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Precious — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok
@Nineva <3

RE - Violent Thunderstorms

It felt so good to have his sister back. Though she hadn't decided to stay after her reunion with their father, it was enough that she made the time to come and visit. He ached to be with her, to serve his rightful role at her side, but there was too much going on right now. With the pups born, Miccah busy with leader duties while carving time with his mate and newborn children, someone needed to watch the borders. Not that Miccah didn't do that as well, but Korrin wanted to help alieve his stress. At least a little bit. It was his dream after all. He wanted nothing more than to be a guardian when he came of age. That's why he had joined both his father and Miccah in their various border patrols. The emerald-eyed yearling even had begun sparring with both men occasionally. He had finally filled out to his permanent form, and though his frame was large with the promise of strength already, he wanted to bulk up and hone his skills in the art of fighting.

Looking up at the sky, Korrin frowned at the dark clouds. It was a promise of rain, and how the boy abhorred rain. His paws leading him to the farthest edges of Woodlands territory, the boy patiently waited for his older sibling. The clouds kept getting darker and darker, and so did his gaze. He didn't like the idea of Nin traveling in this. He hoped she was okay.

But who was he kidding, Nineva would proabably love the challenge and not think of the risk to her safety. Though annoyance was an emotion often partnered with Nineva to him, she was still his favorite sibling. She was his number one girl and he didn't see that changing anytime soon.

"Shit," the boy murmured in annoyance as he felt the first drops of rain land on his muzzle.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

The more clouds that gathered high above both her head and the thickening canopy, the quicker her pace picked up. An easy smile seemed all but permanently glued to her muzzle despite the looming darkness, however, excitement swirling within her chest regardless of the inclement weather. No matter such fateful slights, it was always a good day when she was able to return to the thickets and visit with her family.

As the scenery around her changed, the toponyms passing through her mind with each entrance into the various regions that separated her from Secret Woodlands, she was reminded of that first journey, not from Gizzly Hollow bit a stretch farther. How she had despised each and every difference, how the darkness of the brambled thickets had seemed menacing and suffocating. Now a young woman of changed heart and emboldened mind, each variance was a wonder to her thirsty mind and eyes, and as she at last began to pick her way through thicker and thicker brush, she felt nothing but appreciation for the land that had kept most of her family protected.

Korrin's scent swelled within her nostrils, and as the sky above could bear the weight of the water it was holding no more, she let out a sound that was something between a muted bark and a giggle. She knew how her brother felt about the rain, and how uncomfortable he probably was to be exposed to it now. Yet she also knew how dedicated he was, a characteristic of his that she believed down to the depths of her heart she would always be able to rely on, and was not at all surprised to spy him diligently standing sentry in wait for her.

The womanly graces her yearling body had adopted tossed to the wind, she was a bubbling, wriggling little girl once more as she swept up to her brother. Kisses were placed upon his cheek before a muddy paw was lifted, windmilling through the air playfully.

"Betcha wanna get under some cover, huh?" she giggled, and a low rumble of thunder chased her words as if in emphasis.

Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok

As he caught sight of his older sister, a rare grin appeared on his usual stoic features. The yearling leaned slightly into her touch, relishing in her joy. But as she pulled away and lifted her muddy paw to his face, the teen couldn't help but roll his eyes and swipe her paw away with his own. Although, the slight twinkle in his emerald gaze betrayed his true amusement at her actions. Nodding his head at her words, the boy turned and began to lead them deeper into his home in an effort to escape the rain that began to come down on them with a sudden fury.

As Korrin breathed in the slight traces of her pack, one scent stood out from all the others. In her many visits, he had become familiar with this scent - and it was unfortunately the scent of a male. The bulky teen's muzzle wrinkled in distate as he looked at his sister. Maybe it was finally time to let her know of his displeasure. "I can smell him all over you sis." It was no secret that Korrin held a protective nature, especially when it came to his siblings. He didn't like the idea of some bumbling fool spending so much time with his sister. What if this boy ended up hurting her in some way? It was Korrin's rightful duty as her brother to rip him apart. Right? And maybe the teen felt a little jealous that this stranger spent more time with his sister than her own brother did. But whose fault was that? Certainly not Nineva's. He could go and visit her too. Korrin stared at his sister, and waited to see if she would say anything about her little special stranger and relieve his curiousity.

[Image: korrin-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

She grinned as though she were at a jamboree when he threw her his own smile, an expression which turned wry at the roll of his eyes. Happily she trotted after him, very much less bothered by the weather than he was. The deeper they traveled into the thickets, the choking growth protected them more and more until she didn't notice it at all. At this point she gave her pelt a good shake, spraying the brush and her brother indiscriminately. What was that he had said?

Her mismatched gaze focused on him for a moment as she tried to think of who he would be. When it clicked, it felt obvious. Who was the single wolf she spent the most one on one time with? Yet another grin spread over Nineva's maw before she answered.

"What, @Tomen?"

Despite the gap she had created while they grew up, these visits with her brother had taught her that other than maturing, he hadn't changed all too much. He was still just as lawful and protective as he had been when a child. She loved that about him; it was what made him so relatable to her, while @Rose was a persistent mystery.

"Y'know," she offered, swinging her hip into his playful, "you should come visit some time and meet 'im. I think you guys would get along, he's really sweet and a lot of fun."

Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok

When she shook her fur and sprayed him with water the boy gave her a slight growl of warning. She knew how much he hated rain. But then she went on to talk about Tomen. What kind of name was that anyway? The teen rolled his emerald gaze, speaking volumes on his dislike of that particular idea. "I'd only go to make sure you're not spending time with some fool who doesn't deserve you." Honestly, the aspiring guardian didnt like the thought of anyone being with his sister, but he had to make sure this "Tomen" was at least good enough company to be spending time with his sister. Nineva had grown up to be beautiful, and she would probably grow even more into her beauty. Rose was pretty too, and all of this was annoying to Korrin because pretty equaled boys and boys were stupid sometimes. He should know, he was one. Whenever Korrin got around a pretty lady, the boy was still trying to figure out that stupid flutter he would get in his heart. It was weird.

Anyway, there was no time to think about these things. He wanted to speak to his sister about something else. "Have you spoken to Rose recently?"

(This post was last modified: Jul 15, 2016, 12:06 AM by Korrin.)
[Image: korrin-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
She hadn't expected him to rebuke the idea so quickly and thoroughly, and this gaposis of what was expected and what occurred caused a small frown to curve her lips downward. Protective was one thing, but this she was bothered by. It wasn't the possible insult to Tomen; she knew that wasn't personal, as Korrin didn't even know her friend. It was the idea being perpetuated that she would be so easily swept away by someone small and unworthy. Her brother went on to change the subject, and normally the mention of Rose would have inspired the girl to roll her own eyes, though with a smile. The latter became present, smoothly morphing her mouth once more, but she didn't let him get away with his first jab so easily.

Quick as a hornet she nipped at his ear, not to cause him pain but to be sure she had his full attention. Affection shone warmly in her eyes, but there was a clipped edge to her words that made it clear the point she was about to make was important and needed to be heeded.

"I know you doubt others, Korrin, but don't you ever doubt me, alright? We need to trust each other," she declared, before her smile grew wry as she added "even I, @Rose. I don't really see her around much since I came back, but then I don't hunt after her either. Figured she should have her own space without big sister bearing down on her. She'll seek me out if she wants, right?

Why do you ask?"
(This post was last modified: Sep 02, 2016, 04:01 PM by Nineva.)
Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok

By the time he saw her move at the corner of his eye, it was too late. He flinched at the nip, more out of the unexpectedness of the attack than of the slight pain. Korrin wasted no time in glaring at his sibling, but couldn't help but smile slightly at her next words. She was right. They needed to trust each other, and that meant, unfortunately, her taste in the boys she chose to surround herself with. As long as it wasn't many - Korrin wanted to shudder at the thought. Though he was younger, in many ways he saw Nineva as his 'little' sister, though in no way was she little. Her size brought him comfort. No intelligent man would ever want to mess with her, especially if she decided to hone her fighting skills more. And by the looks of things, she had. He only nodded at her words, his green gaze serious. He would take her words to heart.

Nineva continued, speaking about their sister. Never had they truly gotten along, her and Rose, so of course he hadn't expected a welcome back celebration from Rose..but still. "It's just...her scent's been getting lighter and lighter on the borders and she keeps pulling these stupid disappearing acts. I wonder where she goes all the time..? Anyway, I was just wondering if you had seen her recently." Korrin shrugged lightly. He was sure it was nothing. Rose would come around, she always did. And when she did, like always, the teen would rip her a new one for worrying him. It would all be okay.

(This post was last modified: Sep 14, 2016, 11:53 PM by Korrin.)
[Image: korrin-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

so lying underneath these stormy skies

She had expected the typical reassurances that were said on @Rose's behalf, about how she just danced to her own beat and that the distance between the sisters was just a result of their independence. Nineva hadn't really thought there would be something that truly merited concern. Perplexed by what he had to say, her brows knit together and a minute frown pulled the corners of her black lips downwards. To an extent, the eldest of the trio had always thought that she and her sister's relationship was satisfactory despite the rocky terrain they had stepped onto here and there. It certainly wasn't close, but she had never considered what that meant she was missing. That something could be changing so much, and Nineva not even notice, was an eye opener.

Worse, though, was that Korrin was at a loss. What was so wrong that Rose could not confide in her brother? Perhaps @Ash had a better idea? But then, wouldn't he have shared it with his concerned son? Her stomach churned as with each leap and bound her thoughts took, she realized that she knew next to nothing of the relationship between her own family members. She'd known approximately where she stood with them, but not each other and wasn't that just selfish of her?

"I didn't know," she answered quietly. "Rose has always seemed fine around me, the rare times I get to see her, but I guess... maybe it was just an act. I think we all know I'm the last one she'd want to seem vulnerable to."

Was that Nineva's fault? Or was it just how things were meant to be between them, given their distinctly different personalities? She felt that it was enough of the former for her to take on some guilt.

"I'll try to talk to her. See if maybe... I mean anyways, I should... be a better sister."

She'd already apologized to them, Korrin more extensively, for what she had done; running away and leaving them behind to worry. Reiterating that now would be fruitless, but there was more that clearly needed repaired. It was a lot of work, rebuilding burnt bridges, and she knew she deserved to shoulder that labor.

"... there's... something else I wanted to talk to you about, too."

she said "I know the sun must set to rise."