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Eat all my troubles away — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
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Phoenix Avalon
For @Ryker & Percy "You found a bush of late-season berries! However, you ate so many you are starting to feel a bit sick."

URGH. It was making her sick. That dirt coloured woman swanning into the pack and stealing her Askan away. She had had about all she could handle when it dared to smile at her! Like smiling would make what it was doing okay. She had turned on her heels with a huff and a flick of her tail. She couldn't stay here and watch it anymore. It wasn't fair. Things had been just fine. Why did he bother bringing it back?

She had started out strolling the same creek she had been in when she had the itches when she realised the lowlands would be too obvious. That would be the first place they would all go looking if they noticed she was gone and she just wanted to be alone... or at least, away from her parents and the strangers that had taken up residence in her home. Instead of following the current out into the open plains, she turned back to drag her toes against the chilly current. She hadn't been upstream yet.

Eventually she had to leave the water, as the banks began to rise on both sides. There was a deer trail of some sort along the bank that she stuck to, at least she knew all she had to do to get home was follow the water. Still quietly seething, comfortable enough to have progressed to muttering under her breath and swiping small obstactles out of her path, the cawing of crows up ahead cut her muttering short. Brows drew down. Life as a loner had quickly taught her the birds often meant an easy meal and she had to admit she was feeling a little peckish after such a rage filled stomp... but shouldn't she start heading back if she wanted to get home before dark?

The girl snorted and shrugged. Usually @Askan came and got her and he was probably too busy with his new girlfriend to even notice she was gone. With that in mind she turned her attention towards locating the crows. What had they found for her today?

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
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Ryker Lieris
Argh, sisters. Why did they have to exist? They had pulled a prank on him, Aleris managing to lure him over towards a creek near the den, with an excited whining of seeing something interesting! And while he was peering into the water, that had yet to set to ice surprisingly, trying to see the 'thing' his sister wanted him to see, Lucia had run at him from behind and managed to sending him toppling in!

He had clambered out of the river, shivering and spluttering in anger as his sisters cackled. After scowling at them for a few moments, Ryker had stormed off to get away from their laughter. It hadn't been that funny and he had been cold. At least, until his running through the trees had warned him up as he came up to the borders and slowed down. His parents warned him to never cross the borders, or even be near them, without either of them or one of the others in the pack.

But if Aleris and Lucia can be naughty sometimes, he thought while stalking over the borders, than he can be too! Rarely did the only male pup of the White Fir Notch Leaders ever get into trouble and right now, it didn't matter he was breaking one of their more serious and deadly rules, he was gonna go wherever he wanted!

And so Ryker did. The pup explored outside of pack borders, frolicking about by himself (and of course, tripping over just about everything his paws could trip over) and held no worry of what his parents might be feeling or what dangers could be held outside the safety of his pack.

However, his stomach soon begin to growl loudly and Ryker conceded to it. He had been wandering around for the better part of an hour by himself, exploring all new sights through his blue eyes.

"I'm pretty sure I smelled some berries back here," he mumbled to himself, shuffling along while following his nose. He was sure he had heard the adult talk about edible berries before and decided he may as well try some. His ears pricked at the sound of crows, cawing among themselves. He hadn't noticed them before.

But of course, when he finally found came across the crows all gathered around a bush still full of berries, the pup just about walked right into the bush! Spitting out a leaf as he stumbled back, Ryker tilted his head up towards the crows, stiff and afraid they would start to attack him for interrupting their meal.
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
@Ryker - shitty post is shitty - this heat ._."

Her ears were enough to tell her that someone else had beaten her to whatever the crows had found, their disgruntled croaks growing louder as she drew nearer. Her nose told her it wasn't anything worth worrying about, not a stinky wolverine or a nimble cat (animals known by scent alone). Then perhaps, she might be able to run whatever it was off and claim the scraps for herself?

But as she finally reached the birds, she realised it wasn't meat they had been squabbling over, and the interloper was a boy. Not just a boy, but a boy her own age.

Percy froze mid-step. She didn't know there were other wolves her own age! Unprompted, her tail took up a steady wave, a grin on her face as she considered the boys stance, "Don't worry about 'em. They usually don't peck too hard," she joked moving in closer to check out what the birds had been eating before the young wolves had joined them. One bold bird landed on the ground and hopped closer to her, its head turning this way and that to size her up with its beady eyes. She grinned and responded with a snap of her teeth towards the bird, and she almost could have sworn it rolled its eyes at her as it hopped back with wings spread wide.

(This post was last modified: Nov 09, 2016, 01:07 AM by Phoenix.)
[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryker Lieris
Still staring wide eyed at the crows above him, Ryker didn't notice the arrival of another wolf, one close to his own age at first. Ryker somewhat disliked Crows, for how loud and obnoxious they could be. Startled at first, Ryker jumped at the approaching girl, swinging his head around to look at her as she came up to the bush and the birds.

"They're just so loud." He mumbled. H was unsettled by their loud often croaky calls, which rubbed into his ears the wrong way. The sweet sounds of song birds were more his style. With ears flicking backwards, as one who was brazen enough to hop down towards him and nip at his tail. Which made him swing around with teeth bared and jaws snapping to scare it away. The crow cackled as it flapped away. In his opinion, birds shouldn't have such big beaks, they hurt like hell when they bit you.

The crow that bit him hopped back a few feet, titling its head at him as he stared right back at it. Suddenly going into a play bow before bounding at the crow, Ryker snapped at it as it flew into the air. Hopefully, the others didn't come after him as he bounced after it, spinning around to face the rest of the flock as the crow flew back to them.
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon

She couldn't contain the bubble of laughter that burst forth as one of the cheeky birds dared to grab his tail. Why they were so focused on this particular bush, she couldn't quite figure out. Sure, all around them the rest of the bushes were picked bare and the surrounding vegetation was wearing a range of gold, copper, and bronze, but she had always thought they preferred carrion over plants? But then, what was that sweet scent?

On closer inspection, it became evident that it wasn't the leaves that they were after, but a bounty of shiny, black berries. With a shrug, she grasped one between her teeth and plucked it from the bush. She squinted at the tartness, but overall, it wasn't too bad at all. One or two more wouldn't hurt surely? and there would still be plenty left for the crows. "Hey, you should try these!" she offered to her companion. "Umm, Phoenix Avalon by the way, but you should just call me Percy, everyone else does." she offered up with another wave of her tail, ignoring the indignant cawing of the birds that eyed the pair so cautiously.

Her next tug scattered berries across the ground, their rounded bodies rolling in all directions. Seemingly placated with the offering, the birds momentarily ceased their complaining and begun to squabble amongst themselves instead.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryker Lieris
Starled somewhat by the girl's laugh, Ryker swung back around to her. The crow appeared to give a croaky laugh before hopping off back to its friends. Heat spread across his skin as a blush worked it's way under his pelt. The only girls he had ever known were his sisters, mother and the other females within his pack. He had never known any others.

But now with the crows placated the berries, even the one who had been teasing him, Ryker could focus on her as she introduced herself.

"I'm Ryker Lieris. Everyone just calls me Ryker," The young boy murmured lamely, another blush working its way under his coat and heating up his skin at his behaviour. But he had to admit, she did have a cute laugh. "It's nice to meet you though Percy. I've only got my sisters to keep me compnay most days and even then, they can be annoying." He huffed slightly, stepping forward and took her advice, trying one of the berries from the bush. The tartness surprised him, like it had with Percy but he found he liked it. Gulping a few more down, Ryker licked his lips. "Do you have any siblings?"  
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
An ear turned towards the boy, a smile on her face as he introduced himself, only ceasing the stuffing of her face when he mentioned a foreign word. Sisters. Huh, well that was something she hadn't considered before. She shook her head in response to his question, "Nah, it was just my mum and dad and @Askan for a long long time, then @Icicle turned up - he smells wierd and he's sooo skinny! But, then we had a hunt and became a pack and..." she trailed off with a groan, "Then she came along and I just..." she stopped. What was it about the woman that made her so mad?

She gave an uncomfortable shrug to shake the previous conversation off. "I just wish things had stayed how they were," she finally trailed off. She didn't like how cramped the Rye Fields suddenly felt. She didn't like sharing her space or her family. Then she laughed, "So maybe @Adelayde is like your sisters if siblings are annoying." The thought alone was enough to simultaneously turn her stomach and calm her nerves. She was sure the woman wasn't evil or out to do her any harm, but that alone wasn't enough to make Percy like her. Maybe it would just take time.

"So do you live near here? I left my home this morning." and it looked like she would still manage to get home, even if she did arrive just after the sun went down. She was trying to suss out whether or not she was ever likely to meet @Ryker again.
[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryker Lieris
Eating a few berries as Percy explained who she lived with, Ryker kept his ears perked and swiveled toward the other in orderto show he was listening. Even if his mouth was full of berries. An uncomfortable silence fell over them for a few moments, when Percy mentioned a woman that she found annoying. it sounded like Percy wasn't very fond of her. Ryker wanted to say something, to cheer her up but he had just picked off a few berries so his mouth was full. By the time they were gone, Percy was laughing and saying that Adelyade was probably like his sisters if that's what he meant by siblings.

"I guess so?" He replied, licking his lips. Percy's family sounded...Interesting. why would make a wolf smell weird? And skinny? Was he sick or something? Ryker shrugged it off. It was Percy's family and it seemed she still loved them regardless. "And yeah, I live nearby." With his nose, Ryker gestured in the generally direction of where his home was. "I live that way, with my family. It's not that far. We live in a bunch of white fir trees, which gave our home it's name!" Puffing out his chest slightly with pride, Ryker grinned at her. "I'm sure my parents won't mind if you ever wanted to come visit. My mum's really nice and so is my dad."
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2017, 11:13 AM by Ryker.)
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
One more from Ryker and we can claim LP ;)
from the darkness into the light, now is your time
Phoenix Avalon

Fir trees huh? Well, she might have to ask one of the adults which ones were fir trees. Percy had never bothered to pay much attention to plants unless they looked like something she might be able to eat. At his suggestion of a visit her tail began to wave, not wanting to talk around the latest mouthful of berries. Oh, oh no... that one didn't taste so good. The girls stomach flipped uncomfortably and she wore a worried frown. She couldn't just throw up all over the ground in front of her new friend. That wouldn't bode well for their friendship at all.

She tried to cover her discomfort by looking to the sky, her smile tinged with reluctance, tongue stained purple as it came out to pass over her nose in an attempt to ease the nausea. "Ah shit, it's going to be dark before I get home." Her head dipped a little to show her regret, "I'll come visit again @Ryker! I better get home or @Askan will come and drag me back and then I'll never get away again!" It was a joke, sort of. It wouldn't be the first time they had tried to ground her. With a final smile she began to make a hasty retreat ,she had to make sure she was well out of earshot before she began throwing her guts up.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]