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Up Then Down — Midnight Plateau 
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Played by Mimi who has 69 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Lena Donata
@Lila @Wren I was thinking a couple rounds of just the girls and then Wren can show up?

“We can spend the night here, if y'want? I think we both need a good kip.”

Lena and Lila had been walking for a fair few days now, trudging across forest and up a bloody mountain side, so regular rest was a necessity for the both of them. Lila, being the younger of the two girls, wasn't as well travelled, which was something Lena kept in mind as made sure to offer regular stops. There were short breaks where they could focus less on travel and more on play and long ones, where the nights were spent curled up fast asleep, ready to greet the new day with replenished energy.

The black pup never requested a stop—either due to stubbornness to prove she could do it, or just wanting to show that she was just as capable as every other wolf—so Lena was more than happy to be the one to ask to kick her paws up. She felt like she'd done more than enough long distance walking to last her a couple of years, considering where she'd come from to even arrive in Relic Lore.

It was also incredibly difficult traversing mountains in winter, so making sure the adrenaline was out of her system helped Lena focus. After all, there was ice and snow that made what would usually be easy routes dangerous, and until solid ground was found the two would have to be quiet and well behaved, as to not disturb the tonnes of white powder. Avalanches were not fun and Lena would have no part in their chaos. The moment they felt mountain stone underfoot though, all rules were off the table, and the Bend wolves could actually enjoy the peace and quiet such a high place offered. By making noise. And burning energy that they probably should have been saving for running and walking.

But no one was watching them, so did it really matter that they were trying to shake off the anxious tension that Oak Tree Bend seemed to be plagued by? Not to Lena. Letting a kid enjoy herself in such a rough time was way more important than getting the job done super quickly.

It's got flat ground, kinda, and a good view. I reckon you could see Oak Tree Bend from up here!” She grinned at Lila, tail wagging as she lowered to a sit, with paws throbbing from the amount of walking it had taken to get this far. “You know, I'm proper glad I have such an experienced mountaineer to help me along, else I'd be in serious trouble on some of these slopes.” She tossed in a playful wink, just for good measure.
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila
"Looks good to me," she offered a smile, and wag of her tail. The rocks rose up around the flat part, offering protection, and it would help them keep warm. They still had a ways to go.

They had come a long way, and why her eyes weren't heavy, her legs ached a bit. Other than that this journey was pretty care free. Instructions clear. The time given for a yearling and pup to make it there and back. It was a little strange not to be with her mom, but Lena was a pretty good substitute. Lila never felt like she was being baby-sat, rather she felt as if they were two friends with the same goal. So what if they took a moment to tussle, and giggle about it? Getting out of the stifling forest was a change she had needed.

It wasn't all fun and games. There were times they needed to be careful. Lena explained sometimes the snow could move, like all of it, sorta like the river. They would not want to get swept away. The young Aquila would take the part seriously, and mind when they reached the thick snow.

She walked around, checking over each stone, and lump of snow. There was something warmblooded, somewhere. It didn't seem like a bad idea to find food. But, she couldn't pinpoint where the little creature was buried.The pica was forgotten, excitedly, she looked across the vale, down into the woods where she thought they had come. "You think that's it?" She pointed with her muzzle to indicate where. Sheepishly, ears flattened, and she smiled. Proud by the compliment, but embarrassed all the same. It was nice she had traversed it once, and could help her pick out better places for them to climb. It was kind of Lena to mention it. It made the young wolf feel important. "Did you travel a lot when you were my age?" She wondered. "You know a lot."
(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2017, 03:09 PM by Lila.)
Played by Mimi who has 69 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Lena Donata
Oh gosh, sorry! It's short because I wanted to get a reply up. @Lila.

Lena squinted, neck craning forward, before giving a long, drawn out and very theatrical hmmm in response. She might have been exaggerating a little bit about being able to see Oak Tree Bend—she wasn't a bird, so she could have no idea how the bend's patch of canopy was different to the rest of the wood—but this was all meant to be an encouragement boost for her young travelling companion. After all, praise meant revitalised vigor! Or something like that. So finally, after an age, Lena straightened her position and, with a wage of her tail, beamed down at Lila. “Yep! I think that's it! Good eye!”

With a chuckle and a twinkle in her eye, Lena lowered herself down so she was laying on the cold stone beneath. “Nah. I was a little bit older than you, I think. I have a family, back home, and … and I miss 'em. But, I had a point to prove, I came searchin' for answers.” And got more than I bargined for, not that I'm complainin'. “Y'see, I came here from pretty far away. So I guess I picked up a few things whilst travellin'. I wouldn't recommend it though. I think my paws nearly dropped off by the end of it all!”

She wasn't looking forward to the journey back either. She had a life here now, had friends and an uncle and a grandfather. Leaving would be tough—it'd be heart breaking for everyone—but this couldn't possibly be a permanent arrangement, could it? She knew it. Serach knew it. And yet …

“Anyway, let's get some shut eye, yeah? S'almost high moon.” Lena rolled onto her back and stretched her legs into the air as if trying to kick at the stars. “Unless y'wanted to do somethin' else?”
Played by Switch who has 205 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Lila Aquila

Closely, eyes were upon Lena, now and then shifting to the earth below. Everything looked dead up here, stretching for miles and miles. She wondered how she hadn't got lost a lot more in the woods. But, with agreement, she gave a beat of her dark banner, and wide smile.

Her friend seemed amused by the notion, and she cocked her head, curious. She'd wondered how she'd come all the way out here. Point to prove. Eagerly she ate up every word. "What ya have to prove?
She wondered. But, her jaw dropped a the mention of paws."You live that far!" Geeze, the thought made her own paws twitch. For a moment she pitied the other cubs who had left the Bend. How far had their parents dragged them? Lila didn't think for a second what it all really meant. Lena's home, real family was back there, and she could miss it. Want to go back. It'd probably be something that hit her much later.

The mention of the moon, she looked up to see the silver light. There was something about the moon. It made her feel small, and yet...something else she couldn't' quite name. She slipped down beside Lena, copying her pose. But, she let her paws rest against her chest. Though she had to giggle as her friend kicked out her paws. What was she doing now? As much as she wanted to do something else, she was ready not to move for awhile. "Nope, I like lookin' at the stars."
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity