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Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
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Remy Geddes
Briefly she flicked her pale gaze toward Ash when he spoke, apologizing for the earlier roughness. Remy had forgotten the wound until he mentioned it again, the very words returning soreness to her cheek. She rubbed the silvery fur of her face with her paw for a moment before snorting in response, "<b>Yeah, that's alright. Didn't hurt much anyway.</b>" Her words were not intended coldly or to imply he was short of skill - he was not, she had determined, nor was he short of temper. For those moments Ash was the kind of wolf she enjoyed associating herself with - strong and steadfast, able to fight and defend. Overlooking his desire for conversation and friends, he could make good company. That is, if he could put up with the Geddes lady herself, which was no easy task what so ever. Following her response she glanced over and frowned, wondering if he were actually to fall asleep right beside her. Then again, she wouldn't really mind if he did. Remy did adore her alone time, and seeing that it was interrupted earlier didn't mean that it was over; it just meant she would have to delve within the confines of her mind at a later hour. Therefore she didn't press on, to see if he had any interest or if he was just going to take a nap, while she listened to the calming pitter-pat of rain like pups' feet on the grass. She spared him the occasional <span class='word'>apercu</span> but besides that, let him be.
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
As the female answered his question he popped on of his eyes open to show that he was listening to her. Weighing his answer carefully he spoke,<b> "Well, good, I'm glad I didn't hurt you too bad."</b> Though the male was sure he had least given the female something to complain about he was happy that she wasn't one to complain about little things. I mean it could have been much worse if he had wanted it too be. Twitching his ears he sighed. He enjoyed just sitting in the silence, he couldn't complain about it.

Lifting an ear he listened to the sounds around him, his eyes darting around nervously as he did so. The rain had finally slowly stopped and the sun was starting to peek back out of the clouds, giving Ash something to smile about. The sun and moon were his friends. Wherever they went his moods went.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ver who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Remy Geddes
In front of her eyes the fall of raindrops slowed, and eventually, came to a stop. From behind the grey clouds growing white returned the sun, basking the freshly watered land in its golden rays. Instantly she felt much warmer, likely attributed to not only the sun's light but also her drying fur. The rain hadn't bothered her in the slightest, but she was awfully fond of the sunshine. The urge to draw herself out of hiding and emerge into the daylight once more was overwhelming. Remy nodded vaguely toward Ash after he spoke, not taking her gaze off of the territory beyond the trees under which they lay. After a brief moment she turned her head upon the male wolf. Truth be told there was no camaraderie to be held within her gaze, and it wasn't likely to come about any time soon. So she turned her head away once again and sighed.

Remy rose to her full height and marched from beneath their shelter to the lush green grass, welcoming the cool wetness on her paws. The world was once again open all around her, as though leaving the tree's shadows had been metaphorical for unchaining herself again. Turning her body eastwards, she paused. "<b>I'll be on my way. Nice making your acquaintance, Ash,</b>" she threw out there just to be polite. Then without skipping a beat the pale she-wolf removed herself from the encounter, continuing on to <span class='word'>reconnoiter</span> a different part of the world.

( Sorry :( I'm in my last two weeks of the semester and it's really starting to pile on me so I need to cut down on my threads. Thanks for the rp though! )
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