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Someday, you'll blow us all away [BWP] — Hidden Tree 
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Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
turn your face towards the sun, let the shadows fall behind you

Restlessness had taken hold. How much longer would it be? How much fatter could she get? How many were they and what would they look like, and would they wander off like everyone else seemed to as well? Anxiety was an unwelcome companion so when she came across Draven's trail leading from the territory she followed it without thought.

It was only when the scents began to change, familiar and different all at once, that her steps managed to slow at all. Draven of course, maybe one of her pack mates, two or three days cold but... "Hal?" The name left her lips before her brain had time to process it, to process the growling ahead and the ever present yatter of coyotes. The world seemed to spin beneath her paws, quickly moving to close the distance between her and her sister, registering Draven's presence along with... well he smelled enough of Hal and tickled at the shadowy edges of her memory but that didn't really matter right now did it?

"What are you guys doing out here?" It was mostly asked to herself, not that her incessant questioning would help the situation at all. Given the way the silver one was standing so close to what looked like a den entrance and the scent that filled the air, she could only imagine all the worst case scenarios that existed. She wasn't in a state to fight but she would throw her weight in if it was needed. "They won't get past me, but I don't imagine they'd be trying to if you guys teamed up yeah?" Her presence was only likely to add more stress, she was certain, but now that she was here, something had to be done about the vermin before she would allow herself to take her leave, accompanied or not.

Treyah Tainn
[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

The man heard rustling in the foliage around him and he whipped around, teeth gritted and exposed with the thought that more coyotes had surrounded him. Then, a large dark form came from the brush and Kino’s eyes widened. Draven. He silently said a thank you to his mother, convinced that she had been the one to lead the man to their aid. Another form came, a heavily pregnant tawny female who uttered the name of his mate, and he felt a sense of recognition but it was pushed to the side. They had more pressing matters at hand.

”Thanks. Draven and I’ll handle them,” he said, moving to allow the woman to take his place. Then, he wasted no time in charging forward. He knew that his brother would be hot on his heels, and though he had questions as to why he was all the way out here they would obviously have to wait. He needed to get the coyotes away from Hal and, now, away from the other female.

Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven watched his platinum coated brother turn to him with a snarl and the Leigh curled his own lip in response. Not in a threat towards Kino of course but more so a dismissal of his posturing and and indication who they were really focusing on. Before they even had time to turn their attention back towards the vermin who were attempting to damn Sahalie and his nieces or nephews they were joined by Treyah. Instinct screamed at him to deny her her request and send the heavily pregnant woman back to the pack for backup instead of adding her own body as a barrier but his brother already accepted. Looking her over warily the Leigh nodded his thanks, though the whole situation put him on edge.

They were outnumbered, but the Leigh boys were both large in nature and the mass of dark and platinum fur surging towards the coyotes must have been an intimidating sight. The vermin hesitated for only a moment, defensive over their kill and the potential for more food later but then rethought their decision. Draven’s teeth clicked shut on empty air where a coyotes tail had been only a moment before, but just scaring them from the area temporarily wasn’t good enough. They had to make sure they would never come back, not for Sahalie and her litter or Treyah and their future children. Whether they didn’t come back because of fright or something more violent was yet to be seen. Draven would let his brother make that decision.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
@Treyah you're next i guess?

Alastor didn't answer her call.

Faintly she remembered that they had been arguing. It all felt so far away now; and so pointless, she thought, gazing down at the wet—but clean, and quickly drying—cub that all their hopes and dreams and efforts had brought into the world. And their hopes and dreams were certainly loud. It cried even while it nursed, somehow. Was Alastor really so mad at her that he did not want to meet his daughter? And then, gradually, she realized it was not only loud because of the echoes of one small pup, and that there was company outside. There were voices and then the guttural tones of the coyotes. Of course they were here. Why wouldn't they be?

Except this time there was nothing she could do. She couldn't argue with Alastor about fighting them or running away. There was no way that she could move her daughter, so fragile and very small, from this den. Not now. She'd only taken just a few breaths in this world. She had no idea who was out there but she could only hope that they had come to help her mate. Sahalie could and would not leave her daughter. She had to wait.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
turn your face towards the sun
Treyah Tainn

With the boys turning their attention to the problem at hand, Treyah felt more secure in answering her sister's previous call for, well she guessed he was her mate? She scooched close to the entrance of the den, no doubt blocking what little light had been able to filter in with her sizable ass frame, knowing that if it hadn't been evident before that she was here (and knocked up to boot) that it would be once she finally tore her eyes off the coyotes to speak in the direction of the den.

"Hey 'Hal, we'll get you all somewhere a bit more cosy once the boys are done ok?" If the scent was anything to go off, she wasn't alone in there, and for a moment Treyah worried they might not have enough mouths to carry them all back to the Draw if they decided to come with her (not like she was going to take no for an answer). She wanted to scold the older Tainn for not just crossing the border and setting herself up somewhere closer, safer. After all it wasn't as if Treyah would turn her away. "And, ah-ha, congrats? I guess?" She didn't really want the other wolf worrying too much about what was going on behind her.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

The silver man watched the coyotes size them up, their dull gaze taking in the physique of the males and the female crouched in front of the den. They were all massive, easily twice their size, and very obviously pissed off. He saw them look to each other, one slightly ahead of the others giving them another glance. Kino really hoped that it wouldn’t be stupid enough to go against them. Even with the woman pregnant, he had no doubt she could hold her own and he assumed they were understand that as well. With head low and fur prickly, the lead coyote gave a snort before turning and slinking off. The other two looked between themselves, the prey, then also turned and made after the other.

He breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his child wouldn’t be brought into the world amidst such violence. His auds pricked. Wait, his child. He turned in a hurry, gently brushing past the woman in front of the den and sticking his upper body in the den. The scent of blood was overwhelming, which made his stomach churn, but it was the sound of mewling that made his head stop. In the dim light, he saw the small dark being attached to her stomach suckling away. Slowly, a huge smile began to form on his lips and his thick tail thudded on the ground rapidly behind his large frame. “Hal, Hal they’re beautiful. You did it, you did such a wonderful job I’m so proud of you,” he said, words pouring out practically in one exhale.

The feeling in his chest, he’d never felt it before. At least, not to the degree that was consuming him. It was different than the passion he felt for his mate, different from the comfort he had found in his mother’s presence. It was a strange mixture of both. The need to protect, to love, to care for in every way he possibly could. It was a love unique to itself, one that only a parent could know. He pressed a kiss to her damp head, topaz gaze admiring Sahalie’s face for a moment before returning to the little being between them. “Are they…?” he murmured in question. Anything that could tell him the gender of their pup was hidden from him, squished against his mate’s dark stomach and suckling vigorously at her teats.

Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
Short and sweet post for Draven, feel free to skip him until he is needed or just pp him helping out if you want to fade out!

The dark male wasn’t fully satisfied  turning away from the coyotes as soon as they ran away and was half tempted to keep following them. But, there were bigger things at paw right now and Draven knew it. Sahalie needed to be checked on as well as the pups and they would have to find a way to get them somewhere safer. Still, the Leigh knew it wasn’t his place to barge in and start barking orders to everyone so he hung back and watched as his brother shimmied half into the den.

Coming to rest beside Treyah where she sat he pressed his flank into hers, voice loaw as he spoke, ”I’ll bring them some sweet grass once they’re settled.” That was after all his place. For now though he was patient enough to wait until the new parents were ready to make the move and instructions were given out. He was more than happy to give them their space until his services as a healer were needed.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
@Treyah or if you wanna be skipped i guess like @Kino know, since i know u busy, but also if everyone would rather rap this up cause it Old feel free to DM me

A shadow crossed over her and her head instinctively lowered over her defenseless daughter. She thought, after a second, that is might be Alastor but the familiar voice was not the one that she had been hoping for or expecting. "T-Treyah?" her voice was thick with exhaustion, the excitement of childbirth over and the coyote sounds fading away. Sahalie knew, obviously, that her half-sister had come with her father to Charred Ash Draw—which was what they'd been aiming towards and nearly reached—but she hadn't seen Treyah since she was just a cub that required almost constant minding. It sounded like she was a grown woman now. Sahalie blinked, finding it hard to comprehend all this.

Treyah was saying something about going somewhere and Sahalie wanted to protest but found she didn't have the energy, nor did she fully understand what was happening. Maybe it would be safer in Charred Ash Draw for them. She hadn't really thought about it, but perhaps the borders would... deter the mutts, or something.

When at last Alastor arrived she realized that she recognized his shadow and his smell and his sound. Her worries started to fade away. He was safe. She beamed up at him, "She's a little storm cloud. Not a squirrel at all, it seems." No name, yet... there wasn't really time. "We should go with Treyah."
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn
Feel free to PP Treyah just mingling from here so you guys can get this wrapped up! <3

turn your face towards the sun
Let the shadows fall behind you

Treyah quickly retreated to make way for the silver man, leaning into @Draven's flank and nodding as he spoke. When she heard her name mention by @Sahalie, she smiled, though took a breath to think about it. Her sister had just given birth, sure, the Draw wasn't far, but there were enough of them here to keep things safe enough for Sahalie to rest a little first at least. She wasn't even sure she'd be heard, but she spoke up none the less. "Hey, just rest up first, we'll hang around until you've had a chance to recover. It's not far, but it's safe with all of us here. There's no rush." To illustrate the fact further (for all the good it would do obscured from view), she slid down, extending her paws in the dirt until her chest hit the ground. This was, after all, as nice as any other spot in the wildwood, and she wasn't sure she would make it home after all this fuss without giving herself a cramp.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
Draven and Treyah waited as patiently as they could, though the dark healer was restless and yearned to get back to the territory where it was safe. He didn't want to rush the new parents, certainly not at the risk of harming the pup or Sahalie but he knew it would be safer for them all within the borders. The coyotes could come back at any moment or a more vicious predator like a cougar or grizzly could be attracted to the birth scent.

Eventually, after a knowing look to the pregnant wolf at his side he stood and stretched with a loud groan. Coming up to Kino's side he suggested as gently as he could to the pair, "We should really make our way back now. Sahalie will need medical attention and your child will be safer with more jaws to protect them." The tone was soft but firm, they had run out of time to just absorb the moment.

Allowing Treyah to take the lead and Sahalie carrying the child behind her the two brothers took up the rear to protect them from behind, both stiff in anticipation of anything that might go wrong. Thankfully, that moment never came and they made it back to the borders without much of anything to note.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]