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slow dance in the quicksand — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
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Why would he give up power? That inquiry was one he received in some form almost every time he divulged that particular tidbit of information about himself. ”Because out here, I am free. To me, power is in being able to do whatever and go wherever I please, choosing my own future. Not bound to something I never wanted, and did nothing to earn,” Arty offered with a loose shrug. He didn’t know if Torah would agree with his reasons, but that was most of it. ”If I am ever to lead, I’d prefer to have earned it through merit rather than be given it by heritage.” He was a lot of things, but he was not entirely lacking in self-respect.

Torah, her name. Armstead. Announced with pride. And evidently, it was her desire to be a mother, after all. But not with just anyone. She did not desire to become a whore, either.

”I respect that. A woman that has standards.” He spoke with a small nod to further convey the sentiment. ”I, however, Miss Armstead, am not pure. I’ve been around. Therefore, I may not be the one for you.” He let out a soft, wistful sigh, trailing off. He’d wanted her, so very much. A part of him wished he had not felt the need for this honesty. A woman with her goal though, deserved at least that.

”But parenthood isn’t something I take lightly, either. Before tonight, I’d no desire to even consider it. With you, though..?” He trailed off, allowing that to hang out there. It wasn't completely off the table. Artyom was a lot of things, but he was not completely heartless. He did not wish to leave a woman with child to fend for herself, especially at his doing.

There was more he wanted to say, or could say, but he cut himself off. He’d wait to see what she had. Perhaps she’d have already deemed him unworthy and there was no point in continuing this discussion. Maybe he was not her man. Maybe she’d be one of the few to get away.
Played by WildFlower who has 16 posts.
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Torah Armstead

The woman waited, eyes narrowed slightly, wondering what he'd spill about himself. She'd indulge in any bit of tea she could get. Free. He was noncommittal. Torah thought she heard enough at that, lifting a paw as if to get up and leave, but hesitated. Wait...just...hear him out. The little voice in the back of her mind whispered. She felt a wave of relief wash over her as he explained that he wanted to earn position. "Honorable," She spoke with a smitten smile.

Her head lifted ever so slightly at his comment about standards, looking at him from the corner of her eye. She knew her worth. She was a capable woman, able to fight, bare a mate's litter, and hunt. She huffed when the words been around left the male. Torah knew then that she was better than him. That she could do better than him. The dame gave him an expression that reflected her internal feelings but it was swept away almost as fast as it came. She was thinking, mauling over the different feelings and thoughts she had on his impurity. Yet her paws were rooted.

Torah's head cocked, an ear flickering, "Go on." She requested as a grin started to return to her lips. She sighed, "You're a free spirit...not held down by anyone, why would you want to give that up for me?" Her voice was soft and willowy. The woman got up, pressing into his shoulder as she walked past him. She turned, crossing behind him, then found a spot beside the male. Her decision was still up in the air, but the woman wanted to give the man a chance to redeem himself. "What would you bring to the table?" The question was straightforward. She knew him to be capable of catching a rabbit, breaking the ice with brute strength, a gentle touch, but what else was there? Could he be a good listener? Devote himself to her and her alone? Be loyal and true?


The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit

"Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm?"

Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He hadn’t quite known what to expect to his admission of giving up power. He’d been called a lot of things - naive, foolish. Honorable was not something he’d never heard before, but it was on the rare side. Artyom permitted himself a smile, and a little nod. ”Thank you.” It was all he’d say to that.

What’d come after, though, he had expected would send the beautiful Miss Armstead away from him. Briefly, it appeared as if it might, based on her expression, but she didn’t move away. She was still here. A smile returned to her countenance, and instead, she asked him to elaborate. In addition, she provided a couple of additional questions that she sought answers to. Her touch sent shockwaves through him again, as she moved to stand beside him, but not like before.

If I were to desire to commit to someone,” he spoke again, slowly, though not for lack of confidence. Instead Arty paused to choose his words with care. ”I would want it to be with someone that has standards. In the same way I’d want to earn leadership, I’d want to work for this individual’s trust and loyalty. Not be given it on blind faith, or because I’m handsome or formerly royalty.”

That was the serious answer, but he continued, with another smile and a little wink. ”Plus, yours is a face I doubt I’d grow tired of waking to.”  

He took a breath before attempting the second question. ”Myself. The promise of my presence and full support until, at the very least, any possible child was grown and able to fend for his or herself.”

Arty took another moment to pause, and to look over the woman. ”May I ask why a woman as youthful and pretty as you would want to tie herself down with child, so soon? When there’s a whole world to explore and fun to be had, out there..” He did not mean to offend or dissuade the other from her idea, but simply to understand.
Played by WildFlower who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torah Armstead

Torah smiled back when he thanked her, returning the nod softly. She sat close to him, leaning over to groom his shoulder. The wolf listened to what he had to say for himself. So far she was pleased with his words. He was singing a tune she could get behind, earning trust and loyalty sounded apar to what was needed in a well-rounded marriage. Her ear flicked at the compliment, and she pulled back to match her gaze to his. Flattery could sound so pleasant, but she knew it could be a snare. Cleverly chosen words from silver-tongued individuals. "I could say the same for you." The woman replied with a smitten expression.

The woman turned her head slightly, looking at him curiously, Only till then? Couldn't be...persuaded in longer?" Her velvety voice was followed by a regal pose. Her ears forward, chin turned down, and big icy jewels staring into his own.

The question caught her off guard but Torah did not miss a beat, "It is the role of a woman to birth the next generation, to raise them properly so that they may flourish in their own life." She spoke with pride and elegance before adding a note more bittersweetly, "Although I'll admit that last part sounds pleasant."


The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit

"Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm?"

Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arty wasn’t sure he’d shared this much - or been so open about himself with anyone, ever. Not even Malien, wherever he was now. Another pang of guilt hit him at that, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. It wasn’t as if they’d taken or spoken any vows - and Arty certainly did not expect loyalty from the other. But, as attractive as Torah was, the feeling was one he couldn’t quite get rid of.

It had him giving his head a tiny shake as she posed a question - could it be longer?

”It’s not impossible, but… I can’t say. Not now.” Things could change a lot in the time it would take to raise a child or children. Perhaps the two of them would end up discontented. That wasn’t something he wanted.

Besides, though he didn’t necessarily share Torah’s convictions to the same degree if a lifetime partnership was what she wanted, it ought to be with someone that could promise as much at the onset. Becoming a parent was one thing, but a lifetime with the same wolf? Arty was not ready to commit to that.

Her explanation was satisfactory, though, and prompted a small nod. ”I respect that. I’d dare say there’s no higher purpose for a man than to become a father, to support and cherish his mate and children,” he spoke, but paused for a moment, to take a breath.

”But I’m not sure I’m your man for that. I’d no plans for it, this year. I’d rather live a little before I settle down.” He didn't want it to come across as an outright rejection of the woman, but that was pretty much how it sounded.

He wanted kids, someday. But he’d not been planning on that happening for at least another year. If she could wait, though? Maybe..