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check the title — Clandestine Brook 
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Played by Grey who has 228 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Niles Archer Lyall
July 28th; Early Morning; Rain; 60 ° F, 16 ° C.

Niles had originally been on his way to the Apse when the Brook drew him in. Along the gentle bend it carved through Dragonfly Fen, it swept him on a rather aimless path. He wasn't going to admit it to anyone (ever, just yet), but with Castel upholding the Leader position in Sahalie's stead had made him uneasy. Suddenly, she had duties to tend to and pack members to really look after - and a part of him was starting to hate it. He didn't want anyone looking at his Cassie now that they passed a point in their relationship as to become 'mates' or 'partners.'

It wasn't jealousy per se, but he did miss having her around for longer cuddles and sleeping in and, frankly, (almost) hogging her for himself. It was getting to be too much work traipsing around after her on her daily rounds and he much rather preferred staying curled up in his little depression in the mud beneath his spindly birch tree. The rain made sure that he didn't stay put for long though.

Hackles half raised and ears high upon his head, he patrolled about the furthermost edges of Quaking Vale's markers, hoping that a walk might take his mind off of worrying and fretting about Castel. His tail remained level with his spine as he paused within the innermost part of one of the stream's meanders. His throat was tight and his cheeks felt as if they were radiating heat beneath the downpour, but was not enough to make him drink or even begin to stop wondering about the rest of the pack and how much it had grown since he and Castel's buddies had established the place.
[Image: grey-autumn2014sigNILES.png]
we can say goodbye, just head home, but if we're going to be alone
Chimera is currently traveling with Niles and may hop into this IC thread!