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Uninvited Guests — Secret Falls 
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Played by Kai who has 56 posts.
Ruari Dufaigh

The shadow and his treasure had tried to explain to these wolves that they had crossed the border by mistake. It was for that they didn't care and Ruari had to wonder if they treated all loners as such, he did understand they had crossed the borders but still how did they expect to gain members if they were so abrasive. His gaze flicked to Isaura after he’d brushed her nuzzle and she seemed to calm some.

When the idiot male opened his father mouth to tell them how it was Ruari's fur bristled. How dare he tell them where they could hunt outside of their territory. Yellow eyes flashed to the pup and more than anything he would like to teach hi want he could do with his smart mouth. He would imagine all the things he would do to him if he caught him alone. A smirk forming across his lips at the thought of the fun he would have.

Isaura’s voice brought the shadow from those thoughts as she uttered that she understood. “She may but I don't,” he said hackles raised as he stepped in front of his treasure to keep her safe. “What gives you the right to claim prey outside your territory?” Then he turned his head to the pup, “Your mouth will get you into trouble one day boy,” and he would he more than happy to teach the kid a good lesson on manners.

He knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do talking back to these wolves on their land but someone had to stand against them. Ruari knew what would be coming to him now, he didn't take his eyes off the two as he prepared himself for what he was sure to come.

Table by Hex
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2017, 03:11 PM by Ruari.)
[Image: mUX0ZMY.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Muzzle grab a-okayed by kai
Guard dem 3/3

The white one wasn't so bad. Askan wasn't a complete arse, he was willing to let it go since his point had been made and she seemed to accept it. But the dark guy? Askan had been as blunt as could be and it still hadn't gotten into the loner's head, he still didn't get it. It wasn't as though he had claimed the entire forest around the Falls as his own. He had specifically said the woods surrounding the Shallows were theirs, nothing more and nothing less. And yet, the shadow seemed to think he was asking for too much. Like he was speaking out of place, as though any other pack wouldn't ask for such a courtesy.

And then he had to turn to Sachiel and talk shit. Like he thought Askan would tolerate such blatant disrespect.

"Just like yours is today then."Askan rumbled, as his lips pulled back into a snarl.

With no warning, Askan lunged forward and grabbed a hold of the loner's muzzle. Not so tight that he broke skin, but more than enough to hold him into place as he drove his point home. His snarl grew louder, all the more thunderous as he arched his neck up, forcing the shadow to dip his head down in turn. If he wouldn't show some manners on his own accord then Askan would make him.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2018, 04:26 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

All the two trespassers had to do was apologize and vacate the area with their pathetic tails tucked between their legs. Easy peasy. No protesting or arguing. That wasn’t going to get them anywhere, especially with a grump like Askan, who did not tolerate any sort of insubordination. Whether it was from a loner or not, the Edge Lord would put a wolf in their rightful place. There was no arguing with him, even if he was wrong (which, in this case, he wasn’t). If the shallow wolves wanted to claim the surrounding forest as their hunting grounds they could do so—no loner would change that.

At least the pale female had the right idea. She remained quiet, her body postured in a submissive stance, but ready to bolt as soon as she and her shadow were dismissed. But appeared the latter wasn’t ready to leave just yet, for his expression turned sour and his tongue lashed out between his teeth. She may but I don’t. Yikes, this wolf really was as stupid as he looked. Rolling his eyes in response the boy’s upper lip curled, his hackles raised as a low growl hummed from within his chest. This is our forest; our prey, dumbass, he hissed, no longer caring about the words that tumbled off his tongue. He would deal with any punishment from Askan later. But he wouldn’t stand by and allow the yellow-eyed wolf to disrespect his leader.

Another growl bubbled past his teeth as the shadow then spoke to him. Was he attempting to threaten the boy? Just as he was about to lurch forward and show the annoying shadow exactly what his mouth could do Askan beat him to the punch, his own jaws closing around the loner’s muzzle. A satisfied grin tugged at his lips as he swallowed back a KICK HIS ASS, as he figured that wouldn’t be appropriate. Instead he remained where he was, his mismatched gaze narrowed as he waited for the loners’ reaction…

(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2017, 04:11 AM by Sachiel.)
ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Hex who has 49 posts.
Isaura Chilam

She had agreed to what they had said because it would help calm the situation and get them out of this situation faster. The snowbird didn't like what they had said though. Claiming the neutral area around their territory as theirs? If it was theirs it should be marked and claimed but it wasn't. It would be like her saying that a spot was hers without her indicating that it was. Isaura felt she couldn't say anything to disagree however her shadow didn't have such restrictions as he stepped in front of her demanding to know what right they had to claim prey outside their territory. He then turned to the younger wolf to tell him that his mouth would get him in trouble one day. Silently Isaura agreed but made no move to indicate this.

The younger wolf growled that it was their forest and their prey. She wanted to shake her head in denial but more than anything the snowbird wanted to simply leave because these pack wolves obviously felt that the could claim areas that weren't theirs. In her eyes it made them look selfish and domineering but she wouldn't leave without her shadow and he seemed intent on standing up to these wolves.

There was almost no warning other than his words before the leader lunged forward and Isaura looked up at the sudden movement. She watched in shock as he grabbed Ruari by the muzzle and tried to force his head down. Not for the first time in her life the snowbird wished that she knew how to fight back and had the courage to actually do it. All she could do was take a step forward a pleading whine echoing up her throat as she licked her lips nervously while her gaze flickered between the leader and her shadow.

[Image: isaurasig_by_becuffin-dc2lwnp.png]
[Image: isuara_gif_by_silversnake54-dbtdiej.gif]
Played by Kai who has 56 posts.
Ruari Dufaigh

Maybe he could have let it go, the fact that these wolves seemed so full of themselves that they had to claim even more land then what they already had. They were truly too selfish to have a pack with claimed land and boy would he love to see it burn. The deer could have been forgotten but that little pipsqueak badass wanna be had to open his mouth and Ruari wanted to show him exactly what he would get for talking so rudely and out of his place.

Then the shadow felt the jaws latched around his muzzle, not hard enough to hurt or draw blood. Enough to remind Ruari of his place and he'd had just about enough of domineering wolves who thought they could run things like his dead...murdered father. The Dufaigh only saw red then and a wicked smile crossed his dark features as he locked eyes with the pup. Images of all the horrible things he would do to him to teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget. A message that it isn't a good idea to mess with the shadow.

Well he had grown bored of this game of holding his muzzle it served no purpose as far as he was concerned. This wolf would not make him bow down, Ruari had done enough of that in his life and had grown tired of serving men for the wrong reasons.  His focus was on Sachiel and the growls coming from the insolent boy only sent Ruari further over the edge.  “Isa run,” he managed to instruct in a low tone, “And don't turn back.” He didn't care about Askan still attached to his muzzle so he ignored the fact the brute was still attached to his face and charged for the pup with a loud growl.

Table by Hex
(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2018, 10:33 PM by Ruari.)
[Image: mUX0ZMY.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Askan has a potty mouth. No news there.

Things went from bad to worse.

Askan had no problem with the shaky white one, she was fine. She was wrong, completely and utterly misguided about packs, about what rights they did and didn't have when it came to hunting grounds but...Fucking hell. What was his problem? Because come on, what did he think was going to happen? Askan was no tyrant, he knew he was firm but he figured he was fair enough. He'd given them a warning, might not have been nice about it, but would any real leader sugarcoat it? 'Oh sorry sweetheart, but you're trespassing.' Fuck off.

He had very little interest in teaching some bratty loners some manners but in this case he'd make an exception. Someone had to. He wasn't the friendliest face about but sooner rather than later this arrogant prat would piss off the wrong person, mess with the wrong pack and that'd be the end of him. A shitty end to a story that no one-aside from whitey here-cared about.

And then, of course, he had to try and lunge at Sachiel, the key word being try. He didn't get far, it was less of an attack and more of a lurch. Like a dog rushing forward, only to be yanked back by the lead around it's neck. It would've been funny if he hadn't tried to attack a damn kid. For a brief moment Askan noticed similarities between the two of them. He'd been young and brash like that once, but that was where it ended. He'd been raised with manners-he didn't always use- and had a functioning brain behind his eyes. Did he have a death wish, or did he really think he was the shit?

Either way, Askan had no intention of drawing this out. The mutt wasn't even worth his time.

With a thunderous snarl Askan, and with ease (he'd done this more times than he could count) he shoved the mutt to the ground.As he towered over him he relinquished the grip on his muzzle only to bare his teeth at the vulnerable expanse of his throat. Whitey could run for all he cared, she wasn't his problem.

"I will say this once and only once." He rumbled, his mood as dark as a stormy sky. He remained dangerously close, within an inch of ending his life, if he so chose. "You try any funny shit, you get too big for you fucking boots and I will throw you so deep into this lake that even the fish won't find your body. Run away with your friend and don't ever think of returning."

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2018, 11:40 PM by Askan. Edit Reason: added a little )
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

He couldn’t believe how stupid the darker of the two was being. Bolding speaking out against a pack leader—loner or not, it was a foolish move. Just because he was a cub of seven months did not mean he wasn’t capable of inflicting damage upon the stranger (if necessary, of course). He certainly had the bite to match his bark, otherwise he would not have spoken so boldly against the imbecile wolf. This loner also did not know how many wolves were behind the Edge borders—for all he knew, Askan could have an army waiting for the right signal to spring into action. Idiot!

As Askan lunged forward at the darker wolf, his mouth wrapping around the loner’s maw, his mismatched gaze flickered to the pale woman. His upper lip curled in warning—don’t even think about it. Now was not the time to get bold. Her friend had spoken boldly against an Alpha; he was lucky all he was getting was a simple muzzle grab. The pair should have left before it had gotten this far—that was a mistake on Big Mouth. He shouldn’t have kept his tongue behind his teeth and turned away without another word, regardless of what Sachiel had tossed in.

His gaze flickered back to the brute, his ears pinned forward as his expression remained furrowed. The loner was all sorts of crimson and orange, collapsing into each other to make an ugly pile of rust. His tail flicked in frustration. Why fight and argue? Where was that going to get him? Just accept defeat and leave—it was so simple.

When the darker male lunged forward Sachiel did not move. Instead he took a bold stop forward, his claws digging into the cold ground as he prepared himself to take the hit. But, it did not go much further than a lunge, as Askan put a stop to the attack before it could happen. His lips drew tight as his leader spoke to the ebony loner, uttering a threat into his dark fur. Just leave! He wanted to scream, but there was no point. Askan had made the message pretty clear. The loner would be a fool to refuse

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Hex who has 49 posts.
Isaura Chilam

Isaura almost took another step forward. She wanted to help and calm the situation to get them out of there but she wasn't sure exactly what she was going to do. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the fangs bared in her direction from the younger wolf. Her movements stopped before it even had a chance to begin as she tipped her head slightly to reveal her throat. The snowbird hoped it would appease the younger wolf as she continued to watch from her spot with worried eyes.

To her it felt like time was stretched and she waited to see what would happen. The snowbird knew that speaking back in their territory hadn't been the best idea but she had also wanted to say the words. Ruari simply had the courage to do so and though her shadow hadn't gotten physical he had gotten fangs against his face. She could see the leader was pushing on her shadow's muzzle trying to bow his head but Ruari was fighting it. A smile crossed her shadow's face one she hadn't seen before and it sent a chill down her spine. That smile didn't mean anything good was to come. His voice came out low directing her to run and not look back.

The snowbird hesitated torn between the desire to stay and make sure he would be okay and the urge to simply listen as she had been instructed. Be safe. The snowbird whispered back as he let out a growl and then she turned and ran, past the border, and continue running until she was sure that she was a safe distance away from the pack and that no one had been sent to find her. Then and only then would she stop and watch apprehensively for her shadow's form to appear her heart pounding in her chest.

-Exit Isaura unless she is stopped-

[Image: isaurasig_by_becuffin-dc2lwnp.png]
[Image: isuara_gif_by_silversnake54-dbtdiej.gif]
Played by Kai who has 56 posts.
Ruari Dufaigh
Mature Language?

He knew he should have turned tail and run, taken Isaura and forgot all about the deer. There would be other deer but there were things that he just couldn't tolerate and that was the way this pack leader carried himself. It reminded him too much of the man who had raised him and then there was that kid. He was old enough to know better and yet he didn't know how to keep his mouth shut and stay in his lane. All of his efforts at showing these two anything we're wasted as his muzzle had been grabbed and he was being forced into submission.

That might have gone over okay but then that pup did the wrong thing. The raise of his lip at Isaura and Ruari wouldn't stand for that, not his treasure. She would not he disrespected by some big mouthed kid who thought he could say what he wanted. All the shadow saw was red after that. An order was given to his treasure to run and to not look back, it wasn't until her paws steps had grown fainter and he was still being held as his yellow eyes fixated on the pup. Red was all he saw as he lunged toward his target if he wanted to talk like an adult he could face the consequences like an adult.

Ruari didn't feel the rake of teeth across his muzzle or the blood run down the sides of it. He had one thing on his mind until he found himself on the ground his muzzle free and the Alpha’s teeth centimeters from his throat. A warning was uttered and yellow gaze met yellow gaze as Ruari turned his head slowly to look at the alpha. “Duly noted,” he growled out through clenched teeth before he turned his head and lay it flat on the ground his gaze once again watching the pup. He wasn't ready to submit to this ass hole but if that was what it took to get his freedom to move back that was what he would do. Isa was safe and that was all that mattered to the shadow. He did not plan to make it out of this alive.

Table by Hex
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2018, 06:20 AM by Ruari.)
[Image: mUX0ZMY.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

Askan watched the white one leave with not even a flicker of interest in his burning yellow eyes. It was all well and good that she was a nice girl but clearly she had terrible taste in men, or rather boys. It was either that or he was sick in the head, so far up on his high horse that he couldn't even see the ground below. Just who the fuck did he think he was? Truly? God's gift to them all, a blessing in disguise? Askan sneered at the thought.

The shit stated that he heard him loud and clear but the Edge Lord didn't quite agree or feel as though his point had sunk in enough. How could he claim to understand whilst he was bugling away like an elk? At this point the sound of his voice was like worse than that of a screeching pup, grating and infuriating unlike anything Askan had ever heard. His ears were pinned so firmly to the back of his skull that it hurt, that the muscles keeping them there ached with strain.

Not even giving him the chance to get to his feet, or talk more shit, the Selwyn merely stepped closer, his eyes revealing nothing but burning content. He  placed a paw on the line of his throat and pushed down, hard. Call him cruel, just like his uncle, or whatever you like there was nothing else for it. When someone wouldn't stop talking, making idle threats the only thing to do was to shut them up. Permanently if necessary.

Fortunately-or perhaps not- Askan had no intention of killing him today. The Edge Lord was many things, but he wasn't cut from the same cloth as Savion. Not now, at least.

The mutt struggled and jerked beneath his weight, and in all probably looked exactly as Askan had that day, atop that dreaded tor. But he didn't care, Askan hadn't asked for this, the same couldn't be said for the loner. Only when he was still and-presumably- not dead Askan released the weight from his neck. He felt little satisfaction from doing this, there was no smirk upon his lips nor an evil glint in his eye just...acceptance, he supposed. This was the way of things, this was what he had to do to keep his loved ones safe. He'd done it before and he'd do it again, over and over till the world got the message loud and clear.

His tail flicked in obvious irritation as he turned to look at Sachiel, who was wisely keeping a wide berth.

"Go away." He rumbled, his eyes narrowed into thin slits. He intended to handle matters alone.The kid didn't need to see this anyway, surely he had better things to do.

Grabbing him by the back of his neck, Askan bit down till his mouth was awash with blood. He gritted his teeth, his shoulders hunched as he dragged him along with the intention of dumping him in a steam, well clear of the Shallow's and the land surrounding it. If he got ill...well, it would serve him right and if he died then it was no fault but his own.


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[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]