM by Axira.)
Played by Siki who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ruenna Tainn
So... she wanted to do this. I don't know.

There was this marvellous, curious little spot of the forest which Rue had found the day before. In the middle of a ring of quiet, eerie trees (but everything in this forest was spooky and ooooooooo, so that was nothing new) was this little sinkhole, roughly four yards in diameter and three deep, which simply sank into the ground as though some giant creature had reached down and scooped a handful of earth right out. A few of the trees had long, slender branches which stretched out into the air over the hole, all seeming to reach for the middle as if trying to touch one another. Rue had studied it for a while, scrambled down to the bottom and snuffled around in the moss and accumulated forest droppings which had collected inside it and never escaped. Fallen leaves, a few stones and rocks, bits of branch and bark and a not-insignificant number of small, old bones had all been trapped in there for who-knows how long. It all looked like the sort of natural formation which was seen and then left to its own devices, for it had probably been here for years and would be for many more to come.

Ruenna wasn't a no-touching sort. It had started with a bright idea, and now she had come back, having told @Sahalie where she was headed in case she wanted to join in the fun.

She had managed to find a long fallen branch elsewhere, and, having spent far too long dragging it over to the hole, had quickly determined that it ws the perfect length. Carefully pushing and pulling at it so that it balanced on the edge of the hole, one half reaching in to the middle while the other rested on the ground, Rue had considered her work proudly before going to find more.

So her morning had continued. When disaster struck, her work had been nearly completed; after spending much time scavenging the forest floor for as many pieces of long, thin wood she could find, Rue had crafted what she affectionately considered her spider's web. The branches and twigs were arrayed over the hole in some semi-organised pattern, criss-crossing over each other where she had carefully placed them, one atop the other, some crossing at the hole's widest points but most cut into it at shorter tangents, so that both ends of the stick could lie on the ground with only some of its middle length out in the air. It was very far from a floor, because it there was still far more air than branch, though she had done her best to make sure that none of the gaps left were big enough for her to jump into. The only way to reach the bottom of the hole would have been to jump in it, which would break her creation.

But she had gotten clumsy. When trying to carefully lay out another piece, she had slipped on one of the many branches already in place and, after a terrible moment of trying to catch her balance, had fallen face-first into the hole with a yelp and a crash.

Most of the web was destroyed, the dramatic collapse having caused a cascade which ended up with Rue at the bottom of a hole surrounded by dozens of varying length of stick. Rue sat there and stared at the destruction, pouting, having wasted hours - with a dramatic whine, she flopped down and let herself be stuck among the jabbing twigs and bendy branches and just mourn yet another ruined project.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Han who has 7 posts.
Axira Luene
i'm gonna give all my secrets away...

I…I don’t know your wolf is cray xD

It took a moment before she noticed how silky mist swirled among her paws. Fascinating, it gave the woods a mysterious appeal other places lacked. It gave her the curiosity of exploring while other places simply would bore her to death at some point. Too much of the same old, while this place seemed promising. But she had thought this thought way too often to be too hopeful. At least she could enjoy the feeling of fascination just for a while longer. The crash only added more to the question marks that flew in her mind. It was quite a stunning sound, like a dead bird fell through the trees. But the bird was particularly fat and it took several branches with it in the fall. She snorted at the mental image, that should be quite a bird if it broke so many branches. Axira slowly walked towards the general direction of the sound, it was rather curious to imagine what happened to create such a crash -or should she say crack, it would certainly be more fitting. Of course, nothing would prepare her for the fact it was not a fat bird crashing to its death bed. No, it was several levels higher on the crazy scale.

''...What are you doing?'' What happened? What did you do? So many questions and so many possible answers, but none seem to give a reasonable explanation for the female wolf that was standing between a dozen of broken branches. Her fur looked rather chaotic with the branches pushing it up here and down there. Axira scrunched her nose as she looked at the uncomfortable situation, but the puzzled tilt in her head could not be straightened as she simply gaped. The girl was made of soft cream colors mixed with the occasional greys and browns, her most unique feature were probably the black stripes coming down from her eyes. If the wolf would cry black tears it would explain something, but Axira highly doubted it. It looked quite interesting between her soft brown fur. Still nothing could distract her from the crazy wolf standing between the chaos. Especially the whining, almost sulking look on her face made her search for a good reaction except her rude staring. It reminded her of her sister whenever Axira decided it was her time to play with the antlers and pushed her siblings aside. The stranger held a familiar kind of loss in her expression.

(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2016, 08:56 PM by Axira.)