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I Just Wanna Go Home! — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
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Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Though not their parent, Marsh was definitely orientated around the puppies this season. Had he not heard the juvenile howl, he would have been hot on Rihael's trail anyway. Having discovered that Fenru was absent from the group, Marsh's troublemaker senses had started tingling, and he wasn't about to let Hael do a vanishing act too. No doubt their brother was nearby and easy to find, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

When Fenru called for them, Marsh's ears perked just the same as the little puppy he was casually watching over. Ensuring that Kisla was safe - Corinna and Indru were doubtless nearby, he could abandon his post for a moment - the larger wolf trotted quietly behind Rihael, privately amused by and proud of the oldest boy's instincts to aid his brother.

Lagging a few seconds behind, Marsh had time to hear Rihael's question, but arrived on the scene too quickly to hear any official answer. A name would have been pointless, anyway, and by the size of the foreign pup, it was unlikely he would be able to provide his parents' names or pack location. It was fortunate that Marsh had encountered a Grizzly Hollow pack wolf before, otherwise he would have never recognised the scent of the new boy.

This was entertainingly familiar. It was like Borlla all over again, except she had been a little bigger, he was sure. Rather than take command of the situation - the Swift River pups probably knew him better as a silent guardian more than as a dominating force, though he had physically reprimanded them on occasion - Marsh came to stand behind Rihael, watching the foreign pup with interest, though he made sure to keep his stance unimposing. He wanted the child talk to continue; he found their conversations very easy to follow, and no doubt this poor lost lad would be able to express himself easier to his fellow infants. Marsh had a vague idea of where the pack was, based on Vlarindara's directions, and would happily perform a lost-and-found service when required.</blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
O O C | <3 lawlll... That "Fen-oooo" was adorable! I apologize though that Fen doesn't wanna share. :c

<blockquote>Fenru let out one last yelp before his buddy walked straight into his back. His eyes widened but he grinned playfully, turning to look back as Prosper smiled in return, wanting to play. He was about to pounce when his brother arrived on the scene. The corners of his mouth turned down; if he were capable of pouting, he probably would have. He wanted to bat Rihael away with a paw or at least nudge Prosper in the other direction where his sibling was not welcome to join them... but, alas. There was no point in turning him away now, Rihael had already seen the other pup. <b>"Mine,"</b> he merely stated, though the possessive tone was not present in his voice.

<b>"Mmmm,"</b> he whimpered when Marsh had showed up, expressing some additional displeasure when Corinna hadn't followed after his tall auburn figure. He tore his eyes from his chaperone then stood in front of the masked puppy. He let out an assertive growl, which took him by surprise. His ears perked up before turning forward to back up his discontentedness. <b>"P'sperrr mine."</b> He even made sure to imitate the growl Prosper had made when he first introduced himself by name.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Green eyes were shut to the world that afternoon, the she-wolf being lost in sleep. Her three young ones had grown dramatically, and while it felt like yesterday that she had brought them into the world, their size and energy suggested otherwise. Today, she had been happy to let Marsh look over them while she took a much needed nap. During the months of her pregnancy, Corinna had groaned and grumbled every night as the three puppies had kicked inside her stomach. Now she groaned and grumbled because they never wanted to sleep. Since she had first brought them out into the world, they had been fascinated by it, and it was a growing more and more difficult to keep them confined to the den area where she could easily keep an eye on them. So htoday, she had been happy to let one of the other adults of the pack look after them and curl up in the sun.

But a mother knew no rest, and it wasn't long before the alpha female lifted her head from the ground, immediately aware that two of the three were missing. Kisla, the least adventurous of the three it seemed, was sleeping peacefully, and without disturbing her, Cori hoisted herself up on her paws. Her nose zoned in quickly on the scents of her two boys, and thankfully the scent of Marsh, and she too followed them, her anxiety growing as she realized they were heading for the river. She had yet to teach her pups how to swim, frankly feeling that they were not yet old enough, nor strong enough, to be able to fight the current.

Arriving on the scene, the leader took the time to assay the situation. Marsh was there, which helped to ease her anxiety, knowing that he would never let any harm come to them. Both Rihael and Fenru were there. But what caught her interest was the third pup. While she was used to seeing three, she knew by heart the looks, smells, and sounds of her own three and knew that this was not one of hers. Cocking her head to the side, she strode forward, noting with some humor Fenru's protective growl and posture. She had shown up early enough to hear her youngest son introduce his friend, but beyond a name, no other information was given. Probably too young to know. "Hello," she said quietly to the strange pup, offering a smile. "How did you get here?" Hopefully he would understand the question, and it would help in sending him home.

Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

OOC: OMGOMGOMG Fennnnn is just tooo cute!

Prosper had been fascinated with the idea that another puppy had wandered upon them, his tail wagging to and fro - stubby body wobbling on overlarge paws as he inspected Rihael with baby blue eyes. Of course, Fennns' comment of mine made Prosper blink at his new friend, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as he found it amusing to be 'claimed'.. though.. odd in a way. The oldest Grizzly Hollow Puppy crouched and tried to pounce on Fennnn, but stopped mid-crouch when he realized there was another wolf here - but a bigger one.

His gaze started at Marsh's paws.. then rose up...and up...and up.....and up... Prospers head moved with his eyes as he followed the long line of Marsh's legs until he saw the whole wolf. Big! The puppies eyes widened and the first tinge of fear since knowing that they were going to see Fennns, mummum...This was a really...really big wolf.. and he was really..really little. The puppy tucked his pointed tail beneath his legs and crouched down as low as he could - his ear folding over his eye... the other sticking straight up out of curiosity. He wanted to go inspect Marsh and his smell.. and why he was so much bigger than his own mummum and dah... but on the other hand.. was too afraid to.

"Da....ah?" came a thin squeak of question towards Fennn's backside... Prosper looking at his new friend in question. Was this his Dah? If it was.. he was... So Big! Another wolf arrived, decidedly slimmer - more like his own mummum..and Prosper switched his attention to her when she asked a question he didn't understand.. Now.. he was really scared. The masked puppy huddled into himself, hiding behind Fennnn instead of the other way around. "mmm..l-....mmm..l-lost.." was the quiet, stuttering response accompanied with a whine as the puppy lowered his head and put his chin on Fennn's tail, huddling as close to his friend as he could. These were Fennnn's family, right? They wouldn't hurt him if he was behind him!

(This post was last modified: Jul 12, 2011, 03:48 PM by Prosper.)
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>Hael noted the size, shape, and smell of the new puppy, ignoring Fenru's comment and beginning to circle the both of them, sniffing at his paws. But he didn't get far. The puppies had both noticed something behind him, and he wheeled around to see that there was Marsh, towering over them. Rihael's ears and tail fell in one movement; where there was the big male adult, there was authority, and while Hael was obliged to obey him, he wore a scowl at his fun being ruined so soon. Despite this, he left the new puppy's side and strode over to Marsh dutifully, feeling bigger and more important standing in his shadow. While the new pup might have been intimidated by the large Beta, the oldest of the baby Tainns looked up to him unquestionably in the absence of a father figure. Now he stood near the forepaw, nearly as big as his head, as his mother arrived and joined their side.

Corinna's words coaxed a stuttering response from the strange pup, and Hael's displeasure was evident on his face. Why was this P'sperrr wolf allowed to belong to Fenru and not him? Surely mom and Marsh would fix this. He stood as straight as he could, proud to be on the side of his elders, and contributed <b>"He smell <i>weird</i>,"</b>— not yet knowing the right word for "different"— as he secretly tried to figure out what <i>lost</i> meant.</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>As it turned out, the mother didn't take long to appear. He acknowledged her with a nod and swipe of his tongue over his lips, turning back to the infantile scene of jealousy and drama that was unfolding. It seemed this lost boy now belonged to Fenru - at least, if the latter got his way - and Marsh had to question the logic process of that before concluding that it didn't really have to make much sense either way. It wasn't going to be his job to explain that the large puppy wasn't a toy to be fought over; he was just going to be the one to take the boy back, no doubt.

Remaining silent, as usual, Marsh held back to see how Corinna wanted to deal with it. Whilst he could follow their conversation, participating - and providing the needed explanations - was a little beyond his capabilities.</blockquote>