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salvation in the form of your grace — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
Blind Date RE with @Oksana ♥
Mid-Morning | Light Snow Showers, -9°F 

Not everything was right in the world, but things were doing better than what they were for the last few months. From finding Kateri, reclaiming his leadership, confessing his feelings for Oksana and her returning those feelings, Aleister had positives to reflect on. The negatives couldn't outweigh them anymore, so the Vuesain was in a lighter, happier mood that morning as he came back from his duties. After checking on Kateri, the agouti leader decided to go find his wife.

After a few weeks' time, Al had gotten more comfortable showing his affection for Sana publicly aside from perhaps his children. Not that he would keep his relationship with Oksana a secret from them, but he only wanted to tread lightly around them until he had a proper talk with them, not knowing how his affection towards another woman would affect them when they were missing their mother. And that talk needed to happen soon, especially with contemplating what Oksana wanted in life.

Following her trail, he hoped to find her along the shoreline or close to it. "Sana?"

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana woke up that morning and noticed that her husband wasn't next to her. It wasn't unusual for him to not be there, he had plenty of responsibilities. She smiled at thought of how much better he seemed lately. She knew she needed to get up and start her duties so she rise to her feet and left the den after stretching. She started with something small from the cache which gifted her with a nice chew bone. That she decided to save for later.

Then she was off for a border patrol and exercising her leg. It was her morning ritual at this point. She thought often of how she was now in a place that she could have a routine. When she'd joined the cove she couldn't have even imagined how things had turned out. Now she had a wonderful husband who she loved so much. She couldn't imagine her life without him in it. She often thought of the conversation that had taken place when they became mates. He'd made her the happiest girl that day.

After her patrol she'd made it down to the lake for a drink. She was pretty thirsty at that point. Oksana had just broken through the ice and had her head down lapping at the water when she heard her mate calling for her. She quickly finished up and turned to greet him and close the distance between them. Her tail wagged happily as she met him, "Good morning my love. How was your morning?" she greeted cheerfully as she placed a morning kiss on his cheek.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Spotting her dark form along the shore side where was hoping to find her, his agouti form moved to her side as she approached him, his dark banner sweeping across his hocks happily. "Not very interesting without you there," he replied with a smirk as he returned her kiss with one of his own upon her ebony cheek. Their honeymoon stage was still in full swing and the Vuesain wasn't sad about it. He was just happy he had been wrong of his assumptions of another taking Sana from him. How foolish he had been with those assumptions.

Pressing himself along her side, he submersed himself in her warmth as they stood along the shore side. Letting a few moments of comfortable silence wash over them as he bathed in her presence, before he turned his ocean and sunshine gaze over her. He had a few questions brewing within him and he was curious to what her answers would be. "I wanted to talk to about a few things," he began, his gaze searching hers for a moment, knowing well that she would be willing to share her opinions with him whenever he asked.

"You had said you wanted children one day," he started, his gaze soft as he looked upon his mate. "And I was curious to know when that day might be if you were ready that is." Aleister put politely, not wanting to rush her if she wasn't ready for something like that with him. He would understand if she wanted to wait, but the Vuesain also wanted to know if she was ready to make that leap with him. Since he promised himself that he would give her all that she desired in life, this was one of those desires she asked for.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Upon seeing her mate Oksana's day brightened considerably. He was soon close enough to touch which she did by kissing his cheek. "Well if it makes you feel better mine was the same except for the fact I couldn't stop thinking about you." She admitted that little tidbit as she rested her head against his chest. Now that their true feeling were out she was becoming more and more comfortable sharing her affections with him. She did worry though about how much to show around his children. She would care for them as if they were her own but she didn't want to replace their mother nor did she want to cause them any pain.

Oksana buried her face in his fur as she felt his body press against hers. It was good to be in his embrace again after having not been all morning. She never wanted this period of their relationship to end. She stayed there in his embrace taking in his scent with every breath. They were both silent for awhile before he finally spoke again stating he wanted to talk to her about a few things. Obviously her curiosity was piqued. She met his gaze, "Alright, what is on that busy mind of yours?" She asked with a smile. Oksana wasn't worried this time when he wanted to talk to her.

The first thing was about the children she'd spoken of which she should have known this conversation was coming. The crow was well aware of what time of year was coming. If they were going to have children together this spring would be the time or they would have to wait another year. Oksana let him finish before she spoke. "I am ready to have children if you want more and are ready to be a father again," she answered, "I want to make something clear though. I'm not with you just to have children with you, I'm with you because I love you but I do want to have children with you, you're an amazing father and frankly I'd be honored for you to be the father to my children." She would love him whether they had children or not. She was his mate because she loved him but Oksana had decided awhile ago that she was ready to be a mother. Then she looked down at her paws realizing that she may have said all the wrong things, "I'm sorry, "I'm messing this up," she added shaking her head.
(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2022, 09:28 PM by Oksana.)
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Smiling at her words, he still couldn't believe they were in the place they were now in their relationship. Never thinking he would ever get the chance to fall so deeply in love with someone and have them actually stay with him it was fairytale for him though he was happy to keep living it as much as he could. The doubts never left his mind, but Oksana's presence casted a heavy shadow over them as she was the light of his life who kept him away from the darkness that always tried to eat away at him.

Her confirmation that she was ready for children with him as long as he was ready to father another litter, brightened his smile as he gazed upon her features. She continued on with her thoughts, bringing his full focus upon her as she said she wanted to make something clear to him. Aleister couldn't help the flutter that settled within his chest at her declaration. How could she make him so happy with a few simple sentences? Then she settled her gaze to the ground as she let herself get inside of that beautiful head of hers.

"You can never mess this up," he murmured as he lifted her chin up with his nose, hoping to catch her fiery gaze with his. "This is where you need to be," Aleister pointed at her lifted chin. "I am with you, because I love you, all of you and because of that, I want to give you everything in the world that you want. You had said you wanted children one day and I am ready to give that to you, always. I will love you and our children with all that I have." He moved to embrace her again, to solidify his declaration and make sure she could feel how much he truly felt for her.

There was another question he wanted to ask her then. "I also wanted to talk about something else," he started after a few moments had passed. "You are one of the biggest reason why I reclaimed my leadership of the Cove. Without your support and guidance, I would not have been in a place to do so." Having been in such a dark place for many months after his recovery and the disappearance of Kip, Aleister wouldn't have been able to find his way out without the help of Sana. And he realized without her, he couldn't be doing what he is doing now. Perhaps this next thought was a little selfish of him to ask, especially if she was not ready for such a responsibility, but he wanted her to know his desire this time. "I want you to be at my side through everything and I want you to be at my side as a co-leader for the Cove."

(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2022, 07:43 PM by Aleister.)
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
She'd had a lot of time to think about the things that she wanted in life. Being out on her own a lot of nights were spent thinking about where she wanted her life to go. So when Aleister had asked her it hadn't been hard to answer at all. Now he was asking of she was ready to be a mother and again she knew that she was. She wanted to bring her own little lives into this world and she wanted to do that with Aleister. She'd seen him with his own children. The way he'd been with his boys whenoon had been brought back by Chan, the way he spoke to them and comforted them. She also seen him stern with them as she knew a father needed to be at times. Whether he wanted to be or not. She'd also seen him when Kateri had gone missing and how he'd checked on her and helped care for her after words. How he'd been upset about Seri. Most importantly he had never left them, he was a father that was always there for them. So it was easy for her to tell him she wanted children with him.

She worried though that she'd messed everything up but she had wanted make sure that he knew she loved him. That he wasn't just a means for her to get the children she always wanted. She wanted him to know how important he was to her. When she thought she'd messed it all up there he was lifting her chin to comfort her. As he uttered the words that she cried never mess what they had up she smiled. "You are so good me. How did I get so lucky," she said looking into his eyes. Then he spoke again telling her that this was where she needed to be and his declaration was beautiful so much so it brought happy tears to her eyes as he embraced her. She could feel the love he felt for her in his words and his embrace. "I never doubted you Aleister, the live we share and the love you would give our children. You are an amazing man and father." All those who had left him in the past couldn't have given him the chance to show them just how great he was.

She pulled out of the embrace to look into his eyes as he said there was something else. What else could there be she wondered. "Okay, whatever you need," she told him as she gave him her full attention. He spoke of how she'd been the biggest reason he'd reclaimed his thrown because of the support and guidance she'd given him."I was so glad that I could be there for you Aleister. It's so important to me that you can smile everyday of your life. I hope you know that." Then he asked her the most unexpected thing. He wanted her to co-lead next to him at his side. She was shocked to say the least. For a moment she just stared at him unable to speak. Finally she did regain that ability and nodded, "Yes, I would be honored to be at your side leading next to you. I care about this pack too and want to help you ensure that they are successful in their lives." Then she embraced him placing a kiss on his cheek.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

"I'm the lucky one, my darling," he whispered as she gazed upon him, and his words held true. He was the lucky one to of found someone to compliment him so perfectly, his own guiding light in the darkness. Aleister didn't realize how much her next words would affect him as she declared how amazing of a father he was. Seri's mother words haunted him at times when he thought he wasn't doing enough for the children he had present and he never thought he would let her words win, but he forgot by simply letting himself remember those words, she would win. However, Oksana was there to banish her poisonous words from his mind as he held her tighter.

Her words brought a smile to his face as she told him it would be an honor for her to stand by his side to lead the Cove together. The Cove was never meant to be govern by one, however things had changed when his sister abandoned them. And now he simply wanted his Sana as not only his mate, but also his equal. Leaning into her kiss, his mismatched gaze fluttered shut as they embraced once again. Aleister could stay like this for eternity if he could. "I also want to tell the kids about us," he murmured softly, ruining the comfortable silence that had befallen over them. Aleister no longer wanted to hide his relationship with Oksana from the triplets. Kateri he wasn't worried about as she luckily had her mother, but he was worried about how the triplets would take this new relationship of his. They were old enough now, or so he tried to rationalize.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
A bright smile spread across her features at his claim that he was the lucky one. "You do know how to make a girl feel special," and she hoped that he felt just as special as he made her feel. Now that they were talking about having children of their own she wanted him to know the kind of father she saw him as. She knew he wouldn't be like her own father, that if it came down to it he would fight for his children like her father should have done for her. Those thoughts are what prompted her to say, "I know you'll always be there for them and love them no matter what happens." He needed to know she knew and understood that.

She hadn't been able to believe what she was hearing when he first asked her to lead beside him. After the shock wore off she knew in her heart that was what she wanted. To be at his side not only as his wife but as his co-lead too. The idea did make her a little nervous but not because she didn't think she could do it. No, she was sure she would do well as a leader. It was the idea of moving up the ranks, to possibly have to fight wolves she'd become friends with. She leaned into his embrace as those thoughts ran through her mind. They were halted when he spoke again about telling his children. She pulled away to look into his eyes. "I know it might not be easy for them after what happened with their mother," she said before offered a reassuring smile, "But I would like for them to know too and if you want I can be at your side when you tell them?" She would be happy to be there and support him as well as his children. Talk to them if they wanted.
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