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aw naw — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by Switch who has 145 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Any Wild Rye wolves welcome. I put it here so it was clear she was pretty close, but not actually trespassing.

With her mind made up she continued south. The map she had in her head finally lining up with what was in front of her eyes. She would arrive to the fields fairly soon, and that was all she tried to think about. Why fret now, and there? She'd have her answer soon enough. Besides if she wasn't good enough for them, she could be for someone else.

There were more to her reason. If she was going to have any kind of decency she had to start there. She wouldn't feel comfortable joining another pack and seeing one of them again without trying. Without trying to prove she wasn't some worthless flake.

When the golden field came into her view, and the scents hit her nostrils she felt her thoughts scatter over the time she had spent here. Had they found Percy? Had the leaders tried for more pups? Would they care to see her again? She didn't know them well, but they had seemed all right. But, leaving a pack never did get anybody a high number of points. Again, she reminded herself it didn't matter if she couldn't stay. It wasn't like they were all long lost friends. If they cast their judgement what more could she do? She'd tried to do the right thing, and that was that.

She wasn't kidding anyone. It would bother her. Especially, if she was looked down upon. But, it wouldn't be the leaders who caused that. If Askan thought she was a waste of space she knew that'd be a blow.

Now or never. Lifting her muzzle she released a long, loud note asking for the wolves of the Wild Rye Fields.

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Guardian Demonstration 1/3

A howl broke through the territory. A summons for the pack wolves. A loner, then? Or just a simple visitor?

As soon as the call went up, Aleksei was quick to move. He wanted to be the first on the scene, to greet the stranger, because … well, he learnt in his time in the Rye fields that these wolves were fast to greet those who came calling. He didn’t want to miss out on proving just how well he’d been tending to the borders, marking the territory where the scent line had grown weak—catching a loner quickly meant you were patrolling, and that was definitely a good thing to be doing.

Aleksei moved with a lazy gallop. He wasn’t too far, as luck would have it, and it wasn’t long before the silhouette of a wolf came into view against the golden grasses. If there was one thing he was grateful for, it was the lack of trees blocking his vision (at least in this stretch of the territory). It made spotting visitors so much easier!

With his tail curled above his back as the wolf at the borders became less of a foggy shadow and more defined, he gave a friendly chuff, slowing to a trot before halting mere wolf lengths away from her. Being unaware of her previous history with the wolves of Wild Rye Fields, Aleksei Baranski greeted the monochrome girl as he would any other stranger; “Morning, miss. What brings you to Wild Rye Fields?”
(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2017, 12:48 AM by Aleksei.)
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Switch who has 145 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mimi! <3 snugs @Drestig @Jessie

Remi learned something new about herself. She had a lot more self control than she thought. The whole time she waited for someone to show up, she  managed to stay in one spot. She didn't fidget, or bite the inside of her cheek. She'd like to think someone would have saw her from the lookout and were already on there way. But, what she hadn't expected was to be greeted first by a stranger.

Her silver ears perked up, and whatever disappointment cropped up disappeared as her gold eyes found their way to the tawny wolf. Properly, she let her tail remain limp behind her, and her head lined with her spine. Trying not to stare. The fellow was only doing his job, and she counted herself lucky he appeared genial. Even if she felt slightly intimidated by the scars he bore. Where she was from that meant you were a badass warrior, and she surprisingly was in no mood for a fight.

Thankfully he wasted no time in asking what had brought her here. Why she felt a bit silly, having to explain she might as well get to the point. If he didn't believe her, or care why would anyone else?

"I lived here through the winter, and the beginning of spring. But, there was one last,wicked snow storm to say the least, and I got pretty disoriented. Why I thought I was going northeast it so happened I was actually very northwest."

It wasn't entirely false, she had gotten rather lost, but not just physically. Those were details she would skip over. Even if it meant she couldn't stay. They were hers to hold onto.

It was with a faint smile she continued,"I've spent a great deal of time to get back here. Honestly, I..I understand if I'm not welcomed any more. But, I couldn't just go by without knowing. Be seen as a flake.." Briefly, she dare to meet his gaze trying to notice if he believed her or was highly doubtful. He probably had a really good poker face, and she didn't. "So yeah if um you think Drestig and Jessie wouldn't care to see me I'll be on my way."

(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2017, 05:56 AM by Remington. Edit Reason: spelling always )
[Image: se_by_a_yellow_bird-dc2z4ij.png]
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
Moving was the only way for the Snow woman to keep from thinking too much. The air was different. It felt stagnant and made her skin prickle as if a ghost was lurking in the dark behind her. But, the beta couldn't put her paw on what it was that made the fields feel different. Perhaps it was the constant disappearances of their members or just the fact that the wild rye was becoming brittle and dry that made the fields feel empty.  

However, Adelayde didn't want let her thoughts wander too far or else she feared she'd become stuck in her worried mind. She kept moving then, pausing only to reinforce scent markers along the border that she currently patrolled. It was then that a familiar voice called out across the fields, tawny ears perched alert to hear who it was that was requesting for the rye wolves. Remington was back. The beta wasn't sure if it was for good, but at least the disappeared female had made it back to the borders. Perhaps, she came to tell them why.  

Wanting to make sure she was there to greet her; the tawny woman took off at a gallop across the rye fields. As her mismatched gaze caught the first sight of them, realizing she was bit late. Aleksei was the first to show, but she wasn't too late to hear Remington start talking. As she slowed to stand beside Aleksei, giving him a friendly glance, her gaze turned back to the monochrome woman as she spoke about a snow storm.  

She easily remembered how harsh the previous winter was, but she felt a tinge of guilt that the rye wolves didn't try to actively find their missing member. Perhaps they were used to being abandoned willingly. Letting the female finished, a soft smile graced her lips as she began, "Last winter was rather harsh indeed and I'm glad you finally made it back to us, alive and well." Nodding, Remi didn't look hurt and Ade was genuinely happy she was to survive such an ordeal alone. "I think your honesty will put you in good graces with Drestig and Jessie. Are you coming back home for good?" The beta asked with a raised brow.  

(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2017, 05:06 PM by Adelayde.)
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
I'm so sorry I'm late with this ;;
Guardian Demonstration 2/3

Aleksei listened with pricked ears, nodding to let her know that he was taking in what she was staying. A snowstorm had knocked her off course, then? Led her past her home rather than into it? The agouti male could believe it—he himself had been caught in a pretty nasty snowstorm. Thankfully, he had scent trails to rely on for guidance. If he’d been without them … well, he probably would have gotten lost, too.

He pursed his lips thoughtfully. Drestig and Jessie didn’t seem like the type to hold grudges, especially if wolves came back from their disappearances. Certainly not Drestig, at least. Aleksei would’ve said so himself, had another’s voice cut in before his own. With a startle, his head twisted around so he could look at Adelayde. Internally, he was grumbling. He could handle a loner at the border, and he could especially handle a returning member. She could’ve just walked on.

Falling silent, Aleksei returned the smile, albeit a bit half-heartedly. Stepping back, the agouti wolf raised his head and let out a call for @Drestig and @Jessie. A missing wolf was home, after all. They’d surely want to know about it. Adelayde could handle the talking for now, he just hoped one of the leaders showed face.
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Sorry for the wait @Remington - thanks to ya'll for attending to her <3

He’d been in the woods, south of their borders when the initial call went up, hunting. He spend an awful lot of his time doing that lately. Both because they were now less adults to keep the pups fed and cashes stocked, and because his success rate seemed to have gone down hill lately. Usually a bit of rabbit or fat woodchuck was an easy enough deal for him, there were always times when the little critters got away, but never so many that it irked him. Maybe it was just stress, knowing how important each catch was making the misses stand out more. But he suspected something else was at play too, and the insistent ache in his joints pointed in that direction too. Nevertheless, today was a win, and he was on his way home with the fall-plump hare when Aleksei’s call reached him from the opposite border; Well isn’t that swell..!

So he’d be running again, pausing briefly at the den to leave his catch with the pups, and let them fight over the meat while he tended to the border. Then it was off northward, and even at a steady lope it took him a little while to arrive. So he was happy to see that some of his subordinate’s had attended to the visitor in his absence, a grateful smile offered Aleksei, for calling him, and a quick nod to Adelayde, before he turned his attention to the charcoal woman across from them. Ember eyes widened, ears flicking in surprise as he recognized her, only now, up close. “Remi?” He said, surprise the main tone lacing his voice. He honestly hadn’t expected to see the young woman again, having disappeared so shortly after joining them. “You’re back?” At a loss for what to say, Drestig suddenly felt the same guilt as Adelayde, having done so little to search for the young shewolf. All energy focused on the hunt for Percy, and with both him and Jessie so used to short-time members disappearing, from their time in the Bend, Remington had been pushed off as just another ‘freeloader’; But now she’s returned… And with a good explanation for her disappearance no doubt. So the greying wolf offered her a, slightly sheepish smile, nodding slightly to encourage her to speak.

Word count: 383

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Switch who has 145 posts.
Inactive No Rank

So far the guard seemed to be listening, which she hoped was a good sign. If someone didn't believe you they wouldn't let you waste your breath right?

Who would have thought there wasn't just one wolf who had heard her call. There was one more who came in time to hear her. Remi was surprised. As time had continued to pass, she felt more insignificant. If she might not be remembered, and coming here had been a mistake. Adelayde did remember her, and gave her a kind smile. One she didn't feel deserving of. She could barely offer a half one in return. It was too late to turn back. The guard called for the leaders and Remi couldn't pretend she hadn't heard the woman's question. She had thought about it. Believed it was what she wanted. But, standing here something didn't feel right about it. "I'm not sure." She replied, it wasn't like it was all up to her any way.

Eventually, in the distance her sight was drawn to the movement in the fields. The closer this wolf became she knew it wasn't the wolf whose forgiveness she sought the most. But, it wasn't all about forgiveness.

When the leader, @Drestig, came upon them, he seemed shocked, taking a moment to recall her name. She dipped her head to him respectfully, noting he did not appear to be angry. If he was he hid it well. Especially since he  seemed to be giving her a chance to speak. Now was not the time for her tongue to feel like stone. She felt the air expand her chest, and opened her mouth letting it spill out.

"I don't plan to stay. I couldn't ask you to extend your first offer again." She gave a thin,pained smile. She had been hoping, but she realized it wasn't there any more."But, it didn't seem right not to come back. You offered me a home when you could have turned me away. I want to do something for you, your family in turn for the kindness you have given me." Humbly, she held her stance low. What she could do she wasn't sure. Could she help them hunt? Making up for food she may have used? Was he in need of some form of favor? An errand runner? If she recruited someone to the Fields would it make up the difference?

[Image: se_by_a_yellow_bird-dc2z4ij.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity