This place was starting to feel familiar, but the snow easily made it hard to figure out whether or not he had made it to the Fields. He sighed as he checked out the edge of a small pool. It had frozen over but it was only icy white along the shallowest parts. He inched all four paws onto the glossy surface, disappointed at there wasn't even a cracking sound after he reclined forward into a play bow. His forepaw nails tapped on the ice in thought before he whipped his head over his right shoulder.
"KAS!" he barked, trying to summon his younger companion to his side.
When that didn't seem to do the trick, he tried again. "KASAI! Get over 'ere!" He straightened now with all four limbs beneath him. His tail slowly rose before falling again. That damned kid always found something to distract him... Just leave him a few moments alone and Niles was sure that he would have to expend his energy trying to rein the youth back in. After all, iIt had been Chimera's idea to come back the Lore in the first place.
His grey eyes canned the gentle slopes of the tundra for a speck of dark brown in the distance, grumbling under his breath. Chimera had just been behind him only a moment ago, he could have sworn it.
we can say goodbye, just head home, but if we're going to be alone
Chimera is currently traveling with Niles and may hop into this IC thread!