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break the ice — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
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Amaryllis Azalea
For @Ophelia

The day had certainly not gone as Amaryllis had thought it would. Perhaps she'd check the few waters supplies that hadn't quite frozen over yet or break holes in thin ice again so they could still access some water, maybe check on the caches to see how they were going and maybe get a few border patrols in.

She certainly hadn't thought she'd have to break up a fight between @Ophelia and @Pip, with their other pack mates looking on in shock before berating Ophelia and looking after Pip and the injury she had received. Truth be told, after all that, Amaryllis had just felt tired yet instead of retiring to the communal den or even her own private den after making sure Pip was alright, she had taken off towards the southern most point of the pack lands, towards the bear den that lay there to take cover there. She had 'discovered' it while exploring and thought it would make a good hideout for a few hours, while she recovered with a nap and her own thoughts.

Guilt ate at her for how she had acted towards Ophelia, though the young girl had deserved the harsh words for how she treated Pip. Though she hadn't been there to see Ophelia's apology, as she had gone to seek out Pip, she hoped the girl was a bit more apologetic. She was still young after all and still learning, even if her actions were almost unforgivable.

Laying curled up towards the back of the old den, pale eyes peering out towards the snow whipping about outside, she hoped that everyone had also taken cover in this horrid wind.