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Baby Steps — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Sonora Kairi

The meadow had been exactly what she'd needed after traveling so far for so long. Her heart ached as she left the tree trunk that had been her shelter for a night. She'd lost so much and those loses weighed heavily on her leaving her with a sense of being lost. She didn't have a plan or know where she was going. She set out from the meadow hoping one day she might return. Sonora wasn't sure if the direction she was traveling but as time passed the scenery changed. Going from the flat grassy meadow to areas with bushes and trees. Soon enough the trees had grown taller, the scent of cedar filling the air.

She was curious about this place she now found herself in and though she still carried the sadness from losing her family and mate she thought this might be what Justin had meant before he died. Maybe this was where she was supposed to end up. Sonny didn't get her hopes up just yet but she did feel a slight hunger.

She hadn't been very hungry in weeks, eating was only done to sustain herself because she would not fall victim to the fall of her pack. Justin had shown her she was stronger than that, her will to live helped her to find the small shreds of that strength. She scented the air for signs of prey in the forest with the large trees before moving on weaving her way among the cedar trees. When she scented the air once more it was not the scent of prey she found there but that of another wolf. “I mean no harm,” she called out hoping it would keep harm from coming to her.

Played by Becca who has 53 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Most of her time was spent up in the infirmary, weeping softly or sleeping off the dreadful feeling that clung to her. Oisin should have known from the moment that girl died in the Hollow that things would only get worse. Death was always a bad omen and anyone who tried to convince her otherwise would have better luck flying. It was rare for her to peel herself from the healer's den but every now and then she did. Oisin knew she had to eat and drink. Perhaps find another place to head to but it was too soon. Where was @Aideen? Or @Sven? She wondered if one of them would take her in.

As she shuffled through the forest in a rugged manner a voice called out. “I mean no harm," Her head raised and ears leaned forward. "Huh?" She hadn't even said or done anything threatening. Was someone else out there besides the one voice that spoke? She crouched and slowly moved around a tall cedarwood, trying her best to stay hidden from the strange voice.

It was likely too late to stay hidden considering that she had called out with a rather dumb huh. Ah, well. Perhaps she would get lucky and be able to slink off back to the barren pack grounds.

[Image: oisin_sig_by_becuffin-db825sv.png]
Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Sonora Kairi

When she had scented the other wolf a sense of panic had come over her, what if it was wolf that meant t to do her harm like the ones that had attacked her pack? Images from that day and the days that followed still kept her awake at night.there were times she still found it hard to accept that she no longer lived in Misty Hollow. Sonora moved cautiously onward toward the scent. She didn't want to come face to face with the wolf if they meant to do her harm but she had to know if that was the case.

Movement out if the corner of her eye and the sounds of it caught her attention. Then the sound of a voice uttering just one word lead her to believe she wasn't in any danger...yet. At least that was her hope, she didn't have it in her to defend herself again. How bad if an idea what she was about to do went through her mind but she carried on. Moving in the direction she'd seen the movement and heard the voice she spoke once more. “Hello, I know you're there please show yourself,” she called again her tone gentle hoping she didn't seem threatening. Maybe that would keep bad things from happening again.

More and more she wished Justin was there to help her like he always had before. He would have protected her like he had on that dreadful day, to the end they had always said.

Played by Becca who has 53 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Oisin didn't want to show herself to this stranger. Even if they didn't seem to pose a threat. Maybe the small female could use some interaction but that didn't mean she wanted any. "No." She tried to sternly speak but it came out more as a soft plead. The ex-Hollow wolf really didn't have a backbone in her. Not before and not now. Oisin knew she probably wasn't very convincing to the big female in the distance who would easily loom above her small form with ease. All the more to fear the stranger and try to get them to go.

"I-I mean.." What did she say to sound big and scary? How could she sound strong and tough when all her voice wanted to do was crack under the weight of talking. "Go away now, I'm warning you." It was a weak attempt because this wolf could very likely squash her with ease. Not to mention that Oisin had a rather strong sense of manners even when trying to be scary. "Please." She whispered softly as dirty yellow eyes peered out towards the lone female.

What did they want? What would the female do to her if she got closer? Oisin really didn't think that she would make much of a snack or be someone worth wasting energy on. Surely this female could see that too.
[Image: oisin_sig_by_becuffin-db825sv.png]
Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Sonora Kairi

The tick in her tail started as she became more nervous with the situation she was faced with. She envisioned all sorts of bad things happening to her when she realized she was not alone in the forest. Sonny had even called out to see if the wolf would show themselves and what she got was wildly unexpected. However the voice that returned the single word didn't seem too threatening. Sonora wasn't quite ready to relax just yet but she did take a few steps closer to where the voice had come from.

She was stopped when the voice a females voice spoke again, the tick continued, telling her to go away or else. Sonora was a little surprised by this response but maybe the threat was real and that thought caused her to turn to leave. She stopped before she could start to head out of the area and instead decided to try with the girl.

“I won't hurt you... I…I’m just trying to find my way. I'm not really sure where I am. Maybe you could help me?” She hoped that might help the girl to come out and show herself, maybe not feel as scared as Sonora felt. Maybe if the girl was nice it would make her feel a little better to run into a friendly face? Sonora didn't know for sure.