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the perpetual self — Phantom Hollow 
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Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
mathuin whitebark
far away the falcon flew, i just wanted to be near you

For @Kino

He had escaped the hell of the mountain. His paws so tender that he wished to simply lay forever. The Whitebark knew they'd get better soon but he still had to deal with the pain now. While he wasn't very fond of how much snow had fallen within the last few days he was fond of how they helped his paws some. The ground here wasn't as rocky so he got to truly enjoy the softness of fresh snow.

Speaking of where he was...Mathuin's head turned back and forth. Tall trees seemed to pack the area tightly. He noticed how a fog seemed to grow the deeper he moved into it. Perhaps he should turn around and head elsewhere. He slowed down to stop to see where was a good direction to go. The large male walked in a small circle. After a few spins, he couldn't figure out which way he had come from. "Uhhh..." He anxiously mumbled. Mathuin wasn't sure if he had ever truly been nervous but he certainly was now. Large paws fumbled through the snow as his rump hit a tree and caused a loud yip to escape him. For someone so large and burly, Mathuin certainly could make the mousiest noises.

"He-hello?!" He cried out into the trees and fog. Oh, how he hoped someone was out here. He didn't wish to be lost. Well, truthfully, he didn't wish to be lost alone. The thought of being alone made the yearling want to burst into tears.

[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
hahahaha I'm the worst I'm sorry

If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

The big day was coming, perhaps in the next few days themselves. It made him jittery, a bit nervous but most of all excited. He was so close to finally having a home to call his own, something he could put all of himself into without being afraid. It was everything he ever wanted and he contemplated more and more each day his name. He’d never fully accepted Alastor as who he was, but to make this whole thing work he knew he needed to be able to do away with his past. Hal might have been able to try and balance it but he couldn’t. He’d grown closer to it, but even with the forgiveness of his siblings he hadn’t been able to forgive his past. Instead he’d drawn them into the future.

This day he was venturing a little further from where they’d pretty much decided they were going to set up shop. Compared to the brightness of the Vale this place was a phantom hollow but his pelt blended into his surroundings perfectly. He had to use his nose more than his eyes due to the fog but it wasn’t something he was worried about. In this environment it was like his senses went into overdrive. In fact, at first when he heard the voice he’d attributed it to his mind playing tricks on him. But the longer he went the more he wasn’t so sure. Then he heard it again he was sure. He followed the echo of the sound, nearly crashing into the boy. He came to a harsh stop feet away, topaz gaze wide in shock before backing up a few paces. “Ah, sorry. I didn’t see you there,” he said, taking in the form of the other. Desaturated like himself but much more contrasted. And while Kino was a bit broad in the chest the rest of him was rather streamline. The boy was bulky and muscular, a tank.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
The trouble with the storm inside us grew
But I still had so much to give

Somewhere in his brain's flurry the sound of steps caught his attention and before he knew it a large male like himself had appeared. Mathuin truly wished to throw himself into the arms of the stranger and weep for joy that he had saved him, even if he hadn't. "Oh, oh it's okay. I promise." He lowered himself slightly as his tail wagged behind him. "I was - kind of still am -lost...and a bit scared really." The large yearling decided to come out and say it.

Mathuin took in the form of his ghostly savior. Silver hues and bright topaz eyes. Any smaller details were missed by the yearling in this horrible lighting. "I'm Mathuin." He addressed himself and stood up a bit more. His green eyes darted around to see the tall trees and the fog still lingering. The large Whitebark wanted nothing more than for the misty to disappear. "Do you know the way out?" He asked as his voice was laced with worry. Mathuin had to keep reminding himself that there were dangers to adventuring but he never felt obligated to enjoy or make light of those dangers.

Had this been in any other not-so-creepy place he would have been brimming with questions and energy. Instead, all of his energy and questions were focused on how to get out from this place to somewhere far far away.

[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

The other was quick to reassure that his near blunder was forgiven and it was then that Kino noticed just how...disheveled the boy looked. A bit of a panicked look shone in his green gaze, his posture beant in a way that suggested relief. At being found, perhaps? If one didn’t know these woods they might get lost. Hell, even Kino found himself making a wrong turn or two especially with the recent fog that had seemed to be even thicker than normal. His assumptions were affirmed and a small smirk traveled onto the silver man’s maw, though it wasn’t one of amusement at the other’s situation. Rather it spoke of a sympathy.

He took note of the name given, then the question of whether or not he knew the way out. A nod bobbed the soon-to-be leader’s head in confirmation. “Firstly, it’s nice to meet you Mathuin. My name’s Alastor Leigh,” he greeting with a dip of his head. “Secondly, it just depends on which way you want to go. West of here is the mountain, but you have to go through a fen to get there. Pretty wet and murky, not a lot of fun. North the forest thins out more and it’s a lot easier to navigate,” he said, having no real clue which way Mathuin intended to head.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Becca who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mathuin Whitebark
His tail slowly wagged between his legs. "It's a great pleasure to meet you, Alastor Leigh." The name sounded so formal. It seemed fitting for an old grand king but Alastor didn't seem to be very old or much of a king. Of course, Mathuin would dub him such easily for saving his rear out here in this scary area.

The large Whitebark listened to the directions and nodded his head along. "I actually came from the other side of the mountain." His head turned around as if he might be able to see it hulking in the distance but it was no use in this place. Fog and crowded trees made it fairly impossible. A soft chuckle fell from his lips. "It was nicer on the other side, clear meadows and a cavern even...wasn't expecting such muck once I got down from there."

Green eyes easily returned back to Alastor. "North sounds like a good place to go." Even Enoki had told him to go north for easier travel but he didn't listen. Now that he had faced the mountain and this ghoulish place he was ready to head the second suggestion of going north. "Any other places I should avoid?" The yearling's head tilted to the side softly as he waited for Alastor to answer.
[Image: V8yGQ6c.gif]
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

It seemed his acquaintance had already traveled on of the paths and it didn’t seem that he had enjoyed it all that much. He couldn’t blame him, the mountain had been awful to try to traverse over. If anyone knew this it was him, he’d done it more than once. It definitely must have been quite the shock to have found himself landing in such a terrain. In the current conditions it seemed surely far from favorable.

”Any other places I should avoid?” he inquired and the man paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should tell him about their plan. He couldn’t scent any other’s upon the pelt of Mathuin but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t meet others and lead them tooth and nail to their soon-to-be-formed borders. Yet, at the same time, there was always the possibility that the man might want to join their ranks. He was burly and seemed sure, even if he was young. Yet, he was only a year younger than Kino himself so should he really be judging? In the end, he decided that he might as well tell the boy. “Actually, my friends and I are setting up a pack a little south-east of here. Borders aren’t up quite yet but it’ll probably be set up within the next week or so. Figured I’d let you know so you didn’t accidentally stumble across. Some of the other members might not be so keen on that,” the image of Larkspur’s face flashed across his mind. Yeah, definitely probably better to warn him.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume