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glimpse of peace — The Wildwood 
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Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>It was really quite pretty out here. Kinis tried not to get side-tracked from his task by contemplating what it would be like to live here; such thoughts only made him sad of late, for he knew that they wouldn't speed up the process. He was going to be here indefinitely, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Oh well. Life goes on.

Three recently deceased mice dangled from his mouth, hung by their tails. He knew it wasn't really rodent season, but he wasn't a one-wolf-army, and wanted to contribute in what small ways he could. the pack's stash would hardly notice the addition of a trio of tiny bodies, so he was set to offer his find to the first packsmate who desired them. Hopefully that would be the pups, or Corinna, or even Indru.

Or he could just eat them himself, and nobody would ever know. Sitting heavily, he dropped his kills by his feet, and stared upwards. The sun was falling now, though you could barely make it out through the trees, and he would have to return soon. They wouldn't miss him for a few extra minutes, though.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
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Persephone Eos Kallikrates
She found herself in the Wildwood once more, the charcoal earth drawing the shadow female back. Long, slender legs carried her over the earth swiftly without purpose — she refused to stop, as she knew that if she did her thoughts would consume her. Movement kept the loner content, each step allowing her to forget her past as she carried forward. The only time Persephone would cease all movement was when she stopped to rest for a few hours, but as soon as she woke the cycle continued. It was a habit she was unable to break, and the life of a loner allowed her to keep the habit alive.
The scent of another mixed with fresh kill stung her nostrils, gray pools widening as she searched the wood for the stranger. It was another pack wolf, the same back that the pale coloured female she had met belonged to. A grimace appeared on her dark lips, ears flattening against her skull as her pace slowed. From his scent the shadow female could tell that he was younger, probably the same age she was. This intrigued her, and before she realized what she was doing, the loner found herself stepping in his direction.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>It wasn't a safe practice, to allow yourself to become distracted while in neutral territory. It was a fact Kinis knew well, and should have adhered to better, but weariness was tearing him in different directions; he should not relax anywhere but in the packlands, but he could not relax whilst within the packlands, and thus was his dilemma.

Fortunately, the creature to intrude upon him was not some fearsome creature, but rather a slight black wolf. His mind immediately went to Triell, but just as quickly reverted back again; this wolf was neither big enough or the right gender to be his brother, and nor did she even faintly bring with her the scent of Swift River. Kinis was presented with conflicting instincts; on the one, he had spent the majority of his recent life avoiding trouble, something that was ingrained into him as a lone wolf. But, ever since rejoining Swift River, he had been contemplating his mistakes, and knew that that very instinct was one of them; how were he and Ruiko ever expected to create a new family without allies? Kinis would have to fight his need to run from strange meetings.

As he sat there, watching the dark female, feeling awkward and strange sitting there with his three dead mice, he fought between defensiveness and friendliness. A great many excellent lines swam through his head as means to introduce himself, or start conversation. His own discomfort failed him in the end.

<i>Hello!</i> he wanted to say. <i>I'm Kinis Tainn. What a nice day to be out for a walk. What's your name, pretty stranger?</i> Somehow, he didn't feel that translated well from the <b>"Uh, yo,"</b> that actually came out of his mouth.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
It was too late for the female to stop herself from approaching the yearling male — her long, slender legs had already done the work, and Persephone found herself staring at the agouti-coloured boy. She had not come across a wolf her own age since she had left her home and siblings. The loner was used to crossing paths with older wolves who had years on her. Pausing, the female remained standing, studying the boy with silent interest.
From what she could tell, there were two packs nearby — the one that this boy and the pale female belonged to, and another one that Persephone had not yet met any wolves from. Although she had no intention of joining with either pack, it was good to learn as much as she could about her new surroundings. Especially which territories she could tread on and which she couldn't. The female wished she was running into more lone wolves then pack wolves, although if she had her way she wouldn't be running into any wolves at all.
The boy's awkward voice bubbled past his lips, catching the female's attention. She nodded slightly, acknowledging the fellow yearling. "Hi," she replied, offering nothing more than a simple greeting and a crooked smile place upon her licorice lips.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Well, that had gone <i>so</i> well. He had totally made a good first impression; she didn't think he was a blundering idiot or anything. Desperate to improve the situation that he saw as rapidly failing - his insecurities were making this all much worse than it actually was - he opened his mouth to say something charming, but then had to close it again with the terrible knowledge that he had no idea what that would be.

<b>"Hello,"</b> he managed instead, glad at least that natural politeness could come through for him. But where to go from here? From her body language, Kinis didn't really think that she had intended any confrontation - if anything, she wanted to leave - and he was torn between encouraging her to do so and engaging her in conversation.

At a loss, his mind flailed about for the first topic that it could find. <b>"Would you like a mouse?"</b> He was so smooth. There was no way she could resist, surely.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
Shifting her forepaws awkwardly the young female bowed her head slightly, not once taking her gray pools off the boy. Although she had just met him, Persephone could tell that he was incapable of any harm — at least, to her. And that was all she cared about. She could feel her guard slowly slipping away, and the loner did nothing to stop it. More words spilled from the boy's maw, and the smile on her lips widened. She stepped toward him after he asked her if she wanted a mouse, ears pressed to her skull.
Are you sure? She asked, stomach rumbling with hunger pains. She wasn't going to deny food if it was offered, but he was a pack wolf — if he was bringing back food for his pack, she didn't want to take it. The loner was fully capable of finding her own food, but lately the thought of hunting hadn't crossed her mind. She had been too preoccupied with traveling then keeping herself healthy.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
Very sorry for the wait!

<blockquote>Why had he offered that? He glanced down at his three kills, aware of his past intention to give them to his pack, but then also aware of his own temptation to eat them anyway... with the River as full as it was, three tiny rodents really wasn't going to fill any significant holes.

Kinis looked back up at her, and saw the girl smiling. His fate was sealed. <b>"Of course!"</b> he said, sure his voice sounded a little higher than it normally was. <b>"You look hungry."</b> Wait. Was that a bad move? <b>"Erm, not that I meant... I just... here."</b> As means to distract his foolish mouth, he plucked one of the mice from the ground by its tail, flinging it lightly at the girl's feet.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
No worries! :)
The boy had an awkward charm, and even though he was a pack wolf Persephone couldn't help but like him. She had forgotten how young she really was until she had come across him, and the loner liked knowing she didn't have to act as old as she felt some days. Her smile widened as he spoke again and flung the mouse at her paws, tail wagging in short, happy bursts. Persephone picked up the mouse delicately with her teeth, and stepped closer the boy before sitting down a few paw steps away from him. Placing the mouse back at her paws she glanced back up at him, waiting for him to take the first bite.
She didn't like taking hand-outs from strangers, especially a pack wolf, but with her stomach growling painfully at her, the loner couldn't pass up the offer. Persephone was starving, and she knew she wasn't going to make it through the winter if she didn't start taking care of herself. Thank you, she murmured softly, gray pools falling from his face as she spoke. The youth was grateful that she had stumbled across such a kind stranger, but she knew there weren't many like him.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>It was all so polite, in a strained way, but Kinis found himself enjoying it. It went against common sense to help a stranger, but, he thought, that depended on what common sense dictated. It was true he had an ulterior motive, but whether he would ever have the guts to mention them would yet be seen. As it stood, he took a small pride in this moment of selflessness.

He mumbled nondescriptly at her gratitude, nodding his head once. He really didn't want thanks. When he saw that she was waiting for him to eat first, he inwardly cringed - well, looked like the pack's portion was vanishing rapidly - and then decided, what the hell, it was a sacrifice for the cause. Noble mouse, we salute you.

Feeling a little awkward about it, Kinis nevertheless picked up one of the small mice, crunching and swallowing it far too quickly. Well, for all his worry, that really hadn't been so filling. Now, all three, maybe... He watched her, curious to see her reaction, knowing how important every meal was when you were alone - but even then... <b>"Sorry it's pretty measly,"</b> he said, grimacing. <b>"I've never been that good at getting the big stuff on my own."</b></blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>