He rose to his paws and looked at her. "You're completely right." He tried his best to remain cool tones. "I'm taking my head out of my ass. I'm telling you all of my issues and showing you that I must be the most pathetic excuse for a friend, son, pack mate, whatever the fuck I am to anyone anymore. I'm showing you that apparently, I don't do anything better than run from my problems and stay like a child forever. Showing you that everyone here, you, are better off without me. So sorry for fucking wasting everyone's time and wasting all of your time and thinking I could be some knight and help repair broken dreams. But sorry doesn't mean shit unless you don't do something again so this is me not doing that again. I'll never be anyone in this god damn forest's problem again." He had given upon. Exposed and ripped himself open like macabre in a museum. What had he gotten? A 'grow up' and a 'take your head out of your ass'. "I'm not going to bother anyone with goodbyes because if I'm not worth your time I'm not worth their time either." That was it. Any gas he had left in him to fuel the fire had been burned up. He was tired but this officially wasn't his place to rest his head anymore. All of that was thrown to the skies like the breeze. With nowhere to go, he turned to leave the borders of Grizzly Hollow. He had no idea what to do from here but he but the bright stars would guide him. Or so he hoped.
-and dea is gone-
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