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Sweet Dreams — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Rose who has 6 posts.
Moira Antwarr
Sunlight fell across the mountaints in the distance, the last fingers of the light stretching into the cloud cover.  Emerald eyes turned towards the hues of gold, crimson, copper and a touch of sapphire that painted the horizon.  The vermillion lady stood upon a small hill, ears tipping towards the sunset, a statue painted in the same hues of fire that lit the sky.  A smile touched her lips before she tucked her hind quarters under her, tail coiling around cream paws.  

This time of day was always the most peaceful she had ever known.  Everyone was usually bedding down for the night, the stars were coming out.  Even the birds and other critters had stopped their chattering.  It was..pleasant.  She continued to watch the sunset until the last colors faded into the cerulean and sapphire colors of the night mother; getting up after, she turned and stepped away. Once more, the russet lady moved to find a place to bed down for the evening.  

Usually, she preferred to sleep out in the open, so finding a comfortable place to curl up wasn't difficult at all.  Her sleeping place was nestled up against a small berry bush, the fragrance of the berries dulling her sense of smell slightly.  She was laying comfortably, tail curled against her hind legs, forpaws tucked up under her breast.  A yawn cracked along her jaw before the lady tucked her nose up under her tail, emerald eyes closing.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Naia was pregnant now, and Kisla found her paws drifting away from home once more. She was content for the couple, and yet pained all at once – of her five children, only Orren and Lekalta remained. Had she had to gamble in the past and place bets upon the ones who would stay she would not have placed it upon them, and it shamed her to think she knew all of her children so very little.

As much as she strived to be the mother Corinna had been, it would seem she had failed horrendously somehow. Karina had run away – Aleksei wandered. Even Inna had seen it fit to adventure out in to the world, though at least the girl had made it known to her parents of her intentions.

In the end, everyone left. Even her own blood.

Brooding did not become her, but it was quite like a cloud hung over her head these days. The sun began to tuck itself behind the mountains once more, and the honeyed regal was not within the safety of her own home yet again. Soon, crickets would be heard upon dusk, yet winter still clung to the Lore in a last desperate attempt to remain – though within weeks, she suspected the warmth would finally come to them again.

Usually, she was a wolf who treaded with caution, given her past interludes. Yet the evening was different, and so last in thought, the Baranski woman had almost missed the curled form of the agouti wolf not far off – her nose tucked beneath a russet and cream tail. Pausing, the she-wolf debated whether to speak, or to simply carry on – to continue her unguided path.

sparking up my heart

Played by Rose who has 6 posts.
Moira Antwarr
The soft sounds of the evening were only interrupted by steady..too steady footprints in the grass. The wind didn't make that sound - it didn't blow grasses that deliberately. Emerald optics opened, the moonlight reflecting off of them before she turned her head towards the she-wolf that was approaching. Ears tipped forward and she lifted her head, staring at the approaching female. A faint grunt expelled from her vocals before she shifted.

Getting to her feet, Moira shook herself free of any debris and then sat back down, staring at the approaching lady. "What brings you out so late?" It was a rhetorical question.. Mostly. She was curious about what brought this strange lady out in the middle of well.. Nowwhere really. Emerald eyes sized up the lady, before turning back and inspecting her curiously. Her pelt smelled... strange. Lip curled - nose twitching as she tried to sort the pack scent on her pelt, to figure out where it had come from.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

It would seem the other made the decision for them both – the stranger pushed herself up, her sleep seemingly thwarted, and Kisla studied the she-wolf with mild interest, noting the curl of her lip and withholding her own form from stiffening from potential threat.

The question was abrupt, and Kisla’s ears flickered back to her skull for a quick moment, revealing her own silent displeasure to the manner. Straightening, her peridot gaze casually regarded the other, her form shifting weight as she lifted her shoulders in a delicate shrug. Swallowing the urge to bounce the question back to the other woman, she canted her muzzle slightly. “A walk to clear my mind,” she finally offered, attempting an amicable approach to see where this interlude went. “I’m sorry I disrupted your sleep.”

Her gaze drifted from the she-wolf to note their surroundings – an open area, and one she would not have chosen to rest. It was completely insightful just how untrusting she was to anyone but those she held close to her heart.

But she had come by it honestly.

“Are you new to Relic Lore?” If the stranger got to ask her a question, she would propose one of her own.

sparking up my heart

Played by Rose who has 6 posts.
Moira Antwarr
Jaws parted, tongue curling as she tried to inhale the scent to better taste it - but found nothing familiar about the wolf. Instead, Moira shifted, shaking herself and plopping back down on her haunches, fluffy tail caught beneath her cream colored limbs. "I sleep lightly as it is..Anything disturbs it, but at least you can carry on a conversation." Most of the other disturbances to her slumber could not...In fact, many simply ran from her. Pity. The crimson lady sneezed, dipping her head and lifting a paw and hooking the joint over her muzzle.

She dragged downwards, trying to dislodge the irritant in her nose. The question caught her by surprise and she jerked her head up, blinking emerald optics before smiling. "Yea. Just the other day.. in fact." Eyes turned towards the sky overhead, a smile turning her muzzle upwards. "This place.. it's peaceful. Relic Lore is the name, you say? Pretty.."
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

One ear would flicker in mild curiosity to the girl’s words, quietly wondering just how many others had disturbed her sleep only to run away. She made no further comment on it though, her direction of conversation desiring nothing more than to engage herself in a way that would get to know the wolf before her slightly better. Her form remained neutral – casual, perhaps, as she studied the other female, finding herself at ease with the demeanor of the situation they both found themselves in. There was something comforting about conversing with another that held no insight to her currently shattered life.

“Peaceful?” She paused, the word seeming foreign upon her tongue. “It’s not how I would necessarily describe it.. but yes, it is pretty,” she mused quietly, bemusement lacing itself in her tone. She shifted her weight then, her slender shoulders lifting in a gentle shrug. “But I suppose it all depends on what you’re used to,” she decided then, ending her statement with a gentle hum before allowing her eyes to glance around the area they found themselves in. She had never known anywhere else in the world but Relic Lore – it was her birth right to remain in these lands, and unlike some of her wayward relatives, Kisla held no desire to travel away from it. If anything, she would fight to remain right where she was – long ago had she lost her patience to the little mind games some of their neighboring packs seemed keen on employing.

sparking up my heart