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Still alive for you — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

While Indru understood what Triell was saying, he still felt unsure as to what the boy wanted from him. He seemed to say he wasn't angry at him, that he understood why he had been absent, but then still rage at him as well about the events that had happened during it. Though Indru could understand how it had been his fault if everyone had left. You can't deny you've avoided me since I returned. I didn't know whether you were angry at me or not, whether it was better to leave you to work it out, or even if you just wouldn't want to hear it. What stopped you coming to find me as well, Triell? The boy had always been a top priority, that had never changed, but the difference was now he had more than just the one so not as much of his attention to be dedicated to the boy like it had before.

As he listened to Triell speak about what had happened to him, how the others had gone missing, again he was at a loss for what to say. I never expected you to be. When did I ask that? A sigh broke from Indru but otherwise he was still calm, taking a leaf from his brother's book, though he suspected that perhaps Ruiko would have lost his cool now. He did not want to get angry, get carried away and say something to Triell he would regret, he felt they had too strong a bond to risk it over something as silly as an angry, bitter fight. You complain I treat you like a child, so I try and treat you like an adult and you complain about that as well, exasperated and lost Indru shook his head, forcing a steady breath from his lungs before turning to look at his brother again. It can't be both ways, soon Triell would have to pick which one he preferred.

Abruptly Triell's rant came to a rapid conclusion and Indru watched him, slightly bemused as he turned and left to avoid any more bickering. From his perspective it had been Triell who had been getting the most riled out of the pair, but for the sake of the boy's pride he let it be. When the younger Tainn started his descent Indru turned and decided to climb up the mountain further. He sought for the burn in his muscles that this mountain had always brought when he needed to work off steam and he sought Honijo, even though he knew the later would not be here to find.