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still i see monsters — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote><b>"I understand,"</b> she replied simply, leaving his gaze. <b>"I mean, you have something I can't even imagine having, this big family with so much loyalty and devotion... and nobody can ask you to leave that behind unless it's what you want to do. We're all just doing what our stupid hearts are telling us to do, right?"</b>

Yeah, it sounded tacky. But Volkan knew she needed to respect his decision, no matter what he chose to do, and she had no place in trying to make the choice for him. She knew her words had affected him, and could sense the tension inside his mind; there was a world of history, thoughts, emotions between Triell and his brothers and family that Volkan would probably never understand. And while it made her feel like even more of an outcast, she couldn't deny him that happiness just because she didn't know it.

Outside the rain continued to fall, heavier in some moments than in others. Volkan inhaled deeply, taking in the smell, always one of her favorites. She lay her head on her forelimbs again, watching him as he spoke. Her eyes slid shut for a second, and a calm smile crossed her sterling features. When she reopened them, focused on his dark face, she shrugged gently. As he stared, she stared back, unaware that something might be strange about it; when he cleared his throat, she laughed to herself, tail curling against her body comfortably. Then their gaze met, and the final words he said caught her off guard— though she knew without a doubt that they were honest. Volkan didn't falter, didn't look away, only returned his look with a humble smile. <b>"...Triell... I dunno if you know this, but you're the reason I don't want to leave."</b>

Once the words were out in the rainy air, there was no taking them back. The mottled wolf was just fine with that, and it felt nice, having a little less to hide.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 29, 2011, 09:04 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote><b>"I try to, but sometimes I think it gets me in trouble,"</b> he said feeling what she said was significant. He sometimes thought he should listen to his head, but had a hard time at it.

<b>"And well family, I can't imagine life without them, but it's not like we wouldn't see each other,"</b> he spoke trying to keep the emotion from his voice, while giving his large shoulders a shrug. If he went with them he would visit Swift River, as he would visit the three of them if he stayed. He just couldn't decide how hard it would be, he couldn't have two homes could he? Another sigh left him as if that would help rid him of his troubles, and his pent up energy.

When he spoke his words he studied her most carefully, anxious to see her response. It was not what he had expected, a seren smile, and a laugh at his own awkwardness. Most of all he waited for what she would say in return as it seemed he had surprised her by his truth. Ears drawn to her ashen face, listening to her soothing tone. They shouldn't have exactly made him happy he felt, but he couldn't help but smile like an idiot because of them. If he could of he would have been red in the face, but he sobered saying,<b>"Thanks for telling me, I hope I can make the right choice."</b>

He let himself get lost in striking eyes, hoping he could decide what was best for him. Before to long he gently bumped noses with her, then playfully nipped at her cheek with a low rumble in his throat growling more than saying, <b>"Now, I really don't want to go back."</b>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>She hadn't meant to look so sad in that moment, and snapping out of it, she hoped instantly that Triell wouldn't notice. He was a part of something so large, so secure. If he did leave, would he really see his family all the time? Volkan had a feeling it wasn't so easy, once one was part of a fledgling pack, struggling to survive. In that moment, the idea did seem a little ridiculous, and she briefly chuckled at what she was getting herself into. <b>"Depending on where we settle, yeah,"</b> she responded, feeling slightly guilty, not wanting to push the issue farther, only adding, <b>"But we may choose somewhere a little farther from the River, just so, y'know. No competition."</b>

It was all still very up in the air, and the only solid thing about the situation was that she, Ruiko, and Kinis would be leaving. Where, when, she could only guess— but what she did know was that she certainly did have an opinion about Triell coming with them, and that it was probably obvious, at least to him, how she felt. Smile widening, she gazed back at him, admiring the stark, brisk contrast between his night-dark fur and fire-bright eyes, so bright in comparison to her pale blues. <i>Fire and ice,</i> she realized in that moment. Always in playful competition with one another, neither letting the other one slide, yet somehow happy side by side. If there was a wolf who couldn't be any more like herself, and yet so different in perfect ways, it was Triell.

Their noses touched, and she fought back a giddy laugh as she felt his teeth softly graze her cheek. Whatever this was, whatever was going on, Volkan couldn't imagine her life without it. It was as if, just like fire and ice, he'd made her melt with that one simple gesture. Without thinking, the roguish girl gave his face a short lick, pulling back only slightly before bumping his cheek mischievously with the tip of her nose. Only then did she allow herself to laugh, unable to control it. <b>"Screw it!"</b> she joked, <b>"We'll just start out our own pack! 'Awesome Falls.' Nice ring to it, don'tcha think?"</b>

She was overcome with the inexplicable urge to wrestle him then, and she heaved her body into his in a shove before shooting him a truly impish grin.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2011, 08:27 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He nodded briefly to her words, he had figured the same. They couldn't live near the river too, it wouldn't work. They would need their own resources, theri own space or what was the point? The three would have a hard time, would it be easier if he went with them or would he just be another number t ofeed? While he was determined to be loyal to Indru, and Cori but he felt something else pulling him in a new direction. He noted the small apprehension to talk about it further, and silently agreed to let it drop only saying, <b>"Well, it's not like your leaving Relic Lore, and I'm sure you'll find somewhere sutiable."</b> He gave her a confident smile, wanting to reassure her no matter what he would see her again because he was determined not to have a fairwell.

He was perfectly content then he had been in a long time, and remembered the first time they had meet. Surely he would never forget, and remembered how drawn he was to her by the same pair of eyes he was looking at now. Somewhere he could feel his heartbeat quicken against it's cage, when his fervid eyes were meeting her icey blue. He took a moment to gaze at her whole face. There was something about her wild locks, colored like wispy storm clouds he adored as much as what was underneath her static coat, her playfulness, humor, wit,and courage. Suddenly he realized he could live without her, but he didn't want too, it wouldn't really be living.

He was surprised by the wet lick, and his eyes lit with that surprise. He was quick to laugh much like it had tickled, and felt he was surely in for it when she bumped his cheek. She finally joined in his laughter, and it echoed in the cavern pleasant to his ears. Upon her joke his face wrinkled as he queezed his eyes shut, and he tried to surpress his laughter, tried to catch his breath so he could speak. Raising his head with a sly smirk he replied,<b>"Oh, don't tempt me m'lady."</b> He was implying he was only trying to mess with her by his serious tone, least half of him was.

Her shove slightly unerved the Tainn, but before he could be to dismayed he also felt inclined to tackle her, or at least try. She may not be his size, but he knew she was no porcelian doll, and easily could slip from him like a silver fox. So it was evident his smirk widened upon her own grin, and he leaned into her trying to pin her down.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Her smile spread to match his, though in it was an unmistakable hint of sadness. They could pretend all they wanted that when she left, they'd still be able to spend time together like this. And maybe from time to time, they would, if one of them could break away from the pack for long enough. But it seemed certain that Triell was going to stay here, and that she was going to leave, and their respective leaders would probably not allow them to spend much time apart from their packs. Besides, Ruiko and Kinis were going to need all the help they would get; would there even be time to relax, let alone steal away from the pack territories for a moment?

Somehow Volkan didn't mind all of it being up in the air, as she was happy in this moment. She had shoved her bittersweet inner monologue aside, Triell's response to her joke made her laugh. <i>Yeah, right.</i> The comment could have been misconstrued as awkward, and she was good that it hadn't been; though, at the same time, she'd be lying if a remote corner of her mind didn't think it was a possibility. There wasn't time to think much, though, because he retaliated with a tackle of his own. The female tried to squirm out from under him with a mix of groaning and laughter, but Triell was actually pretty heavy. And secretly, she didn't really want to move. <b>"Urg, <i>Triell!</i> You're— suffocating me!"</b> She yelled through nearly uncontrollable laughter, imitating a struggle as though she were helpless and might die rather than escape. Unable to question what was happening to her, when she'd rather lay around rather than fight back, Volk heaved a long sigh at last, falling still.

<b>"Oh well, you killed me,"</b> she admitted, eyes slipping shut above a forcefully suppressed grin; dead wolves didn't smile, right?</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2011, 07:26 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>His smile did not waver despite what hers was a clear sign of. What wasn't said could have easily broken his confidence, because they both knew the cold hard truth. It could be a long time before they saw each other. The Tainn forced himself not to think what would really happen in the coming months. He rather pretend no one was leaving, and everything was just what he wanted it to be. It was easier that way, and why spoil what time he did have? Things could change, they always seemed too, and he would only wait for time to prove where he really belonged.

He easily smirked pleased with himself by her laugh, waiting for some kind of retort to follow. She was the one who had started the idea! But it wasn't like he hadn't thought about it either. It was sorta in the Tainn blood wasn't it? The crave to lead, have their own territory? The young man doubted, espeically now he could even manage a pack though. For the time being he was young, inexperienced, and taking care of so many others, to be in charge was enough to overwhelm him. When Indru had left he hardly could have pulled it together, and admitted for now he was happy being a follower. If it wasn't enough of a point, picturing him leaveing to have children of his own seemed as ridiculous as flying deer with pink coats.

Those things were not directly what he thought about. He was working on keeping her wiggling frame from escaping, and he knew he was easily pressing her down. He had believed she might take refuge outisde, but perhaps the cold, wet weather didn't appeal to her so she did not have anywhere to really go. A deep chuckle vibrated his chest, and if it werent for her laughs he might really believe he was cutting off her air. He was mindful not to really put all his weight upon her, and he stepped up his antics, a soft nip to the thick skin around her neck. He was almost certain she'd squirm free when her movements did die.

His brows pressed together, and he glimsped down at her. What trick was she going to pull now? <i>"Oh well, you killed me."</i> He was quick to snort in amusement at the words seeing the grin she could not quite hide. <b>"Awe, damn, but I guess you'll make me a lovely pillow any way."</b> He took a step back, and then flopped down, resting his head onto her side. He quickly shut his eyes in a false sleep. He was having to much fun not to <span class='word'>cleave</span> to her.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Thank you for the thread! This was very cute! <3 -loves on Triell- Up to you whether you wanna post again, but it seems Volk is down for the count :]
<blockquote>Outside a small rumble of thunder began to purr in the sky, the rain still falling in steady droplets in a curtain that sealed off their hideaway, just for the time being, from the rest of the world. Volkan listened to it, the steady hiss of the rain underscoring the energetic beating of her heart as she feigned death, before finally a her face cracked into a smile. The wolf burst out laughing, icy eyes shut as she struggled to catch her breath, paws gently batting at Triell in a hopeless fight. If he wasn't about to move, then neither would she; she accepted his nip to her neck with a small twitch, idly snapping her jaws toward him as though to retaliate. But quite honestly, and now it was obvious, she didn't mind him being there one bit.

She felt the weight of his head come to rest upon her stomach. Craning her neck, she lifted her head to look down, a smirk crossing her roguish features as she saw that his eyes were closed. Slowly she settled her head back to the stony ground, arching her back and feeling the cool rock against her body. <b>"Okay,"</b> she said softly, as though accepting defeat. <b>"G'night then."</b>

He might've been joking, but Volkan meant it. After a few moments, her own eyes were closed, and her breathing began to slow. With the droning rain and the peaceful comfort of Triell being so near to her, the onyx female drifted off to sleep, blissfully unaware as to whether or not he would follow suit.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>