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Something Inbetween — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Her bi-colored eyes returned to the tall mountain peak. She had not been able to see it from the forest, lucky her, and hadn't thought much about it till now. It was hard not to look at it's face, knowing she had lived upon it not so long ago. And to think,she had admired it from a distance once upon a time. Now it was just something else to remind her of what was. Both ears swiveled back at his voice, once again drawing her out of a place she didn't want to be. She took a deep breath in, and decided to take a seat. This could take a little bit, and she pursed her lips, trying to decide what to share, and just how to share it. Her ear folded slightly, and in a softer tone she spoke. <b>"Sadly the leadess' mate left her, and her pups so it hasn't been easy,"</b> she sighed then, her eyes focusing on the ground. Quickly she continued like this wasn't her story, looking up,<b>"But the two Seconds are very loyal, caring wolves, and have done a lot to keep things together. The pups of coarse I think are the main glue.There's four of them almost half a year old now and learning to hunt. They sorta help everyone get along because everyone wants to take care of them, keep 'em safe."</b> Her smile was as much in her voice as it was on her lips. She was so proud of her pack, and her children. A lot of times feeling she was underserving of such things. She still smiled, pressing on.

<b>"And there's me. I do the best I can, and some members who left came back. They aren't quite who they use to be, but I think their coming around I guess. Matter of fact we had a fellow join us just before fall. He's actually a nice guy too.."</b> She said, keeping her voice light. In the back of her mind she briefly wondered what it would be like if she was in the background of this story, not the one it was about. She was sure eventually he know who she was. Right now it didn't matter. She could act like she was just another pack wolf couldn't she? Have this one moment where someone didn't look at her and think oh, poor you.<b>"Sorry if I'm rambling. I just think it's ironic we call our pack Grizzly Hollow, when the only time we are Grizzly is if someone rubs us the wrong way,"</b> She chuckled, a little then remembering a few times it had come to such. <b>"If you don't mind, what about you?"</b> She asked, interested in his story. If he declined it wouldn't totally wreck her day. They were strangers, and everyone had their secerts.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Iceh who has 16 posts.
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Richter Munro
Richter listened to her intently-- there was something about her story that put him off, he guessed. And then his lips curled down into a frown, his ears lowered as she spoke of the leader's mate leaving. And leaving her with pups.. really, who would be such a jerk? He didn't know the girl, but no one deserved to be left alone like that. "I.. am sorry for your loss," a leader leaving was a loss, packs were just like families. Not all by blood, but in spirit. It wasn't so big of a pack, too, he noticed. It probably started off as a small family and started to grow, as many packs he'd heard of did. It was nice, he guessed, to have the comfort of family. The leadess would have her pack to help her through hard times, at the very least she had that. It made him feel a little better, and like she didn't have it so bad off. "I think anyone could be grizzly when ya get rubbed the wrong way," he offered her a grin. And, really, who wanted to get rubbed the wrong way? Unless you were just one of those people that automatically made it so that you got rubbed the wrong way, no matter what someone did. Which, honestly, was ridiculous.

"I don't mind at all," he rolled his shoulders, sighing in relief at the sound of a small pop. "Lived way down south for th' longest time," he said. "Didn't ever really join a pack, never had th' need ta, y'know? Never been in one. Not besides the one I was born in, which I ended up leavin' pretty young, 'fore I was even one. Not too many nice folks there. I say s'not worth stayin' if no one's treatin' ya right. Anyone can live anywhere, nothin's stoppin ya but yerself," he did ramble a bit, but he didn't pay too much attention to his ramblings. If anything, he liked to talk and he liked for others to talk. He liked the sound of voices, and while it sounded a little arrogant, he really did love his own voice. He could listen to himself talk all day if he had the chance to. "Anyways, just been travlin' my whole life. Stopped here an' there, learned a thing er two along the way. Helpin' out anyone that needs it here an' there. Recently decided ta come up real north, so I traveled for a long while.. weeks, I think. Maybe months, kinda lost count in the days. Just recently stopped, this place seems nice to wait out the winter. No one wants to go travlin' too much in winter, 'specially with them big cats goin' around," he said the word 'cat' with clear distaste. They were disgusting, mean creatures. Not worth his time.
(This post was last modified: Oct 25, 2011, 10:06 PM by Richter.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><i>sorry for the wait.</i>It was only natural for someone to be displeased with how the story unfolded. Anyone sensible would have been put off by the idea. Again she shrugged her shoulders accepting his sympathy, but not having anything else to say. She really didn't want to talk about it any more. It was a loss, but she tried to tell herself maybe it was for the best. If she couldn't count on him when she most needed him, what did it matter if he left? It was better sooner than later? Though no time really was a good time for someone to leave without saying goodbye. It would have been easier if he'd died, at least she would have understood to a point...been able to move on without wondering if he'd be back.

When the grey fellow grinned, she did to just because she could. Or maybe because he understood what she meant. Another mystery. As he started to offer to share about himself, it was clear by the look in her intelligent eyes she was listening, soaking up his story. It was enlightning to hear about someone else's life. Made hers seem not so bad sometimes, and he just looked like his history was interesting. She figured it was something she needed to hear. Her ears gentle cupped in his direction, though they seemed to yield back when he said his home pack had not been the nicest. She nodded her head in agreement about his statement of being treated right, she was glad he had not tried to stick around. She knew what it felt like not fitting in, especially when no one was kind. She was not put off by his longer story, she liked to listen. It was better then talking by far.

Her head bobbed, he did look like he did well on his own, and she admired him for that. She had tried, but fear had her a worried what would happen to her never being alone. She thoroughly believed he did help whoever needed it, like a Robin Hood or someting. <b>"You look in good shape, and I'm sure you will have no trouble this winter. The game here is plenty, and there is only one other pack,"</b> she said, her voice warm. The mention of cats, her own ears pinned in disgust. Her voice became hard,<b>"Yes, those cats are unpleasant things. There use to be a third pack, sadly a mountain lion took out it's leader so I don't think you'll want to be around the mountain any way."</b> She said it also with distaste, her brow furrowed because she hoped the lion was dead. </blockquote>
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