Per the routine, she touched her nose to Asmund's crown once again as he scuttled to her. Her tail even gave a few wags, happy that he had complied and not fought her any further on the matter. It was a simple thing to do, after all; saying thanks. She wished could express how grateful she truly was in much clearer terms, but this would have to do for now.
He answered her question with another query, and she was confused but rode out the rest of his words before letting it show. Ah. Good. Her tail set into motion again at that little bit of understanding.
"Good," she answered, more so because it was the only response she could think of. That was the end of that then, and so she searched for another thread to pull at.
"Ah... Viorel... er faren din? 'Pappa'?"
(... is your father? 'Dad'?)