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Like The Tides — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark
Subterritory Discovery IMAGE
Name and description to come

He'd had a different dream last night. One of the dragons broke from his side, impossibly swimming faster than him, no matter how hard he tried to follow. It had shot forwards towards the mountain top where @Bennet still stood, waiting. Rising out of the water it had spread its huge, dark wings baring ghostly pale teeth in a deadly grin. Suddenly the boy was afraid, helpless to watch as the creature neared his sister, its intentions undoubtedly dark. Kyrios cried out for her but she didn't react, instead watching the beast almost expectantly. It dove at her, parting its jaws and the boy tried to close his eyes, avoiding the grisly sight that was about to come, but they were forced back up. Another scream rose within him, but died in his throat as a second shadow suddenly appeared, rising up between Bennet and her attacker, an even larger, fiercer looking dragon, with only one eye. They had battled fiercely, a wild, bloody display in the sky, where dark clouds gathered around them. Eventually they disappeared in the storm, lightning flashing, and he had woken up.

The young captain had no idea what the dream meant, but it send shivers down his spine and bit at his ears even more than the freezing weather. Even more than before, he longed for his little sister, ached to know that she was safe. So he did what he always did, he went to the river, and he walked. The leisurely trot quickly turned into a run though, and soon he was sprinting along the bank, racing the river which was lazy in the grasp of winter. His legs had grown long, his lungs strong after all his treks, and suddenly he found himself in land he has never seen before. Around him the redwoods were thinning, towering giants giving way to smaller pine trees, they looked tiny to the Hearthwood wolf. The ground below his feet had grown uneven, broken by jagged rocks, not unlike the area around Zephyr Rill. Beside him the river seemed to grow faster, a soft roar rising from it despite the winter dreariness. He looked over, surprised to see a small drop between him and the water, the bank having risen into a rocky wall. Swiveling his ears, the adventurer cocked his head, noticing how the noise of the water seemed to grow stronger further ahead. Curious as always, he continued to follow the stream, the drop growing bigger and bigger. Then suddenly the river twisted sharply, cutting across his path, and as he cleared the last shrubbery at the edge, a grand sight unfurled before him. As if dug into the cliff, the river rushed several lengths below, bordered on both sides by steep, rocky edges. To his left the landscape dropped, foaming water forming a jagged path between the trees, cascading over a multitude of larger and bigger rocks, looking to have broken off from the sides from the very force of the water. "Wow!"

Word count: 501

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mako Coho
@Kyrios I figured with the water noise he might kind of 'sneak up' but if thats not ok just let me know and i'll change it :)

Mako was starting to get used of the rhythm of things at the overgrown boulder they called the Monadnock. Food wasn't as plentiful as it had been in the misted forests of the Vale, which seemed to breathe life at every turn. The lowlands were sparse, a barren rolling plain that appeared even emptier by how far the eye could reach. His mother made sure he ate first, and he made sure @Marina ate her fill before him. He never went truly hungry, but no longer did he gorge himself on moose or fish until he could barely take another step like they'd done at the Bend. He knew the seasons changed, and the snow held its own influence over nature's patterns. But he couldn't tell how much the shortage of food had to do with the season, and how much with the location itself.

Determined to find the answer himself, Mako set off south from the lowlands. He remembered the way they had traveled here from the Bend. He only had to reverse the order to find his way back in the thick of the woodlands. He breathed a sigh of relief as he entered the cover of trees, shaking out his black and white coat of the frost that had accumulated, freeing himself of the residues of the tundra. 

He traced towards the lake, remembering the route that winded through a grove of dead trees to a riverbank. He idly noticed he was following along in someone's pawsteps, a slight swagger entering his easy stride. The sound of crashing water grew louder, leading him to wild rapids that lurched down the hillside. And right there stood a pale boy, about his age, staring down at it. 

Mako sauntered up, his tail lazily flicking behind him. It was loud enough, he wasn't even sure if the boy could hear him. Mako leaned forward, placing his mouth just inches from the other pup's ear. "C'mon, just jump in," He said with a smirk.
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

The little captain was mesmerized by the water. The river had always been his world, its current rushing like the blood in his veins. He knew this liquid was the life's blood of the forest too, vital to every plant and creature. Its deafening, untamable force was not to be trifled with; The only thing… He mused; That might slay a dragon. If that was truly possible, it would be in a place like this, the foaming water cascading over jagged rocks and forming churning pools against the steep, solid banks.

These thoughts filled his mind like the roar of the stream did his ears, effectively blocking out the rest of the world, leaving him the perfect victim for anyone with ill intend. So perhaps he was lucky that the first to appear was content with simply giving him a fright, rather than a push. Of course Kyrios hardly felt that way as the unexpected voice in his ear startled him straight up in the air; Had he been a little closer to the edge, he might well have tumbled in anyway. Rocks and dirt slipped over the edge as his paws scrambled to insure his footing, head whipping around to face the offender, ears perked and eyes wide. "Gracious mate!" He gasped at the strange boy, equal parts dismay and admiration in his voice; "You near well damned me!" A wry smile played about his lips though, a glint in those goldenrod eyes as they studied the other pup. He was the same age as Ky, so much he could tell, but that also seemed to be where the similarities ended. The chap was hulking, broad strong looking shoulders and thick legs covered in an unusual, monochrome coat, making the amber-gold eyes standing out even brighter. Quite far from the wiry, pale River wolf. Though not unappealing.

Having regained from the fright, Kyrios bowed his head to the other boy, a jovial tone to his voice as he declared: "But my Mam would lick me for forgettin' my manners. After you." A lanky leg extended towards the water, his features the picture of innocence, gaze kept politely low. Perhaps it was foolish to tease the juggernaut, playing with jaws that could likely break his leg, but he couldn't resist, and if it came down to it, he could probably outrun the brute; Though there wouldn't be much fun in that..!

Word count: 401

”Speech” Thoughts