Travelling in the winter was not Vaken's favourite. He never went too far, especially since Circe and him were sticking together. Visiting his aunt was different though. He had been thinking about it for months, now it was time. The spring would be here soon, and along with it a lot of change. He missed his father. If Nashoba had been alive, Vaken surely would have gone home and left the lore. He wasn't though, so the yearling had no one to turn to.
He didn't realize how close he was until the scent markers hit, forcing him to slow his pace. He wasn't sure what to do. Maybe he should howl? The idea was slightly off-putting. He didn't want to make a big deal out of this. Rather than draw attention, he took a seat. He'd think about it for a few minutes, wait around. He'd leave it up to chance.