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First thing we make you feel better — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris

OOC! @Neha mostly but welcome to other FTC members :) Takes place the morning after this thread


Word Count: 205

She was tired. So tired. She mostly just wanted to sleep and not move for a few days, but she needed to get to know her new territory and her new pack. She wasn’t going to cut herself off like before.  This time was going to be different.

Kajika had mentioned seeing Neha about her paws, and while the young woman didn’t want to use any resources so early, she knew she needed the help.  Her cracked pads hurt more than the rest of her body combined, and would only get worse.  She’d seen this before up north. It didn’t end pretty. Better to take care of it now than have it be so much worse later.

She didn’t know the territory well yet, and she didn’t even know who she was looking for.  Seeing little other option, Anaia sat back and let out a short howl, asking for Neha. She hoped nobody thought she’d gotten seriously hurt.  The last thing she needed was for a bunch of strange wolves to descend on her looking for some sort of fight, even if she wasn’t necessarily the one they were after.

Now all that was left was to wait for the pack’s healer to find her.

"Speech"  Thought

(This post was last modified: Apr 06, 2017, 09:50 PM by Felix.)
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
Sorry for the wait! <3

For reasons she did not yet understand, a deep gut instinct was telling Neha to lay low and out of the way. Ever since her intimate night with Draven, where the two of them re-kindled their relationship, developing a deeper understanding of the other, she felt different. And she wasn't sure if she liked it. Much to her relief, that god awful stench and the case of the itches that had been plaguing her for the last month was gone. In it's place was a feeling of uneasiness. She also felt more tired than usual...and hungry. But the usually wise healer in training ignored the signs and chalked it up to the simple turning of the seasons.

She was aware that laying with Draven as she did was wrong. What she was not aware of was the dire consequences such a seemingly harmless little act would have. The few times she did head out, leaving the comfort of her medicinal den, the suspicious glances caught from her pack mates made her hairs stand on end. Despite the looks, the whispers, she continued to deny the truth. She was the first born, eldest Vuesain. Her parents little princess. She had always been a good girl, never screwing up by running away like @Aleister had or plummeting head first into outbursts like @Lunette. She couldn't mess up that badly, she just couldn't.

Pangs of guilt and sorrow tugged heavily at her heart these days. Draven had departed, but promised to return soon for a visit. Cernan was gone now too. Her closest companion since birth...for life. Or so she thought. If he were still around then maybe she wouldn't have felt so terribly lonely in the very home she grew up in. Had something bad happened to him, some kind of terrible accident? Or had he simply gotten the urge to disperse, like so many young wolves did? Either way, Neha was fighting a losing battle with depression. When an unfamiliar howl went up in the heart of the territory, she lazily picked her head up from it's resting place over her paws. Whoever it was, they were calling for her. A brief flood of anxiety struck at her nerves...could she be in trouble? But no, that couldn't be the case if it were from someone new. Leaving the remains of the partially eaten hare behind in her den, she replied with a short howl of her own, to inform them that she was on her way. Her voice hardly held any real emotion, and as she emerged from her tucked away sanctuary hidden past the treeline, she glanced about almost nervously. Her brown eyes soon picked out a distinct, small white figure. Ears pricking curiously, she began to make her way forward to meet the stranger, offering an inquisitive chuff in greeting.
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris

OOC! You're good :)


Word Count: 221

The young girl had to admit she missed one thing about the Monadnock: it was hard for others to sneak up on her.  Granted, she was often lost in her mind enough that they still managed to catch her unawares, but at least there weren’t trees to help them hide.

It was the same thing today.  Anaia was so busy worrying about what might happen if someone else decided to answer her call that she didn’t hear the other wolf approaching. She jumped when she heard the chuff of greeting and spun in a full circle, looking for the source.  Her ears fell back in embarrassment and she had to clear her throat to speak. “Are- are you Neha?” She asked shakily.  

Why was she so nervous? Hadn’t Kajika told her the other members of the pack would like her? That they were nice? She should have more faith in the man that had slowed his pace and delayed his return to make sure she, a complete stranger, was safe and comfortable.

“I’m Anaia… Kajika said I should have a Neha look at my paws when we got here? They’re cracked from traveling.” She wasn’t sure if she should show the woman her paws or wait, so she simply shuffled her feet, wincing a little as the cracking skill snagged on the ground.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
To play it safe, Neha stopped several feet from the smaller wolf, to reduce the chance that she may pick up on her telltale scent of pregnancy. She did not know how long Anaia had been with the pack exactly, but she did know she was fairly new. The last thing she needed was to be confronted about her condition (which she still denied) and having to face her parents.

Managing a small but warm smile towards the white female, she nodded. "I am." Gosh, she seemed even more nervous than she was. It made her wonder why, although certainly their reasons were very different. As she spoke again, bringing up Kajika, she knew the dark male must have played a part in her acceptance into the pack. But more importantly, her paws required medical attention. "Well that was a good call. The terrain can be rough on the paws if you aren't used to it." She said with a touch of humor, hinting that she had indeed, grown up in such an environment. "I'll give them a look. My medical den is not far away if you will follow me." She gestured with her muzzle back from in the direction of said den, inviting Anaia to fall in step with her.
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 207

Anaia wasn’t sure why the woman had stopped so far away, but at the mention of hurt paws she seemed to relax a little.  Or maybe that was the pale girl herself, projecting it onto the other pack member.

“Thank you.” She said softly, following the medic.  There was a strange smell emanating from her fur, but the newest member assumed it had something to do with being a medic and spending time around herbs.

Still afraid of silence, Anaia decided she would ask some questions that Kajika hadn’t answered on their way here. “How big is the pack? I haven’t really met anyone yet.” She hadn’t been here long, after all. She hadn’t even seen much of the man who’d brought her here. “And do you know where Kajika is? I haven’t been able to find him.”

She was very confused.  He had promised that he would be here to help her make the transition from Whitestone to the Cove, but he’d gone and disappeared almost as soon as they got back.  Maybe the territory was just bigger than she’d thought and she simply hadn’t found him.  Maybe the alphas had sent him on another mission, though she didn’t understand why he wouldn’t have said goodbye.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
Sorry for the wait!
Herbalist demonstration 1 of 6

This new wolf, who was now about to become her patient, seemed to take little notice of Neha's pregnancy. Or if she did, she was doing well to ignore it. Either way, Neha was grateful that no such attention was directed upon herself. Knowing that Anaia was new, and also likely had no knowledge of her own history or background, also was a help. She was less likely to be judged by a stranger than those who knew her more closely, within the pack. The walk back to the infirmary, as promised, was short, taking only just over ten minutes. The site was nothing more than a simple hole dug into the ground, consisting of two chambers. One for housing the herbs she had collected, the other for herself or any patients needing a safe place to recover.

Slowly her nervousness slipped away, replaced by her professional yet still considerate, warm demeanor. "The pack is not overly large. It consists of myself, my younger sister, and my parents. There is Kajika of course, along with two other very loyal wolves; Moonshadow and Tagg." She said with a faint smile. She had considered mentioning the names of wolves who had filled the ranks before. Such as her brothers and Ismena. But mentioning them now was pointless, and she had given up hope on ever seeing them again. Taking a seat beside the entrance to the medicinal den, Neha listened to Anaia's question about Kajika patiently. With a shake of her head and a glance at her paws, she replied. "I don't, I'm afraid. But I would check by the southern end of the lake, or possibly the main den, if you haven't already."

Down to business then. Looking at the set of white paws before her, she could see nothing out of place. But the white girl had said they were cracked from travelling. "Could you turn your paws over for me? I need to have a look." She said gently, meeting the gaze of her patient with equal concern. "Have you experienced any severe discomfort at all?" She would need to know the extent of any pain she was in, in order to decide on the proper plant to use. Already she had a one or two viable options in mind. When Anaia had obliged and showed her the pads of her paws, Neha examined them with her eyes carefully, noting any bleeding or bruising that was visible, as well as the severity of the cracks and texture of the pads.


Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Flywolf who has 128 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anaia Lieris



Word Count: 204

As they walked, Anaia tried to ignore the sharp pain in her pads every time she took a step. Yet the longer she spent in Neha’s company, the more comfortable she became.  It was clear the alpha’s daughter was a good selection for healer.  Despite her initial aloofness, the woman was good at getting her patients to relax.

She answered the newcomer’s questions without hesitation.  Anaia had to admit she was a little disappointed she didn’t have a clear location on Kajika, but she couldn’t be too surprised. “Oh, it’s not very big at all then.” She said quietly, thinking of the overflowing borders of the Monadnock she’d left behind. She liked being in a family pack.  It seemed more like home.

When they finally reached the area the healer claimed as her space, the pale girl sat with a sigh of relief.  If she could just curl up and go to sleep and avoid walking for several weeks, she would.  But that wouldn’t get her anywhere – both literally and figuratively.

At Neha’s request, Anaia lifted first one paw and then the other to show the painful pads on the bottom. She hoped the healer would have something for her to put on them.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]