<blockquote>It seemed his warning had been heeded as he saw the brown wolf retreating out of the corner of his eye. He hadn’t seen Athena streaking in from behind to take her down, but he already knew how fearless that Little Wolf was. His attention remaind on the skin he had held within his jaws, leaving the wolf almost powerless beneath him.
He’d given up on clawing at the face by this point, instead his mind was working out something far greater that could come from this and with a final crush of his jaws and a snort from his nose, he flung his head to the side, releasing his grip on Ice and sent him pacing backwards to freedom. Taking his own steps back, though slightly hobbled thanks to his now very sore front toe, he narrowed his gaze upon both Triell and Ice.
<b>”Do not take my mercy for weakness.”</b> he began, a pant in his breath as he spoke to the pair of River wolves. He looked then to Triell, he knew the wolf better then Ice and would assume he could deliver a message without any problems. <b>”His life in exchange for Naira’s and her young’s. This is my war now and they are to be left alone.”</b> he said, something far more noble then even he thought he would ever be capable. That female was certainly going to be the death of him.
He hopped/stepped a few more paces backwards, the space between them growing in distance. <b>”Consider this your one and only warning. Next time I will snap your neck, Ice.”</b> he said, before he turned with his head high in victory (in his eyes at least) and dominance and he began his trek back home. He would not tell Naira what had unfolded her tonight...
Freeeeedom! <3