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the hearse ran out of gas — Kettle Pot Pond 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski
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Oksana had went back to searching for hoppers after Cyril's had gotten away from him. They had both caught one so she considered it to be a good day for the both of them. The sound of him entering the water brought her attention to him but then she noticed the light was fading. She hadn't meant to be out as long as she had and needed to get back to her mother.

“Hey Cyril,” she called from the bank, “It's getting late should probably get home before I'm missed. I had a lot of fun and thanks for teaching me about hoppers. I hope maybe we can do it again.” With that she flashed the boy a smile before her dark form turned back toward Hearthwood.


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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

His ears twitched in her direction as she spoke, his head turning around to meet her golden gaze. The boy gave a short nod in response—it was time for him to return to the monadnock as well. He had already been gone too long, which meant his parents (or Everly) were probably looking for him. “Me too!” He chirped back in response, his tail wagging gently behind him as he marched through the water toward dry land. “See ya around!” He called out over his shoulder as he gave his water-logged body a quick shake. Flashing her his own lop-sided grin the boy sped off once Oksana turned toward the trees, his stubby legs carrying him as quickly as possible over the tundra…

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