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The next day you're so cold — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Late morning, broken clouds, 39F/4C. For @Flair <3

He had been following the creek through the forest, using the more open area to travel instead of trying to squeeze his way through the thick undergrowth. It snagged and pulled at his fur, not enough to be painful, but it was annoying him to the point of simply trying to avoid it from happening. His fur looked scraggly enough as it was anyway.

Eventually the creek opened up into a small pond, completely surrounded on all sides by the forest, a few tendrils of the branches and vines creeping out beyond the shoreline. Taking a moment to glance around just in case someone else was already in the water, he scurried forward, crouching down to lap at the water. It was cool and deliciously fresh, perfect to slake his thirst without getting water bubbling into his nostrils like when he tried to drink from the creek.

Wrynn looked down at his reflection when he finished drinking, watching as the ripples morphed his features, before the surface eventually became still. He sighed softly, taking note of the gaunt features of his face, knowing that he needed to find something to eat that was more than just a small morsel. It was just so hard being by himself, but he had no idea where his family went, or if he would ever find them again.

He smacked one front paw down on the water, preferring to look at his reflection marred by the rippling water over the identical version of his face, wanting anything to distract his mind from any thoughts of his family.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Despite the weather continuing to grow colder and more erratic, the fiery woman’s wanderlust had not ceased among the willows. Instead her itchy paws took her north, hugging the foot of Mount Dire as she weaved through the trees, searching for distractions of any kind.


Whatever had gotten into her – she preferred not to speculate too much – she figured it was better to let it loose now, get it out of her system before the pass was completely locked down by winter. So she pushed on, eventually getting as far as the spring. She didn’t expect to find any other wolves this far north, just as well, she wasn’t feeling particularly friendly right now.


That’s why, when she spotted the gangly wolf up ahead, her first instinct was to turn around, slip away before he noticed. He seemed preoccupied with his own reflection anyway, earning him a snort from the flame-coated girl as she stopped in her tracks. Just then, the stranger slammed his paw into the water, ruining the picture on the blank surface. Flair couldn’t stop herself from drawling sardonically: “Not enjoying th’ view?”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He whipped his head around so fast he became off-balanced, and stepped sideways into the water to stop himself from stumbling and falling over. His nose scrunched at the feeling of wetness seeping into the fur around his paw pads, but for the most part his focus was on the stranger. She had the most glorious shade of red fur he had ever seen, and he definitely stared for longer than was appropriate before snapping back to reality.

"Oh uhh," he stammered awkwardly, head bowing down lower as his tail tucked between his back legs, "I was just... uhh," he felt himself become tongue-tied, unable to really explain what he was doing as he did not know himself. "...playing around," Wrynn finally mumbled out almost incoherently soft, now almost half crouching in the water. The beautiful woman's scornful tone had not gone unnoticed, and he didn't want to say something that could possibly set her off on him.

His gaze was now firmly focused on her paws where she stood, and he found himself biting his tongue to stop himself from saying anything even more stupid than he already had. She probably had better things to be doing that talking to him anyways.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

It wasn’t everyday she saw a wolf do an almost perfect pirouette, but the sandy wolf made a decent attempt, landing another leg in the water. The unusual reaction, paired with the befuddled expression on his face was too much and Flair couldn’t hold back a burst of laughter, snapping back her head in a barking cackle until her eyes watered.


She struggled for a while to regain her composure, biting her lip to hold back another laughing fit. She blinked the tears from her eyes and huffed several deep breaths, before she could finally look at the young wolf again. Seeing him clearly abashed, eyes turned to the ground made her feel a little bad about her fit, though she was still smiling as she cleared her throat, waiting a moment to see if he would look back up before she said: “M’sorry, but y’ should have seen yourself!” There was still laughter in her voice, and she had to pause to bite it back before she could continue: “A’ didn’t mean t’ startle you. I’m Flair.” Hopefully the introduction could make up for it, at least partly.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He was used to being laughed at and mocked, even belittled, but those actions usually came with some form of punishment, and so when she threw her head back and practically howled with laughter until tears flowed from her eyes, he crouched down in fear, ears falling flat on his skull. But when she spoke again and made no attempt to move closer to doll out a punishment, his ears slowly perked back up again, only laying half flat as he offered up a smile that looked more pained than happy. He just wanted to appease her however best he could. She even went as far as to almost apologise for startling him, which left him a more confused than anything.

"It's... it's okay," Wrynn said quietly, taking a few careful steps so he was no longer standing in the cold water, already feeling his toes begin to tingle from the lack of warmth. He cleared his throat then, doing his best to straighten his legs so he was no longer crouching, but didn't quite get all the way back up, and he offered his own name in return. "Wrynn." Not knowing what to make of her just yet he simply stared at her chin, nose scrunching a little as he thought of what he could possible say, but his mind came up blank. Maybe he would just skitter away and leave her to whatever she had been doing before she stumbled upon him, that seemed like a good option as any.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She might have felt worse, if she’d know what was going through the boy’s head. As it was, she only saw him startle, figuring he was surprised by her arrival, which she thought she’d apologized for just fine. Still, he seemed an odd sort, skittish, moving in a weird, jolty fashion, and standing slightly crouched, even after he moved out of the water.


Flair watched him curiously, quirking one brow and flicking her ears at his quiet words. He did seem to be wary of her, watching in a way that the former loner was all too familiar with. Trying to diffuse the tension a little, the fiery woman allowed a yawn to part her jowls wide, even closing her eyes briefly at the height of it. Then, with the trailing tiredness still in her voice, she said: “Hello there Wrynn. Y’ new t’ these parts?” It was more of an affirmation than an actual question, but she figured it was the best way to get him talking; That’s how small-talk works, right?

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She diffused the tension a bit with a large yawn, not completely, but enough that he found the confidence to straighten out his legs. Even then he still had to tip his head back to look up at her as she spoke again. Wrynn nodded silently. He had absolutely no idea where he was, and the mountain was a big driving force in spurring him onwards to go around it. There was no plan to stick around for long, but judging from the myriad of scents upon her pelt he could only assume she lived somewhat nearby.

"Yea," he said softly with a gentle tap of his tail against his hind legs, a chagrined expression on his face. "Don't like the mountain..." Wrynn glanced momentarily upwards at the mountain that could be seen over the trees, showing a bit of the whites of his eyes at simply the thought of scaling it.

"You live around here?" If she did he would want to make a hasty retreat, not wanting to step on any pack wolf toes for getting too close to any borders.
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She was really trying her very best to make him feel at ease, even if it wasn’t her forte. There was no reason to antagonize the poor boy, hardly more than a kid, and clearly jumpy around other wolves; Who knows what reasons he might have? But Relic Lore was bountiful land, once home to many more wolves than the current packs, there was nothing to squabble over here.


So she gave him time, watching as he slowly straightened up a bit, even giving the slightest wag of his tail. But his words remained uncertain, eyes wide as he peered at the mountain. The obvious fear made Flair shake her head a little, sighing through her nose. Luckily most wolves around here seemed relatively friendly; On the tundra he’d be dead meat…! And though those days were behind her, she couldn’t entirely keep from needling him a little, smiling wolfishly at his question; “I live on th’ mountain.”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Melorama who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The sigh didn't go unnoticed, and he found himself sharply biting his tongue to stop the whimper that threatened to escape. Had he offended her in some way? Perhaps she thought it was obvious she lived here and he was being very obtuse in not realising, or god forbid she actually liked the mountain and thought him to be a scaredy cat.

That wasn't entirely wrong, though.

Wrynn's ears pulled back a bit at her wolfish grin, audibly gulping as he resisted the urge to nervously chuckle. "Oh." Well she never said she liked the mountain, but if she lived on it then clearly she had no fear of it.

"You must be brave," he said quietly, unsuccessfully trying to position his ears into a more neutral position. Mountains were scary, and the wolves that chose to live up there just had to be scarier, otherwise why would they make a home up so high?

Maybe she was a cannibal. He shuddered at the thought.