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I'll keep making those wrong mistakes right — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Kristen who has 13 posts.
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Sif Mikhailovich
For @Delia

The day before had been interesting, with his run in with Rue. She was certainly an interesting girl, with enough spunk and energy to fuel 3 other wolves for an entire day it seemed. However, she seemed entirely too naïve for a girl her age which worried him. She was pure of intentions, but he knew from experience that there were many in the world that didn’t abide by the laws as strictly as he did. He hoped that no great misfortune befell her, but the world was not a kind place. Perhaps the Mother would watch out for her, for within the woman he had seen the embodiment of the Maiden; purity, innocence, love, and beauty. Truly, if the Maiden were to show her face it would be likened to Rue. Thinking on it, he felt a surge of protectiveness over her, but shook it off. He had other places he needed to see still, and if the Crone felt he needed to return then it would be done. He was a humble Septon in the hands of his Gods.

Sif had decided to stay within the forest at least for the morning, do perhaps a bit more exploration before he would head across that great mountain across the way. Luckily, he felt no great trouble over the matter. He had grown up on the snowy mountains of Russia, braving the crags and climate for nearly his entire life. In fact, he almost would say that he looked forward to it. As he thought, the sound of trickling water came to his attention. Large, fluffy auds swiveled forward to catch the direction it was coming from before the large male continued on to investigate. He was pleased to find a twisting creek, his throat parched. Traveling to its edge, he bent his thick head and lapped at the surface, head snapping up and eyes going wide. It was frigid, even in the hot temperatures around them, and it reminded him strongly of home. There seemed to be a lot of things recently that were doing it to him, and while he had never been a truly sentimental man, the law having too strong a hold on him, he could still say he missed it from time to time. That was, he missed how it used to be. Pust' otets brosil yego suzhdeniye na vas strogo! Sif grumbled as he thought on his family that had brought it to ruin.

The cool creek had managed to quench his thirst excellently, and the chill in it made him long for the bit of the Russian air. He supposed he wouldn’t get any taste of that until the winter came, and so instead he did the next best thing. Wading forward into the creek, a rumbling sigh left his jaws in relief from the heat that seemed to devour everything. He was simply not meant for this climate.

(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2016, 04:55 AM by Sif.)