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do you hear what i hear? — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Ace who has 87 posts.
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Felix Macieo
RE: Grizzly Hollow, due to recent snows, your local water source has become very difficult to access.
For @Joan!  It's late evening, 12/18.  Cold as heck.

It was cold.  It was brutally cold.  Father had said that the winter time was like nothing they’d known, and there was no way to properly describe it, but even his stories had not made winter sound so very harsh.  Felix gave a small shiver, flexing his ears back against his thick coat as he moved towards the pack’s nearest water source – and found it frozen over.  At first, the boy thought little of it, but even stamping on the edge did little.  The ice didn’t so much as crack.

His next water spot in line was not open, either.

So the Macieo did what he could think of, and returned to the heart of the pack, lifting his head to call for his sister.  His voice was hoarse in the biting air, short and broken where it wouldn’t have been otherwise.  I sound like a naughty pup who’s cried all night, he thought grimly, but how else was he supposed to get Joan?  She was the smartest wolf he knew, aside from their parents, and he had no desire to bother Father (especially now that the others were…  well, he wasn’t going to think about that).

“Joan?  Joan!  We have something important to do!”