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Pretty flowers have pretty thorns — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
(I'm SO sorry, been so busy.)

Tulip practically hummed as he kissed her crown, eyes beaming along with a toothy smile. As he laid down beside her the tiny girl wiggled as close as she could. Solas was rather large in comparison to her and she felt as if she comfortably melted into him and could hide. Of course it wasn't like she could just disappear beside him but there was a deep sense of safety beside her golden eyed boy. Tulip looked to him contently, softly humming against his cheek, "You make me shy." She said in a giggly voice before licking him. Shy probably wasn't the right word but the girl felt Solas would understand her.

Tulip moved to lay her head on him, his heart thudding against her ear. She liked this. She didn't know why or understand half of the things Solas made her feel but oh she liked this. Her eyes slowly shut and she exhaled slowly. Beside him it was as if the world slowed down just briefly so that they could enjoy one another's presence. After awhile of listening she looked to Solas, into his fiery eyes, whispering Tulip....l-like Olas." Her voice wavered, barely audible. Sheepishly she broke their gaze, belly churning something fierce.
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart

The kiss had been an impulsive action on his part. He had after all decided that he wasn't going to tell her his feeling but here he had gone and kissed her. He could feel his face flushing even more as his heart pounded against his chest, but he didn't need to see her in order to feel her moving closer to him, pressing against his larger frame. Solas's gaze was drawn back to her and he could see her smile that toothy smile he liked. Her cheek brushed against his before she spoke or rather giggled.


He made her shy...Solas could understand that. He was shy with her as well. Every time they talked it seemed he ended up not being able to face her for some reason or another. He wanted her to like him and though he could tease some actions were...closer? Than others. His smile grew surer as she rested her head against his chest, and there was no doubt in his mind that she would be able to hear the way his heart jumped. It was comfortable to just lay there with the sun on their fur enjoying each others company and he felt his eyes drifting shut. Maybe he could just fall asleep with her in the sunshine. Tulip's movement against him made him open his eyes as he looked to see what she was doing and found himself staring into her sunny eyes.

Tulip....I-like Olas.

The words were soft but that didn't matter he heard them loud and clear. The next thing that happened was him in simple terms acting like a fish. He eyes widened in surprise as he looked at her. Jaws opened to say something before closing when nothing came out before opening to try again. It felt like his tongue had been tied and all that he could was stare at her as his mind tried to process the words and what they meant and if they really meant what he thought they did and he wasn't just imagining it.

[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by WildFlower who has 134 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tulip DayHeart
(Decided to do one final Tulip post so we could wrap this up)

It was peaceful to lay next to him, warm and comfortable. Safe but jittery. Tulip rested against him, slowly growing sleepy, eyes heavy as the begun to flutter shut. She fought it though, sleepily awaiting his response as she yawned. Her nerves dialed down by the sleepiness.

She almost laughed at his response, the way he moved and the loom he gave...but her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach shortly after. Would if he didn't like her back? Maybe he was.simoly shocked...She gulped quietly looking at him with a scared half awake look. Timidly she pulled at his fur as if trying to pull him back to her. She moved closer, pleading eyes looking at him as if they were saying please stay.

(Feel free to fade with her falling asleep beside him)
[Image: ftc_by_euphoriclies-d8zepct.png]TULIPDAY   [Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png]

Tulip has a speech impairment that causes her to talk with a severe lisp and has selective mutism. I will not be writing her words to reflect this (outside of going mute), but ask those who roleplay with her to understand it's implied.
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart

He felt ridiculous with his mouth gaping like it was but had been surprised and he still was. Solas had been going into this with the intention of keeping his feelings from her. Perhaps he hadn't wanted to have his hopes shattered but here she had gone and put that in the dust by saying she had feelings for the stormy male. He couldn't quite say the words but maybe at this moment he didn't have to. She looked scared and though he couldn't articulate what he felt maybe his actions would be just as good.

Curling his larger frame around hers he pulled her close. He wasn't going anywhere. Another soft kiss was placed on her crown to help her relax and slowly he could feel the tension leave her body. A soft smile crossed his lips as he heard the sound of her breathing soften as she fell asleep. Solas let out a content sigh before he let himself drift off into his own slumber.

He would tell her his feelings. Not now but soon.


(This post was last modified: Jun 12, 2018, 02:54 AM by Solas.)
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]