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she said the devil will want you back — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren
@Eirian only <3 Song is "Handshake" by Two Door Cinema Club

Eirian wasn't so bad, Asha had decided. He was not the best traveling partner, but he wasn't the worst, either, and the colorless wolf imagined that the two of them would likely be considered something like 'friends with benefits.' Of course, it wasn't as though they had only partaken in the activities that came along with the month of March. They'd shared dens, shared food, moved northward, and had found Black Thorn Downs vacated the night before. Ash wasn't necessarily sure where they were going, but sh hadn't wanted to move south for fear of meeting Eskil and him discovering what she'd done. She truly, desperately wanted to find him again... but only after she and Eirian had parted ways. Which, of course, did not seem to be happening anytime soon.

She'd woken pressed against her colorful companion - it seemed both of them did not appear to do well with the cold weather - and was immediately aware that the burning and itching sensations of heat were gone. Her brows drew together in confusion and she shifted subtly, moving to edge away from Eirian and leave the shelter of the den. She didn't want to wake him up, so she was careful to make as little noise as possible.

She exited the den, her spine brushing against the roof in the process. She stepped in the soft-fallen snow, her pawstep quiet and careful. Silvery-blue eyes scanned the thorn-infested treeline around her, her fur ruffled along her scruff where she'd slept wrong. The lack of heat coursing through her system was a relief, but even half-asleep as she was, she understood that the reason behind the premature ending was not what she wanted. Still, she decided not to think too much on it and instead just padded over to lick some of the snow off of the ground and quench the dryness in the back of her throat.

Perhaps, if she decided not to speak of it, Eirian wouldn't notice, either.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Fiery silhouette had not dared to venture far from the colorless one belonging to @Asha since their original encounter, Eirian finding himself lured by the season's scent that still lingered upon her fur like a Siren's song and performing his chivalrous duty in aiding the woman when the itch beneath her fur became too much to bare. Had they known any better it could be assumed the duo had developed a friend with benefits type of relationship although with some perks included such as shared resources and body heat to avoid the chill that the night hours still brought to the land. The vacant den belonging to a pack long gone that Eirian had actually investigated once before when he first ventured into the Lore serving as their temporary shelter during the night.

The movement against his side hardly stirred the slumbering male while Asha slide free out into the snow riddled world outside, a small grumble here and there falling from his lips before his body curled in on itself to cover his snout with the plush fur of his tail. For a few minutes, the Asurn tossed and turned, the lack of warmth her body provided eventually warranting the man to arise and face the frigid morning before the rumble of his depleted stomach had a chance to instead. Soon enough his frame slithered out through the opening of the den, citrus eyes blinking against the morning light while his copper body gave a luxurious stretch to rid the last traces of sleep from his veins.

Satisfied, Eirian straightened up and padded over to place a quick bump of his muzzle to the woman's shoulder as he settled beside her, a creamy brow quirking curiously when he noticed the awfully serious expression so early in the morning. Unaware yet of the change that had occurred to her scent and signaled that a new generation of Asurns was in the making. "A serious face doesn't suit you first thing in the morning." He spoke groggily and playfully, jaws parting to yawn before giving his pelt a shake.

Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Asha Maren

Asha was aware of Eirian's approach - her thoughts had not distracted her from her natural, watchful demeanor. She welcomed his muzzle to her shoulder with a low rumble and pressed her nose to his ear in return. "My face is always like this," she replied halfheartedly. She hadn't been very reserved with play or affection with Eirian, as she had with Eskil. Their mutuality on the season had just been accepted by the colorless female, regardless of if it felt good or not. In fact, in Asha's opinion, it was all wrong. Which, of course, was why she hadn't wanted to drag Eskil into it. She respected the larger wolf far too much for such things.

Just thinking of him caused a tug in her chest that she couldn't quite explain.

The young woman pressed her flank into her companion's side - the mercury-silver mixed with the fire-orange easier than she'd expected. Physical touch was a commodity in Asha's life; something she didn't share with many wolves. However, she and Eirian had a purely-physical relationship. Being with him was nothing like being with Eskil. And yet, for some reason, a trill of fear rose deep within her chest when she thought of telling him what was bothering her.

Asha may have never been pregnant before, but she was no stranger to the signs. She knew exactly what was happening in her body, and it frightened her - the idea that Eirian might leave her as quickly as he'd found her just because of it. He didn't seem to be the kind of man who was going to be in it for the long haul, and she hadn't expected him to be. However, she hadn't exactly planned for pregnancy, either.

Regardless of if she decided to keep it a secret or not, Eirian would find out, eventually, anyway. It wasn't exactly secret material. So, without giving herself any time to think it through, she cleared her throat and took a deep breath before stating, clearly and surely, "I think I may be pregnant."

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Snorting at the end here

His presence was quickly noted by the colorless woman, a gentle touch of her muzzle to the portion of fur just beneath his ear once his copper frame settled near her open side. A half-hearted retort about her face fell from her inky lips and a snort was Eirian's response, the hint of a smirk curling the corner of his lips while his head dipped to preen the creamy fur that cloaked the broad muscles of his chest with the points of his teeth before giving the fur a few licks to return them to their proper placement. Gradually allowing himself to shed the sleepy blanket that threatened to drag his body back into the makeshift den they had settled in and return to a state of slumber.

Motion against his side caused citrus irises to peel away from the fur of his chest to settle on the silvered side view of Asha's face, finally becoming aware that something was troubling the young woman if the slight contortion of her feature in a sign of worry didn't speak volumes enough. That and the sudden odd smell that finally began to seep into his nostrils and fill his lungs with each inhale now that he was situated next to its source. Curiosity briefly crossed his handsome features.

A cleared throat caused a cream brow to quirk skyward in further curiosity before the woman beside him finally spoke about what was plaguing her mind so early in the morning. For a moment his eyes widened, then a low chuckle fell from his lips. "Well, what did you expect was going to happen from our tango?" He spoke nonchalantly as if the news was no big deal to him which in earnest, it wasn't. Unlike her, he had been informed at an early age the events that occurred once the weather began to warm. It was a necessary topic all Asurns had to learn if they were to further strengthen their bloodline and keep the line pure. It wasn't a coincidence he was so willing to help take care of her itch. He needed to spread his seed and she just so happen to have the perfect pot and soil to plant it within. What exactly had she expected to happen?