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Part of the Silence — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
For @Ayla/@Corsair RE: Magpies have overrun the forest!

- Midday, Patchy rain possible - 58 ° F/15 ° C

"Don't go shouting out loud that you're claiming the crown"

These haunted woods were always damp, even now in what should be the heat of summer. The slate and russet wolf grumbled to herself as she trotted through the muggy underbrush, it couldn’t be long before the fur on her paws started to rot. If she had her way she would be keeping dry in a den, or at least far up in the rocky lands where it was dryer. But alas, the pack needed all its members on their feet, manning the borders, feeding the pups. Those damned things sure required a lot of attention!

But, as annoyed as she was, Nalda wasn’t gonna disappoint her aunt. She would do her duty, and today that meant running around the territory, protecting the caches from these damn scavengers! Wherever they had come from, magpies suddenly seemed to have overrun them in massive numbers, seizing every opportunity to snatch a meal. Normally the fellow scavenger would commend them for their cheekiness, she’d done her bit of sneaking to avoid the hard work of the hunt and knew the gall it took to steal from bigger predators. But she’d done a lot of the hard work to fill these stores – because she was a pack wolf now, and that was what they did – whether hunting, scouting or scavenging, dragging he prizes home rather than eating her fill where she found them. As such, she was not inclined to led these feathered fiends reap the bounty.

Spotting another group of them digging up ahead, she increased her speed, baring her teeth in a vicious snarl as she jumped into the flock, scattering black and white birds everywhere. The thieves called insults at her as the flapped to safety in the trees, filling the woods with their shrill voices. “Get out’a’ere y’ filthy pa’sites!” She barked at them, glaring up into the dense canopies. Then she turned to scraped more dirt back over the cache they had started to unearth, squatting on the spot and leaving a fresh scent-mark for good measure; Little bastards! She snorted her distain up at the trees, then turned to continue her route, ears perked for the calls of more thieves.

Word Count: 362

Thoughts "Speech"
Played by Ghost who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mabel Donata
Note to self: Mabel is about 3 months old

Mabel knew fully well that she was not where she was supposed to be. They weren’t allowed away from their little private den and the small area surrounding it unless they had a grown up with them. Mabel knew and understood these rules, she had been told them over and over and over again in varying tones of voices, disappointment, frustration, anger, and even occasionally exhaustion. Her mom had told her, her dad had told her, her cousin Nalda had told her, the other yearling Arnaq had told her, her grandpa had told her. They had all told her.

Frankly. she just didn’t really care.

Speaking of Nalda… The muddy blue eyes, somewhere between the blue shade they had started with and the brown shade they would become, watched intently from the shadows. Her cousin barred her teeth and leapt fearlessly into the flock of birds that had been digging at the ground. She was soooo cool. Leaping out from her hiding place in the bush Mabel proudly declared, ”Filthy pa’sites!” the showed her own tiny teeth, including the few gaps where her milk teeth and fallen out and adult teeth were slowly emerging.

She didn’t even care if she got in trouble, Nalda was cool enough that she was worth it. Mabel even loved the weird way she talked, not like any of the other grown ups. The cream coloured pup wanted to be just like her.

[Image: mabel_by_becuffin-dbafpqz.png]