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Take the heart you thought you had — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Namara who has 10 posts.
Sorry this is short


She was ready to launch herself at the creature when Shrike’s second in command appeared out of the blue, piping up her own strong opinion that caused the girl to turn her attention to her. She admired her – a strong female… even if she did follow a guy. She couldn’t judge as that would make her a hypocrite – she, after all, was following her father as well. “I like our odds – one versus four.” She commented, seeing Borya also appear, making his own blood-hungry comment as she looked to Shrike for a confirmation. Would he take his lieutenant’s advice, or would they continue their advancements?

Either way, Courage didn’t care. Would she like to kill the creature? Sure. Did she need to? No, she did not.

Played by Alice who has 29 posts.

Everyone else seemed game-not that it mattered to Shrike- but of course, then Procyon made herself known. She was a useful woman, her sharp tongue and mind were key assets, ones he coveted, but she was slamming the brakes on his fun. That just wouldn't do. He turned to her, brow arched in a silent challenge. As always, his tail remained stiff behind him, arched high as a constant reminder that he was in charge here, that his word was law.

Borya seemed to be on the same page as Shrike, but the man had always been one of Shrike's most dependable allies. They seemed to see the world from a similar point of view. Not only that, but Borya was his right hand man, the fist who got shit done. Shrike imagined the man could handle the coyote all alone if need be...but where was the fun in that? Shrike wanted to spill some blood too.

"Then what would you have us do, Procyon?" He shot her a look, if she had any bright ideas she was welcome to put them on the table for all to see. Still, the mother snarled and paced as she openly opposed their presence, the fool. "Do you really have so little faith in our abilities? I'm offended."

At the very least his daughter had spunk, was willing to get shit done. Procyon had always been wary, cautious. But other a lone coyote? He took a heavy step closer to the coyote, he dismissed her words with a brash flick of his tail. Would the other's follow in his wake, would they help snuff out her pathetic life? He was ever so curious to see.

Trapped inside a burning church. Made it out alive. God know my worth.
[Image: carrion_crew_sig_by_becuffin-dcah2jc.png]
All members of the Carrion Crew are welcome to join Shrike's threads at any time.
Played by Ace who has 10 posts.
Procyon eyed Shrike dryly, clearly ignoring the constant comments of the other wolves. They were but not, their words held little weight. It was the black bird who gave the final ruling.

“We move on,” she replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “A waste of energy for no gain. Your amusement?” She snorted. There was no amusement in pointless slaughter. It was repugnant. “You could have the same amusement from a raid. And we would have something at the end of that. Food. Shelter.”

A pack. Respect. She eyed Shrike, knowing well that ‘coyote killing’ was not why they were here. That was a waste of time – they would not be bothered by the mutts. Much less that a mother would fight harder than another might. They might be injured (or worse) for no gain. Nothing.

“Come. We have things to do. Your bear promised us riches, and these are certainly not that. It is time to move on.”

The coyote finally seemed to sense the impending danger. It scooped up her wailing child in her mouth – if there were likely no other pups, for the sound seemed contained to one – and began to make away from the group. The den, while a great loss, was not worth her life. The wolves were only moving closer, and so time was the only advantage the mother would have.

Procyon sensed the movement, but did not turn to look. The prospect of slaughtering mother and child turned her gut. “We are still too far south. It knows its place, clearly. The wolves, though. They yet do not.”

omfg I am THE SLOWEST please tag me. @Arial @Shrike @Borya
[Image: procyon_sig_by_becuffin-dcah1g4.png]
[Image: vF83Yq.png]