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Tears of the sky — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Brian who has 8 posts.
Inactive Pup
Elle Asurn
(( Puppy time! anyone's welcome!))

The youngest pup of the pack peeked out of the safe confines of the birthing den, russet splashed nose twitching constantly as the pup tumbled out into the dirt, Elle wanted to explore and now seemed like the best time. Last she had looked, shortly before her little escape from the den, @Adeltra and @Romanov had been dozing. She couldn’t stand it though, a bout of playful hyperness caused little Elle to prance back and forth on her paws, a playful yip escaping as a short bark escaped, aimed toward a passing butterfly, fluttering around the clearing, soon with the Asurn chasing it, teeth snapping as she tried to catch it.

All seemed so well for Elle, they had a nice routine, play, eat, explore, and it seemed to only follow that continuous cycle, something she had been able to enjoy and anticipate to a small degree. She paused in her pursuit of her prey as something wet smacked her right between the eyes, a single drop of rain. Slowly, she blinked, trying to figure out what it was “Wut?” she asked curiously, then another dropped hit her, right on her tail.

The girl hopped and turned around where she could, trying to find this new assailant, her tail wagging, teeth bared with a little rough growl escaping, it didn't seem hostile, but she didn’t like it when something new happened, she had to figure out what it was, a third drop assaulted her soft pelt, this time, hitting her between the shoulderblades, this earned an frustrated whine, her baby blue eyes squinting as Elle searched the clearing with the intensity and attention span shorter than a squirrel.

There it was! She caught the phantom attacker this time! A droplet of water splashed against the grass in front of her, of course Elle did the only logical thing she could, she snapped at the grass, trying to bite the grass harboring her assailant. Oh, once she caught it, she just HAD to show @Enoki and @Eek, maybe she'd even be able to present it to uncle @Eskil.
Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Adeltra had, indeed, been snoozing. She’d been dreaming little puppy dreams, ones that involved the warmth of her mother’s milk and belly and playing with her siblings. Yet, it also involved the outside world. She had only been able to explore the little clearing they were allowed in outside the den, so her world wasn’t very large, but instinct told her there was more. She dreamt of what might lay beyond the clearing, of exploring with Elle and Romanov at her side. My, what an exciting thought!

Yet, she was pulled from her slumber by a brush against her side. Puppy blue gaze blinked open groggily, little head lifting up and squinting as she saw her sister waddle out of the den. Where was she going? More importantly, why was she leaving without her? The dark Archer was quick to her paws, stumbling a bit as sleep still clung to her limbs but she went on determinedly. She burst outside, pausing and watching curiously as Elle seemed to lunge at a piece of grass. What was so interesting about grass?

She began to make her way toward the other when, suddenly, a wet sensation came across the top of her head. Confusion furrowed her brows and she looked around, trying to find where it had come from. There it was again, this time on her back! She spun around, dizziness overtaking her and causing her fall on her rump with a squeak. Blue gaze looked up to try to get her bearings when she was hit on the nose by some kind of wet droplet. She sneezed, leaping to her feet with a high-pitched puppy growl. She was being attacked from above! She began to leap up, jaws snapping at air as she attempted to fight back at whatever the source of the wetness was.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Brian who has 8 posts.
Inactive Pup
Elle Asurn
Elle felt little fangs meet dirt and grass as she caught sight of a shape in the corner of her baby blue gaze, a stem of grass stuck to her muzzle as she turned quickly, just in time to watch her sister leap up and snap at the attackers, she let out a little growl in response as a new droplet smacked her on the forehead. Tail wagging and fangs bared, Elle wasn’t sure what they could do, when you did catch it, the droplets tasted like dirt, as she found out from getting a mouth full of soil.

“What do?” she squeaked, another high pitched growl forming when she head Adeltra’s squeak, no one hurt her family! Or dropped a lot of fluids on them! She wasn't sure if this was even considered an attack or not but she was positive of one thing, they had to defend their home from the aerial assault. A fresh smack on the nose tip caused the pup to yip in surprise before she caught sight of something in the corner of her eyes, the barest tip of her own fluffy tail, she yipped again as she turned in a sharp, clumsy circle, following it, but it always stayed just out of her vision, the world started to spin as she stumbled and gave up, collapsing in tired heap.