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Of Blood and Bonds — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
so I was thinking maybe if you were fine with it Rosie could join OTB and be an omega or something? Just so she isn't losing LP :)

The sky was a swirling purple color, the ground a wavy blue, everything was wrong bit for some reason she didn't question it. The appearance of multiple glowing figures in the distance made her mantra make sense. She slowly walked towards them as the mantra fell from her maw. The more she said it the more it was ingrained into her mind. As she grew closer the glowing wolves rose on rocky pedestals leaving one dark figure to remain level with her. This man had a much darker pelt than her own, and stood taller than she. It was clear that this was the man that had attacked the yearling but she wasn't afraid. She stood before him continuing to murmur the mantra. Had she been in the right state of mind she would have been terrified, but the psychedelic vine kept her from being so. 

He stepped towards her, causing her to lower herself in submission. The only ones she had ever shown submission to were her own parents. She was taught to never submit to others for she was a princess and a future queen. Rosie closed her emerald eyes as he stood close to her. She felt his tongue run along the top of her muzzle a few times before stopping. Moments passed before she opened her eyes to see the man completely gone. The only thing he left behind was the mantra. 

The visions lasted for about half the night before slowly fading away. The mantra so so engrained in the yearlings mind that it would take a miracle to make her believe otherwise. Slowly she began to wake, emerald eyes blinking to restore her vision. Rosie tried to lift her head with no avail. She was still too weak from the blood loss to move. The scent of water reached her nose as the princess realized just how dry her mouth was. It didnt take long for her to find the turtle shell filled with water. She used what little strength she had to drink. It tasted off but she didn't care, her mouth felt like she ate sand. 

She drank what she could before searing pain in her neck forced her to stop. A quiet whimper fell from her maw as the pain began to make itself fully known. She sat as her pain became more apparent but then began to slowly dull. She felt the pull of sleep once more and happily gave in. 

This sleep would not be peaceful for the horrors of what had happened to her plagued her dreams. She kicked and bit and growled in her sleep until the frightening sight of teeth closed in on her face. She woke up with a start causing her to sit up for the first time in over a day. Her breathing was rapid as her emerald eyes quickly scanned the area around her. Calming down Rosalin realized that there was someone laying next to her. She looked over her shoulder to see a dark figure sleeping besides her. Her heart sped up as something deep within her told her to run. That warning was drowned out by a quiet voice in her head. She was unaware of whose voice it was but it was Zev's, from all the whispering he had done in her ear. 

Feeling a bit calmer the Kingsley girls surveyed her surroundings. They were by a tree underneath low hanging branches that his them from the outside world. Light peaked through said branches making it known to be day but what time of day she couldn't tell. She noticed the pile of meat next to the turtle shell. She leaned down slowly and sniffed it but its smell repulsed her. Her nose wrinkled at it as she gave a snort. There wasn't anything else note worthy around her. So she decided to try to look around past the branches. Gritting her teeth the mangled female was able to stand. Taking a second to allow the dizziness to subside she slowly made her way out. The sun light was blinding causing the girl to tightly shut her eyes. Opening them slowly Rosie was able to adjust to the light. She relieved herself before finding a spot where she could half lay in the sun and half in the shade. There she sat allowing the suns warm rays to beat against her pelt. 
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
OMG!! I hate preview post, this is the second time I thought I posted but only hit preview post. gah this post suck in comparison to my other one, but I had to get a reply done up, sorry to keep you waiting

Zev awoke with a start, he had slept more soundly then he had planned, the first thing he noticed was she was not there, how quickly he had grown used to company willing or unwilling.

The brute rumbled lowly, displeased sound that was not quite a growl, he shifted into a standing position and sniffed the untouched food, it did have an unappetizing scent but it was food and perfectly edible. He dipped his muzzle into the turtle shell, the water mostly gone; he tapped his tongue to the waters surface once then chuckled. The herb was long lasting maybe even two days worth. He care

His eyes snapped upwards and fell upon her then, his voice was warm and silky Hello Bascha. you may call me Zev By now the warm feeling of the sun and the herbs in the water would be making her feel calm and sedate, He padded over to her his leg was healing but he was not whole yet, however his slow walk gave the illusion he was uninjured hardly a hitch in his step.

He moved to her side and crooned softly You need to eat bascha, this food I have prepared for you will help your blood blossom, and your strength return, We will need your strength if we are to serve the gods. He guided her toward the food she had chosen to ignore. While you eat, I’ll attend your wounds the flesh there will be stronger then ever, but I’ll make sure your pelt doesn’t change colour over the scars

He was exhausting his meagre supply of herbs on this one wolf, he was beginning to wonder why he cared so much, but couldn’t help himself, he could feel the gods loved the sacrifice so she was useful to him, for the time being. Plants could be found again though summer was growing short. But he managed to get some skullcap, known to help speed healing and reduce scars.
Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
@Zev I've done that a fee times too haha so no worries! :) this was as good as ever! <3

The warmth of the rays soaked through her pelt warming her to the bone. It was refreshing from being so cold due to the blood loss. The princess closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The back of her neck hurt and her body was sore but she still felt relaxed. Her russet ears flicked back at the sound movement behind her. She only turned when the sound of a voice reached her. Bashca. The name was foreign yet familiar to the yearling. Where had she heard that before?  She didnt have time to dwell on the origin of the name for the dark male continued to speak introducing himself as Zev. Then something clicked, the mantra played once more with in her head.

I belong to Zev, to the gods, I live to serve the gods through Zev, the gods need honouring. 

"Good morning sir" she greeted, her formal upbringing coming to the surface. "My name is Rosalin Victoria Kingsley, but you can call me Rosie if you'd like." She said in a polite manner with a smile. He was her master, her superior, therefore she was obligated to always be respectful. 

He moved to her side brushing against her so that their fur intermingled. The contact sent a shiver down her spine as emerald orbs watched him intently. He gentle nudged her in the direction of the covered tree as he told her she need to eat to keep her strength to please the gods. She nodded as they reached the low hanging branches. "Oh yes, of course" she agreed as she bent down to sniff the pungent pile once more. Again its odor didnt sit well with the girl but she began to eat anyways. A small quiet voice inside her screamed at her, but its words were drowned out by the whispered mantra. The princess was under his control. 

She gaged a couple of times as she ate the owl meat but did her best to hide it. Zev tended to her wounds even after she was done with the meal. "So what is that?" The blonde yearling asked curiously. Her self centered and entitled nature was suppressed for the time being from the drugs and near death experience. It was like a completely different female. One that the true Rosalin would be disgusted at. 
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Rau who has 58 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
perhaps we finish this and start a joining thread, if you have not already, if you did Zev will join it

Zev was pleased at how obedient she was, of course he’d need to keep her addicted to the Ayahuasca vine, for a time. He watched her carefully, her words, her mannerisms bespoke of something else that niggled in the back of his mind, he did not yet know what kind of treasure he had found, but the name, kingsley… that sounded familiar somehow. No matter.. He twitched his ears to the back of his skull then forward again, just as quick as that he put it out of his mind. A footnote to attend to at a later time and date.

Zev he found himself correcting her. Call me Zev, do not change my name or give me title that is not for you to do, that is for the gods alone. He also wanted her to think of him as Zev, for every time she thought or said his name it would incite the mantra he had pain stakingly impressed upon her and would continue to do each night he was near her ear.

Zev was always self centered he cared nothing of any other wolf, or any other being; other then his ultimate goals, and the predicament Roslin found herself in, was a true testament to that.

Zev grinned at the girl as she moved and obediently ate, though it tasted awful it was nothing more then a parent wolf might offer a pup, at least this food, though mixed with the beetroot that would help her body recreate the blood the gods so desired, did not have stomach acids nor was half digested. Just chewed up to make it easier to slide down her mangled throat.

The brutes eyes lingered on the femme as he worked on the yarrow plant making a paste of it, while she ate and for a little bit afterward he pressed the yarrow paste to her wounds, there was no sign of any infection in any of the wounds they were clean and the skin nearly healed. It was the muscles below her pelt that paid the price, the muscles would heal with time and there was very little the healer could do to speed that.

He heard her question and decided she questioned his healing practices upon her. What I use upon your wounds is common Yarrow, prepared in a paste so as to help your skin knit together in such a way to avoid scaring or at least scaring enough to change the colour of your pelt, He looked toward the turtle shell Finish the water Bascha it will help you sleep….

He did not even wait to she if she listened to his command as he picked up the last small piece of vine and tenderly placed it on the flat rock he had been using to prepare this night after night. He picked up a second rock and repeatedly dropped it upon the vine until he was pleased at the pasty plant remains. He prepared it in this way so as to avoid tasting the vine himself, though he wanted to so badly, he did not have enough yet to support two wolves.

He’d have to bring her back to the pack that had accepted him and get them to accept her as well, he needed to be closer to his vine and he would religiously feed her small amounts every night while whispering his mantra for her, he wanted it so engrained she’s never escape it, even when her true self returned to the surface, his voice would still be able to supersede all that she was. Now this is a gift from the gods, and they would be most pleased if you accepted it, and it allows you to see what they wish you to see. All you need to do is lick this up, you do not need to swallow if you do not wish, just sitting on your tongue, all their wonders will unfold. He missed the sweet flavour of the addictive vine, somewhere akin to the sweetest meat or perhaps honey, he was slightly jealous as he watched her take up the vine be he crooned to her Sleep now… our journey begins tomorrow