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The Secret Sessions — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
For pretty boy @Sven || Morning, midway through the Marsh || playing while writing

what a face, have i seen it in a dream?

He didn't sleep well and had left at some ungodly hour to make it out here. The dark boy wasn't exactly sure why he was always sneaking away out here. He always returned home by the end of the day, though. Usually dirty and with obvious signs of travel. He made sure to never neglect his duties within Grizzly Hollow despite his wandering paws. Almost like a ghost, he'd slide around borders making sure all was well, occasionally checking in on Nineva to make sure she was healthy and doing okay, even spending times chatting with @Yvly about how she was doing and his progress on aiming for Guardian. The hollows were turning out to be a well fitting place for him despite any ill feelings he held about no Lyalls in charge. As much as it pained him he had to face the fact that not everything could belong to someone forever.

The cold much of the marsh had been keeping him awake through the wandering. Making sure to not doze off nor get too lost in his thoughts. Perhaps he kept returning with hopes of running into Enoki again, ever desperate to hold on to some ties with the Ridge. She had done so much for him too. Taught him, saved his life from a wolverine, comforted him. She was even there on the day he decided to leave home. A tender spot for her would always remain in his heart. Maybe if he thought about her enough she'd appear before him.

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
The marsh always reminded him of Hecate, as much as he wished it didn't. It was hard enough seeing both her and his father in @Attica, but out here she wasn't even with him to distract from ill memories with all the good that set her apart. Out here, he could only remember the time he'd spent with the woman his father had stolen away.

Still, he wouldn't let the whore keep him from any part of this expanse that he very much considered his. Winter had scarcened their prey, though not horribly it still required that he travel further than he would during any other season. These were his hunting grounds, separate from the pack, solitary so that he could be with his thoughts and the frigid air and his victim and nothing else. He very much liked them and so he shook away the memories of Hecate and pressed forward.

Unpleasing too was the scent of a stranger nearby, but that was ignored as well. It seemed the universe did not want him to have this today, but he'd never really given in to what the world seemed to want from him anyways. So even as he could see the dark figure from the corner of his pale eye, Sven slinked on without a word.
(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 07:08 AM by Sven.)