His large paws were caked with the damp, dirty remnants of the muck that made up the floor below them. He wondered if Felix's paws and legs were just as trashed as his own. Mathuin could have easily looked to see but he was far more interested in where Fee's eyes were looking towards. When his friend broke into a trot, the Whitebark was quick to follow after. As if that wasn't enough to get the beefy yearling going the tempting "Follow me!" called out from Felix's mouth.
It seemed they were heading back to a more normal area with more familiar things. Such as less muck and more solid ground. Of course, the change was by no means instant but it was noticeable with each step the yearling duo took further away from the Murkwood. Freedom was indeed theirs now.
Astrid & Mathuin
The Adventuring Peanuts