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Lots of Updates

Hello, everyone. We want to give a big congratulations to the site and all of its members - we recently surpassed 7,000 posts. This is in large part to the influx of newcomers we've had to RoW in the past month or two. The staff would officially like to extend a welcome to you newer players, and we hope that you're getting settled into our community here. As always, any comments, questions, suggestions, can be posted in the Genius Bar and we'll be sure to take a look at it.

A few of our newer members have not been around the roleplaying community for as long as some of us oldies (like me D=), so the staff would like to point you in the direction of our role-play tips, though we would highly recommend this as a resource to anybody if they're feeling low on muse and just aren't sure what to write about.

The staff would like to congratulate the January Monthly winners. Wolf of the Month was Ruiko who is played by Rachel (who is also Member of the Month). The top posters were Dark, Tyrant, and Becuffin, respectively. You guys did a fabulous job and we challenge you to keep it up and the rest of the site to try and catch up!

The influx of new members has resulted in a large number of lone wolves. Please keep in mind that wolves are social animals by nature, and they will/should be trying to seek out a pack. So now would be a good time to start thinking about joining one of the three current packs, or if you wolf meets the requirements, creating one! That said, the Lone Wolf LP Tracker is now automated. This means that your 20 points will be docked when the schedule says it will.

Why does this matter? To add a bit more drama to the game, the staff has made the decision to place an emphasis on these life points. Now, whenever a character's life points hits zero, that character dies. This particular rule will begin taking place immediately, so all characters should be aware. This means that if you have not claimed (at the very least) your physique points, you need to do so soon.

Additionally, the "fighting" Life Points are now being divided into two separate categories to take into account some of the more minor scuffles that occur in threads. From now on a fight is considered a formal challenge and consists of 6-8 posts minimum (3-4 per participant), while a scuffle is an informal event with 3-4 posts (these both require 10 posts total in the thread though). These scuffles are worth 10 life points per participant, while fights will retain their current values. Please note that these points cannot be claimed for threads started before today, just to keep things easier on the staff.

Finally, I want to note that the IC forums were cleaned out today. Any thread that has not been responded to since January 1st has been placed in the dead thread archive. Members are free to revive those threads and finish them, as you must have a completed thread in order to claim life points for them.

I do believe that is all for now. Be on the look out for a short member survey and information regarding the 2012 Puppy Season!