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thirst for romance — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Sarah who has 2 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Theodore Lyall
<blockquote><ul>title is idunno. just go with it. first thing that came on pandora. :P Also this is bad and short because I have no muse</li></ul>
There was something so romantic about the waning summer light, the full gold feeling that spilled through the trees and dripped down into his ivory fur. There was something undeniable about the itch in his paws, the wanderlust fantasies that cantered about in his head like furious, feral beasts that thrashed and fought for freedom and pleasure. Besides, it wasn't like his mother or father would... necessarily notice his absence. His brothers and sisters, and of course the need to feed them all somehow, often left his parents too busy to give him an individual attention. And as for his brothers and sisters, they wouldn't begrudge him this one adventure, and couldn't be <i>so</i> mad at him for not inviting them along. Prosper had, after all, gone off by himself <i>loads</i> of times and had never even bothered to extend an invitation.

Except this particular adventure seemed to be proving a little bit more than he could handle. In fact, he was beginning to feel the ever so slight prickling of regret in the pit of his stomach. It was the mud. The cloying, suckling mud that grabbed at his legs, squelching unbearably. Caked with dark clumps of muck, he floundered and flailed through the bog, searching for higher ground. "<b>YUCK.</b>"

Played by Frankie who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anais Nasrin
<b>I'm dropping Anais, sorry. :C</b>
xD I lol'd when i saw it (the title).

Anais was going backwards. Well, sort of. This place looked different, that was obvious, but she felt as if she were heading south again. The sun was in a familiar place, giving her such an idea. But either way, she had traveled quite a distance today, and decided that it was about time that she rest. The trees around her began to thin out until Anais found herself in the open again. The ground was quite damp, and she grimaced, picking up a front paw to examine what the ground left behind. It was just wet, but there was sure to be mud around here. She'd have to keep an eye out.

Moving around the edge of the tree line, she surveyed the marsh with interest. Soon enough she would find some place suitable to call her home. This place was just too...Damp. And certainly too open. Her mind flickered back to the forest where she'd met that hunting wolf. It seemed like a good place to stay. In time she'd return and see what suitable living spaces she could find. But for now...Yuck! Her head snapped in the direction of the sudden and loud sound.

The reeds were rather high, but certainly not high enough to conceal any full-grown wolf...So where did the sound come from? Running forward, in what she assumed was the way towards the outburst, she slowly realized that it probably wasn't a full-grown wolf. Her heart began to race, and her ears twisted back in what appeared to be fear, as her yellow eyes also widened. Crouching down, she began to nose her way through the grasses, snuffling desperately. <b style="color:#bd6778">"Who made such a sound?" She questioned rather loudly, in a mock villainess tone, hoping to attract the child. <b style="color:#bd6778">"speech."

(This post was last modified: Sep 07, 2011, 05:38 PM by Anais.)