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Lonely Wanderings — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC Comments: Back dated to the beginning of April :) Anyone Welcome! Tyne needs to meet some of his new packmates and get pulled out of this depression

It had been about a week since the sea wolves joining and he hadn’t had any sign of Ayla. Despite training as a hunter in Bella Coola, Tyne had taken it upon himself to scout the borders in hopes of finding Ayla, or anything that could lead him to exactly where she had gone. His efforts hadn’t been rewarded and his hope of ever seeing her again was fading fast. With each passing day his heart broke more and more. Why had she gone? Why would she leave without a single word? He asked himself these questions over and over but it was becoming clear that he may never get the answers.

The day had begun like any other one; he woke up and walked the borders. His endless searching had kept him from interacting much with anyone, even his age-mates. He was detached and he knew it. When he had first arrived in Relic Lore the tawny male had wanted to find his way home but also wanted to meet others just in case he and his family had to stay in this retched land-lock place. Now, however, that wasn’t the case. Tyne could really care less if he got close to anyone ever again. The silvery woman who he had just met but grew to love had left a void in the yearling. He wasn’t going to be rude to any of his new packmates or standoffish, but he wasn’t going to openly seek anyone out – not for a while at least.

The sun was shining and snow was melting. It was like a mine felid with puddles. His large creamy paws were usually covered in mud from not caring to wash them or watch where he walked. As he walked his golden eyes scanned the cedars around him. A sigh escaped his inky lips “Why were we brought to such a retched place?” he muttered to himself. Since the disappearance of Ayla his hatred for being brought here only grew. He couldn’t find one thing that would ever compare to his coastal home. Tyne spots a small clearing in the trees that seems to have a flat bolder in the center. He makes his way over to it and decides to climb upon in. The sunlight warmed his shedding coat as he lay down. The boy decides that a small nap wouldn’t hurt anything as he closes his golden audits and listened to the forest around him.

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2016, 10:53 PM by Tyne.)
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Arla who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Orabelle "Niq'x" Mizuno
@Tyne thought I'd throw Niq in here to prevent this thread from dying <3

She did not understand why they were here.

She did not understand why they couldn’t have taken Pip with them and left this wretched place.

She did not understand where the ocean had gone and why it was so far away.

She also did not understand why they had not found the rest of their family.

Had they been placed here as well? Were they aimlessly wandering the vast terrain of Relic Lore, searching for their packmates just like Niq’x (and co.) had been? It was immensely unsettling knowing she had no control over her current situation. She still had no recollection of how she had gotten here, or why. The otter could remember the shrieks of her family along with the strange thunderous hum of the black birds in the sky. But she had not seen what had taken her. Whatever it was had placed her here, along with a handful of her packmates, but for what purpose. Surely there was a reason for their presence here, that required multiple members of the Bella Coola clan.

Being confined to some pack that wasn’t her own was even more troubling than their current situation. This was not home — she did not want to make a home, whether it be temporary or not. There was far too many trees and not enough water. It was deeply troubling.

A scowl had formed over her lips as she maneuvered through the strange territory, mud splashing against the back of her legs despite her feeble attempts to avoid the puddles of melting snow. She hoped that it would not be difficult to convince Pip to leave the hollow wolves. Their home was by the water’s edge, surely her mute sister would understand that. Niq’x knew that her sister felt as though she owed these wolves something for patching her up and giving her a place to rest. Pip was far too nice, and selfless, for her own good.

“Hey sleepyhead,” she called out as she stumbled upon Tyne’s clearing, her lips tightening into a thin line as she approached the boulder he was sprawled across. She was curious as to how the Kersey was coping with everything. While they were all Coola wolves, Tyne was the only one who had woken up in Lore without a family member by his side.

[Image: niqsig2_zpsa7puxlxp.png]
[Image: niqsig1_zpsuyvllbs3.png]
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC Comments: @Niq'x Thank for replyin'!

The sounds around him were peaceful; the soft song of birds, the gentle breeze through the leaves, small critters moving about the forest floor. This might have been the case for a land wolf but to this sea wolf they were simply annoying. It wasn’t the sound of gulls or waves crashing on the beach or the splashing of sea life. These were the sounds that Tyne longed to hear, not what was filling his charcoal audits now. The only thing that the boy enjoyed was the warming sun. Back home he would often lay in the sun for a nap.

He had drifted off a bit and was dreaming of the waves lapping at his paws, the sun warming his fur, salt filling his nose. It all seemed so real – the sun, the salt – the scent was too real too close. Tyne was brought out of his slumber. Slat filled his nose as words drift into his ears “Hey sleepyhead”.

His golden eyes opened to see Niq’x walking towards him. So that’s where the salt is coming from he thought bummed out that he wasn’t actually by the sea. “Hey Niq’x” he responded sheepishly letting out a yawn. He stretched his limbs but kept his head down on the bolder. There was no use in raising it.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Arla who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Orabelle "Niq'x" Mizuno

While they had pursued different interests back home, they were still packmates — which meant they were family. They had to stick together; they did not have anyone else in these strange lands. Niq’x hoped that it wouldn’t take long to convince Pip to vacate these lands. The sea wolves needed to return home and find the rest of their pack. A handful of them had ended up in this strange place, perhaps they would find more on their venture back to the ocean. She longed for the feeling of sand between her toes and the swell of the ocean splashing against her legs as she hunted for fish and mussels. Luckily the salt was embedded in both her fur and skin and refuse to leave her, or else she might have gone completely mad in these heavily forested lands.

The older wolf roused from his slumber, his jaws stretching apart in a yawn as he greeted the sea princess. She offered him a lazy smile, her black tipped tail waving softly behind him. She flopped down on the ground beside the boulder he was perched upon, a sigh slipping past her lips as she studied his sullen expression. “How are you liking this place?” She asked suddenly, getting straight to the point as a frown pulled at her lips. Niq’x wanted nothing to do with this place — she simply wanted to get her sister and leave as quickly as possible. However, it seemed that Pip had other plans. She had grown comfortable here, which worried the otter. She couldn’t leave her sister with these strange wolves, but she couldn’t leave without her — and Niq’x did not know if she could survive here.

[Image: niqsig2_zpsa7puxlxp.png]
[Image: niqsig1_zpsuyvllbs3.png]
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

Golden eyes closed again once more momentarily as he rolled them to give em a good stretch. When they opened again they saw Niq’x lying by the boulder studying his expression. Looking away with a sigh the male stares blankly ahead. His attention is pulled back to reality with the otters words “How are you liking this place?” His eyes rolled again but this time in disgust. His inky lips pulled up to show his distaste as golden eyes looked sideways at her. “Ha. Like? Who would ever like a place like this?” he replied with annoyance. He wasn’t annoyed at Niq’x in the slight bit – it was everything else; being forced from his home, away from his family, and into this god forsaken land.

After a few moments of silence the Kersey male continued keeping his head on his forelegs and eyes on the ground in front of the boulder. “Sorry” he sighed “I just want to go home. Everything is too dry around here. Sure I'm a hunter but doesn’t mean I didn’t love the ocean, sand, salty air and everything else that made home, well, home.” His red and brown tail swished a few times before he added “Where do you stand about the whole situation?”

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Arla who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Orabelle "Niq'x" Mizuno

She could not stop the smile from unfolding across her maw at @Tyne’s comment, a soft laugh rolling off her tongue as she nodded: “Couldn’t agree with you more.” Niq’x did not understand how these wolves were comfortable living so far away from the water — it seemed completely barbaric. Despite being a hunter, Tyne was still a wolf of the sea. Even though the land prey called to him, the call of the sea would always be greater. They had been away from their home in Bella Coola for too long already…was any of their family looking for them? Niq’x did not know how much longer she could stand being in this place…

As the hunter spoke once more she gave a soft roll of her shoulders, dismissing his apology. She allowed him to say his piece before she answered his question, her mismatched gaze soft as she studied the agouti male. “I feel the same way,” she grumbled in response, her black-tipped tail flicking in annoyance. “I’m growing tired of all these trees. I want to find home… but… I don’t know if Pip wants to.” Her frown deepened. The sea princess worried that her sister had grown too comfortable in these strange lands and would want to remain here with these bizarre specimens. She sighed, defeated by the situation.

(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2016, 05:30 AM by Niq'x.)
[Image: niqsig2_zpsa7puxlxp.png]
[Image: niqsig1_zpsuyvllbs3.png]
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey

OOC Cooments! I am sooo sorry this took so long life got really hectic for a while DX

His age mate gave a slight laugh at his outburst - which strangely enough made him feel a bit better. The tawny male decides to sit up so that he could look at Niq’x better. Another yawn escaped his maw as powerful forelegs lifted his upper body enough to see the sea princess better but also to remain in a comfortable position.

Looking back at Niq’x he saw her shoulders roll in response to his apology. Good she isn’t mad or anything he thought. It was nice for Tyne to have someone on his side at least. Her agreeing with him on hating this place was expected. The Kersey male didn’t know any other wolf to have loved the sea more than Niq’x except maybe Pip…speaking of Pip. Tyne studied the older Mizuno sisters mismatched eyes and saw deep concern as she said she didn’t think Pip wanted to go home.

This didn’t really shock Tyne much because he had been thinking the same thing. He had done a lot of observing of the Grizzly Hallow wolves and his family. Pip had seemed to cross the lines of both groups – happily. He had found this concerning. He knew how much Niq’x and Blitz wanted to go home but he also knew how much they loved their sister and could never leave her. “I’ve noticed how comfortable she is around the tree dwellers. I’m not sure which she would choose if forced to.” He explained honestly and with sympathy in his voice.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Arla who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Orabelle "Niq'x" Mizuno

Although she would never admit it aloud, Niq’x worried about her packmate. The sea wolves were all alone here, in these strange foreign lands, but Tyne was a little more alone. While she had her littermates and her cousin with her, the Kersey was without his own kin. Even though the Bella Coola wolves were a tight knit group, it was still nice to have family in times of turmoil. As she adjusted to their new life, Niq’x had not gotten he chance to seek out her friend to see how he was handling things — especially since the she-wolf who was originally supposed to accompany them to the Hollow disappeared. She felt guilty. The otter had been so wrapped up in her own problems that she had ignored her friend, who was probably having just as hard of a time adjusting. Bad Niq’x.

“I’m not sure either,” the girl grumbled in response, her ears falling against her head as she avoided his golden gaze. “I worry she’s forgotten about the sea.” Pip was supposed to grow up to be a marvellous fisher alongside Niq’x — not some bunny-chasing tree hugger. Vomit. How could anyone want to live here?

“Do you miss it?” She asked, suddenly, quickly changing the topic of discussion. She loved her sister dearly and did not want to leave her behind, but the sea was calling. Niq knew that eventually she would need to return home.

[Image: niqsig2_zpsa7puxlxp.png]
[Image: niqsig1_zpsuyvllbs3.png]