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Off with his head — Willow Ridge 
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Played by becuffin who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Attica Archer
Stalking prey through tall grass, you hear a strange gobbling sound and a large, plump flightless bird.
Hunting dem 1/3

It had started out like any other day. The girl rose with the sun and jumped on @Sven until he finally woke up. Attica didn't roll her eyes or huff, instead, she greeted him with the brightest smile she could muster. Any day was a good day as long as they were together. She tried to follow him on border patrol, pouting when he told her to go back to the den. Perhaps he had scented something she hadn't yet, or maybe he just needed a break? Regardless, she followed his request with minimal fuss, she didn't like to upset him at all and knew he had her best interests at heart.

It was on her way back to the den, thinking to maybe track down Renier or Ravenna (if they weren't busy of course), that a strange sound caught her attention. She sniffed the air, trying to find where the owner might be located when finally the ...What was that thing? came into view.

The girl stood with splayed legs, staring the creature down as she tried to make sense of it. It made that noise again and her eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out just what it was. It was bigger than any bird she had ever seen before and as a result, it seemed to be struggling to get off the ground. She wondered whether it was something she would be able to eat when its tail fanned out and it boldly charged at her, pecking her right on the nose. She yelped, startled by the sudden onslaught, "Hey that hurt!" she cried as she began to back up, the unfamiliar burn of anger igniting somewhere deep in her chest. Ooo she was gonna get it and get it good!
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2017, 05:35 AM by Attica. Edit Reason: adding hunting dem )
[Image: sig__com___a_zoo_in_a_jungle_by_clowdero...aszulw.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Ravenna is joining in such she got the same RE!
1/3 Hunting

Ravenna would have been lying if she had said she had seen such a creature before. Although she had come across many crows, mocking birds, blue jays and the like... they were all just one thing to her - birds. Though the small, loud and bony creatures were nothing like the fat, plump thing which caught her pale gaze now. She had been drawn by such a strange scent though its looks were far more particular. The Lyall-Archer young woman had arrived in just enough time to see Attica come upon it, only to be rushed at and pecked right on the snout. A vengeful snarl snapped from parted jaws by her niece's injury and Ravenna jumped out from the brush, biting at the creatures large fanned out feathers, taking a mouthful for herself. In an instant, the bird knew it was out numbered and now with a much larger wolf against it. Squalling and gobbling, it turned and ran off, wings flapping wildly, bobbing up and down off the ground as though to take flight but was much too fattened for its own good. "Attica! Attica, get it!" The aunt insisted, edging her to not allow that bird to get away with what he had done and for Attica to have a go at it. Ravenna kept flank, ready to back up the teenager where needed. Ravenna had not expected to give the dark girl a lesson on hunting, but it looked as though the pack would eat good tonight!
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2017, 06:43 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by becuffin who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Attica Archer
Hunting dem 2/3
Just as the fur along her spine began to bristle, a louder rustling caught her attention. Wide eyes turned in the direction the sound came from, fearing an even larger bald-faced bird coming to peck at her face. Instead, she was relieved to see it was Ravenna coming to her rescue. She watched in awe as her fleet-footed aunt began to attack the bird from the back, its freshly plucked feathers flying this way and that as the bird squawked in distress. The sound alone was enough to get her blood pumping, ears perked forward attentively as her tail waved high over her back. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! she cheered internally, an excited whine the only sound to leave her mouth.

She didn't expect it to break free, but break free it did and at her aunts urging she pursued. Still growing into her paws and ears, her steps were slightly more flamboyant than those of an adult and it slowed her down considerably, but not enough to give the flapping bird a chance to escape. Hitting the brakes before she skidded straight past the beast, her jaws opened to try and snap at a wing, hoping to hold it in place for her aunt to finish it off. Her inexperience showed as she got away with a mouth full of feathers, but there was no denying the birds chances of flying free with one clipped wing were almost non-existent now.
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2017, 05:35 AM by Attica.)
[Image: sig__com___a_zoo_in_a_jungle_by_clowdero...aszulw.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
2/3 Hunting

Attica followed pressure as her aunt insisted, running after the fat, loud bird that had snapped at her. It did not take long to catch up to the creature and soon Attica had a mouth full of feathers as she did her best to hold the bird in place by one of its large wings. And large it was. Far more so then any pheasant (as Ravenna had never seen a goose ether) she had seen before. In an instant, Ravenna was upon the creature once more, dodging the flapping over wing and lunging for the creatures scrawny little neck. Ravenna's jaws snapped down on the creature with such an ease that it had even surprised her. Killing a deer or a goat was much harder, hell, even a rabbit, for even when you grabbed them by the neck they struggled for a time. This bird's neck however snapped on the impact, it only flopping for a second's time before falling with a plump thud to the ground. Lifting her head up for a pant, she smiles to her young niece. "Great job Attica." Tail waving, her muzzle dips down once more to sniff at the nose dead bird. It smelt wonderful. "I've never seen a bird so big." She admits.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2017, 06:43 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by becuffin who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Attica Archer
Hunting dem 3/3

As the bird broke free of her grasp, Ravenna moved in to grab the creature by its scrawny neck. With a resounding crunch, the bird was reduced to little more than a pile of feathers and flesh writhing in the final stages of death before it was still. When her aunt praised her, she vigorously shook her head, feathers still stuck to the edge of her mouth, "Oh no I didn't do anything. You saved me! Thank you!" She still eyed the bird cautiously, convinced at any moment it would start squarking and thrashing those huge wings. "What do you think it is?" She questioned aloud, wondering if her Aunt might have the answer? If she didn't, well, then surely Nonna would.

Still bouncing on an adrenalin high, the girl couldn't keep her feet still. She pranced several circles around the feathered fiend and her aunt, darting in to poke it with her nose or tug on the feathers that remained in it's tail, it sure did smell wonderful. "Should we take it back to Nonna?" She questioned, already convinced the answer would no doubt be a yes. She grabbed a feathered wing and began to drag it back towards the den, surprised at the weight the bird was carrying. No wonder it couldn't get off the ground.

(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2017, 05:36 AM by Attica.)
[Image: sig__com___a_zoo_in_a_jungle_by_clowdero...aszulw.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Ravenna could not help the wide smile over her features at the girl's words, saying that she had saved her from the large, horrible and quite loud bird which had pecked at her. It was a story which she hoped that Attica would later on in the afternoon share with her elder brother, Sven. Although Ravenna would never suck up to the wolf, granted the disdain they had held for one another as children, it was something which Ravenna had long 'gotten over'. Holding onto their little spats as children seemed fickle. If Sven wanted to hate her for having a better upbringing then her, fine, but she would rather Sven get to accept Ravenna for who she was and helping his little sister certainly would be a boost towards this. "I have no idea..." She admits with a rolling of her shoulders in question. "Although I'm sure mother would love it." She offered then to Attica's question, who danced happily around both her and the large bird. Tail waving widely behind her, Ravenna gets on the other side of the prey, grabbing a wing in the same fashion which Attica did in order to drag it home.

Played by becuffin who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Attica Archer

That the creature was one her aunt didn't recognise only puzzled the girl further, compared to herself she often thought her brother and Ravenna had endless knowledge of the world both within and outside of the willows. The girl was full of questions and her mouth opened to ask them before closing shut with a click once more. If her aunt didn't know what the bird was, then how could she know if there were more? Obviously, they couldn't be common, like the geese and the ducks, although it did look somewhat similar with its fat body and scrawny neck...

It was nothing like the tree birds, though.

Her tail took up a steady wave, tongue lolling from her mouth with the residual high from a successful hunt. There were still feathers stuck to the edges of her lips and it wasn't until she moved to lash her maw that they were noted, lips lifting and eyes crossing as she tried to zero in on them. Seeing double helped her aim about as much as her saliva sticking the feather to her lip and finally she gave up her pointless snapping, lifting her paw to finally swipe the feather away.

But oh it was pretty.

"Do you think we should take it to her or cache it away?" The young girl asked with a tip of her head, one eye still firmly focused on the spotted and striped feather that rested under her paw, thinking it would look very nice next to what remained of her favourite chew stick.

[Image: sig__com___a_zoo_in_a_jungle_by_clowdero...aszulw.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health