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speaking a dead language — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Afternoon rolled across Relic Lore with a grey mask. The clouds hid any speck of blue sky from her vision while the air was cool and crisp. Still, Kisla only assumed the weather was changing as Corinna had told her it would, and the girl was not going to be swayed by a cold winter day.

At seven months of age, Kisla was beginning to grow into the wolf she would become; her puppy fat was melting to lean muscle while her limbs were now long and graceful. Pale tawny fur cloaked her slender figure; a blend of creams, gold, browns and even sparse bits of grey and black. Even so, her bright eyes shone with the innocence of her youth, and her gait was still very much puppy-like in fashion.

Taking the quiet day as an opportunity to explore, Kisla had slipped out of Swift River borders despite knowing her parents would not approve. She had not truly been far outside her home land and she was eager to find an adventure somewhere, or even meet a wolf from outside of the pack. Her nose had followed interesting scents on the wind she had never discovered before, and the youth soon found herself before a beautiful waterfall. Glancing up as the roar of the water took over her curiosity; the girl’s emerald eyes took hold of the sight, noting the breath taking beauty of the crashing water. Why hadn’t her father claimed this land instead?
(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2012, 04:52 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr's trek across the unclaimed lands of this place had led him to this area. The sound of the falls had caught in his ears and drawn him closer, almost as if entranced by the very noise of the cascading water. He had never come across such a phenomenon before in his life, and as he neared the bank of the stream and cast his golden eyes up, a sense of wonder came upon him. Despite being a middle-aged wolf, there was something to be said about witnessing something altogether new and exciting. His tail wagged softly, mouth open and panting from loping about.

As his eyes wandered, they came upon a female further upstream. Her gaze, too, was upon the peak of the falls, and it appeared that she had not noticed him. Sampling the wind, he was able to discern the scent of many wolves on her pelt -- she was part of a pack. Deciding to advance to strike up conversation, he also noted how young she was. She was scarcely a yearling yet -- definitely not old enough to strike out on her own.

In case she had not heard him coming (which was feasible, considering the crashing noise of the waterfall), Valtyr halted a few feet away and emitted a soft but high-pitched whine of greeting. His tail hung low and loose in a gesture of friendship.

<b>"A bit young to be out alone, I would think,"</b> he said, not unkindly.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
So mesmerized by the crashing of the water, the girl had not heard nor seen the swarthy male that had come upon her path. Her neck craned up to take view of a small flock of birds in flight, noting the way they dipped slightly lower toward the Falls, as if they too were curious about the landmark. A soft sigh parted her lips as the young Tainn was barely able to contain a giddy smirk; suddenly, the world seemed less scary outside of the River borders and far more enticing.

It was a soft whimper that preened her ears to the side and instantly erased the traces of her smile from her slender features. Whipping her muzzle in the direction, the youth’s bright green eyes fell upon the ebony male and widened. At first his dark-pitched pelt reminded her of uncle Triell, yet the immense size of the male that had come across her only could be compared to that of her father and her uncle Ruiko.

While her instant reaction was to lower herself to the male, his words stirred a streak of rebellion to the girl, and her muzzle jutted up slightly in return. “I don’t need a guardian,” she shot back, her eyes regarding him with mild interest.

sparking up my heart

Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Ah, the young one was feisty. A small smile played at his golden eyes, remembering his own days of rebellion. He would not have liked to be approached by a random stranger and told he was too young to be out and about. Well, not much could've been done about it now, anyway. He chuckled softly, the tip of his tail wagging slightly.

<b>"I was not offering my services."</b>

Valtyr had not yet considered being a guardian within a pack, but as he pondered it, it did seem like it fit his large physique and his experience in defending a territory and other wolves. He made a mental note of it to keep until he did approach a pack. Pulling himself up slightly but keeping the same expression of goodwill, the obsidian brute gave the pup a small yet reassuring smile.

<b>"I apologize for my rudeness. I am Valtyr, and you?"</b>
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
His words were unexpected, and Kisla held back a derisive snort (one she had learned from her uncle Ruiko). She spoke nothing in return to his comment, knowing he had not been offering her a service of any kind. Still, his next words were met with the slight cant of her muzzle while her perdiot gaze regarded him suspiciously.

Naïve in her youth, Kisla was unsure of how to deal with strangers just yet, though her parents’ warnings that she should avoid them was upon her mind was a waving red flag. Lone wolves, she had been told, were not to be entirely trusted, for they were not pack. Anyone outside of Swift River was not to be trusted, and so when the male pulled himself up higher, the youth took a small step back, her ears now flattening to her skull.

“Kisla,” she offered, uncertain of whether she should stay and entertain her curiosity for the male before her, or simply turn tail and run home where she belonged.. in the safety of her pack borders.

sparking up my heart

Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
For the second time in the last couple of minutes, Valtyr chastised himself for being so damned socially awkward. It was to be expected after having been alone for so many months, but he was obviously frightening the pup, now known to him as Kisla. He dropped his tail a little, his forehead smoothing to reassure her that he meant no harm. He could not blame her for her caution. She was young and her pack had probably admonished her to be wary of strangers, especially tall, dark, imposing ones such as himself.

The onyx beast decided to reroute the conversation to something more neutral, more pleasant. <b>"This is a beautiful place,"</b> he remarked, his gleaming yellow eyes turning back to the waterfall before them both. <b>"I've never seen one of these before, you know."</b>

Valtyr inwardly cringed at the horrifically dull topic his brain had brilliantly chosen, but he knew as well as any other that once words were said, they could not be taken back.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
The ebony male lowered his posture slightly, though Kisla remained wary of his presence – she had never seen nor heard of him before, and while the words that flowed from his muzzle seemed pleasant enough, the young Tainn had been taught from a young age that deception was very real; she had just been fortunate enough to never witness or come across it.

Her eyes shifted to the waters as he spoke of them. In only the very few moments that she had stood before the great Falls, the girl had become quite taken with them already. The rush of water seemed almost soothing, and she knew that come spring the land would look far different from the bleak winter. “Have you been to many places?” The question was not so random – she had never met a lone wolf before, and was curious to what the nomadic lifestyle offered to the rogue.

Still, no sooner did the question press past her lips did the tawny girl shift her paws wearily -- she was sharing a conversation with a stranger who was slightly intimidating. Taking a moment's pause, when the dark male did not answer right away, Kisla began to back away. Her tongue smoothing nervously against her muzzle, the female suddenly turned, her figure streaming back in a quick dash back to where home was as if she had just been bitten by a snake.
(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2012, 12:08 AM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart