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We've all got a little darkness inside — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
You catch a glimpse of your reflection in the water, and for a split second, it seems like it's moving on its own!

Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Aegir didn't like this place.

It was true that there was lots and lots of water, and so plenty of opportunities for him to practice fishing, but he just wasn't in the mood for that. His belly was full and it was starting to get cold, the last thing he wanted to do was jump into the water and get all wet.He knew that there were easier-and more effective-ways to fish but he was a stubborn little thing and maybe, just maybe he was still a little mad at her.

Aegir still couldn't believe what she had done, or rather what she had tried to do.

He knew his Ma liked to play nice with everyone she met, but did she really think he'd do the same? No way! Da didn't force him to play nice, he didn't force him to do anything! So why did she? It just wasn't fair, he was old enough to do as he liked, he was almost an adult! So why oh why didn't she treat him like one? He wasn't her baby anymore, or so he'd adamantly claim.

The Sea Dragon stalked along the lake shore, his paws leaving tracks in the wet sand as he went. He didn't know where his family were, but he knew they wouldn't be far. That's how it always was, he'd wander off and sooner or later they'd catch up and put him back on course. It had been a fun game for a while but he was starting to tire of it. He wanted more but wasn't exactly sure what.

With a dramatic huff, he came to a stop and plonked his butt on the shore. The moon was high in the sky, shining bright as though it was trying to outdo the sun. It was a clear night, and there wasn't even a cloud in the sky. Any other pup would have been at least a little creeped out, in such a ghostly quiet place with such a pale moon looming above, but not Aegir. He was a dragon and he was brave.

He just so happened to glance down at the water that lapped at his paws and saw his reflection, his orange gold eyes and his puppyish face. He looked more like his Da than his Ma, all dark and handsome. The thought made him smile, one day he'd be just like him, he'd make both of his parents so proud. But then something odd happened, he was still smiling, he could feel it on his lips and yet the face that looked back at him...It's expression was grim and serious.

He whirled around, half expecting to find his Da standing behind him, frowning in disapproval.But no one was there, he was alone...That reflection must have been his!

How creepy!!!

Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

It was foolish of her to explore the woods under the cover of darkness. She knew that. The pale Stark girl was utterly terrified of being on her own on the dark yet here she was, weaving her way through the trees, following a path she had taken recently. A path that reeked of her father and his wandering paws—a scent that comforted her and her anxious mind. Her nose twitched nervously as her pace quickened, her stubby legs working overtime.

She had waited until her father had slipped away from the den for his nightly patrol before she wiggled her way out of the den, quiet as a mouse in order to sneak past her mother and sister. Lavender made sure to go the opposite way from her father—she did not want to get caught her first time sneaking out in the middle of the night. Lilliana would never let her hear the end of it.

The further she went the more uncertain she became. Not of where she was or where she was going. No, the uncertainty was in the reason behind her midnight adventure. She couldn’t remember why she had chosen to leave the den. Or why she had chosen to pursue the lake her father was so fond of. Maybe it was because she, too, had grown attached to the mirror-like water and the soft sand.

As she approached the soft sand an unfamiliar scent reached her noses, causing her paws to skid to a halt as she surveyed her moonlit surroundings. She did not see anything at first, aside from the moon reflecting in the smooth surface of the lake. Had the stranger—or monster?!—fled the scene? She gulped, her legs quivering as she took a hesitant step forward.


Her paw had found the only stupid twig on the beach, causing it to split in half.

Her ears folded against the back of her crown as she looked around, frantically searching for the strange scent. Had she just alerted the monster of her presence?

I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna d—

(This post was last modified: Nov 01, 2017, 02:25 AM by Lavender.)
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

First his creepy reflection now strange noises? Nope. Nah. Aegir didn't like this place, not at all. At first he thought his Ma would like here, after all she was waterborn. But the idea of his Ma being all vulnerable and unaware of the scary things that lurked here? Nuh uh. She was never coming here, not ever ever, the Sea Dragon would not allow it.

Even if he was a little mad at her he'd still protect her with all he had.

All of that aside, he weren't afraid. Yeah, his fur was standing on end, spiky down the line of his back so he looked just like his Da when he got mad but..That was just a coincidence. So was the fact that his ears were pressed firmly against his skull and his tail curled between his legs.

It was spookier than anything he'd seen but he was a brave soul! He was a dragon and if monsters, or whatever was out there, thought it could scare him then it had another thing coming. He'd teach it the true meaning of fear, it'd soon learn that dragons weren't to be messed with, unless you wanted to get burnt.

Spinning around like a lash of a whip, Aegir pulled in a deep breath and pushed his paws into the wet stand as he steadied his gait. He puffed out his lungful of air then squinted with an intense focus as he yelled as loud as his lungs would allow.


He wasn't sure how he was supposed to fight his reflection, aside from biting and snapping at the water. But he knew he'd be able to beat up whatever made that snapping sound, or at least he was reasonably certain he could. Maybe. If he remembered all those tricks and tips his Da had showed him.

Either way, he'd give it all he got!

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

I’m gonna die, I’m gonna d—

She huddled against the ground, her eyes drawn shut as she desperately hoped she—or the monster—would disappear. Perhaps it was already gone, fleeing the scene minutes before Lavender had arrived, and its scent was lingering… OR she had just given away her position and the monster was now plotting its attack on the pale Stark twin. The latter was certainly more likely, for Lavender did not always attract the best luck…

Swallowing, hard, she opened a single chartreuse pool, her ears still glued to the back of her skull as she struggled to make out the shoreline before her. Still, she couldn’t see anything—just darkness and the soft glow of the moon along the smooth surface of the lake. A sigh of relief threatened to spill off her tongue as a small smile struggled to work its way onto her dark lips, her hackles falling back into position…


So she was going to die. The monster was still around and it wanted to fight her. A small whine escaped her, suppressing the sigh and filling her gut with anxiety once more. She was not a fighter—far from it! She would surely lose against the creature, despite how young it sounded. It was still scary and still much more threatening than little Lavender. “I-I’m not a f-freak!!” She called back, her voice propelling from her body before she could stop it. Her jaws clamped shut, eyes widening as she realized what she had done. She had given away her location. Death was definitely in her near future now…

Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Maybe calling it a freak wasn't the smartest of moves. But what else was he supposed to say? He had to show that he weren't scared, that he was just as dangerous as it was. And what better way than to yell as loud as he could till his throat felt all tight and scratchy? If he did it again he knew he'd lose his voice, but hopefully he didn't need to. Hopefully his mighty dragon roar had scared it away.

Apparently not though, as out of the darkness a feeble voice called out to him. A trick! It had to be a trick! It was toying with him, first it had made his reflection all funny now this? Oh man, this monster was a devious thing. A demon maybe, they were supposed to be tricksters, right? Aegir couldn't quite remember, he'd have to ask his Da when he saw him next. If he ever saw him again. The Little Dragon swallowed thickly as he dug his paws into the sand. He could do this, he'd see his family again.

Maybe...Maybe he wasn't ready to fight yet, after all Da and Kyri no doubt still had a lot to show him. He was good, close to the best probably, but was he ready for something like this? His mind said yes, dragons were ready for anything but his heart wasn't so sure. Perhaps he'd inherited a sense of trepidation from his Ma after all.

What had his Da said? Don't get into a fight unless you have to? Well here it didn't seem like he had a choice, the demon had started it after all.

"Thas' what a demon would say. Prove it!"He yelled out into the night, remaining by the lakeshore, just in case. If push came to shove he could try and swim away, he'd gotten pretty good at it, his Ma had taught him well.

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

Silence had fallen between the Stark and the monster. Her chest heaved as she struggled to contain her breathing, her eyes still frantically searching along the dark shoreline for the voice. So far, she was safe. As far as she was aware the voice did not know where she was—just like she didn’t know where he was. Which was good. Lavender would work with that. If she managed to distract the voice she could easily slip away and disappear into the trees. She would just have to make sure he didn’t follow her home… her father would certainly lose all his fur if she brought a monster home.

She swallowed, hard, her chin pressed to the ground as she attempted to make herself look even smaller. Why couldn’t she figure out where this voice was coming from!? Was it just a figment of her imagination? Was she dreaming? She blinked, frantically, in a feeble attempt at waking herself up. But, of course, it did not work. Because she wasn’t asleep. This was happening. She was on the brink of dying and there was a monster taunting her.


A surprised yelp almost escaped her as the voice called out once more, causing her limbs to quiver beneath her. Wait—did the monster think she was the monster? Her nose wrinkled. That didn’t make sense. “N-No! I’m not a demon!” She retorted once more, her frustration growing. “How do I know you’re not the monster, huh?” The girl was surprised by her own boldness but she continued, the words sliding off her tongue: You prove it!”

Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aegir Sørenson
My aegg muse has been all over the place, sorry!
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire
Aegir Sørenson

Aegir scowled at the voice. His Da had never mentioned any cowardly demons, one's who sounded as though they were shaking so hard that they were in danger of blurring off this plane of existence. Perhaps it was a trick, a ploy to try and lure him into a false sense of security. That once he drew close enough it would spring it's evil trap.

Well, if that was the case then Aegir wasn't going to fool for it. The oldest tricks in the book weren't going to work on the dragon, if it wanted his soul then it was gonna have to get creative.

"I asked first. Seems like yer tryna be sneaky."No one could outsneak the sneak, of that Aegir was certain."How do I know ya won't try'n eat my soul? Huh?"He arched a brow as a grin pulled on his lips. He was so so smart, Da would be proud when he told him all about this.

"Mah reflection jus' moved on it's own. How do I know that weren't you? Least tell me yer name. Demons don't have names...I think?"

He puffed up his chest and thudded his paws against the sandy shore.

"See, m' a dragon. Got the soul of one anyways. S'in my blood."Or at least that's what his Da told him."Thas' why I ain't scared of no demons."

[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Hero who has 120 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Lavender Stark

So, maybe the voice wasn’t an actual monster. Maybe the voice was a wolf, like Lavender, who was scared of her because, like the voice, she was hidden from view.

Or maybe it was all a clever rouse in order to get Lavender to expose herself from her hiding spot.

Also completely possible.

A deep frown was etched into her dark lips as the voice continued to spew words in the darkness between them. Something about eating a soul and his reflection moving on his own. It all sounded preeeeeettttyyyy monstrous to Lavender.

AKA: she wasn’t ready to expose herself just yet.

So the pale girl remained quiet, her tail twitching in frustration behind her as she weighed her options.

1. Expose herself and the voice ended up just being a regular ol’ wolf with an attitude.

2. Expose herself and the voice ended up being the monster she believed it was and it gobbled her up!!! And her soul, or whatever.

3. She could still run away. Leave the voice shouting to itself in the darkness and maybe pester another unsuspecting victim.

A dragon the voice called themselves. But what exactly was a dragon? It sounded a little scary and Lavender wanted nothing to do with it. She frowned, her paws twitching with worry. I ain't no demon! She called out once more as she prepped herself to run away from the lake and the dragon. She had no interest in being gobbled up by a dragon, no thank you! M'names Lavender, an' with a name like that I can't be a demon! Obviously. Demon's couldn't have such soft, gentle names. Not possible! But the girl had lost interest in the voice by the lake. The dark was a bit too spooky for her and she wanted to be safe inside her den back in Hearthwood as soon as possible! Sorry dragon, but I gotta fly! It was sort of nice yellin' at you? Be safe 'n don' get eatin' by no demons! With that the girl tore off, disappearing into the dark foliage, making a bee-line straight for the river...

Fade, thread complete.

(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2017, 01:48 AM by Lavender.)