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The wild child and her not so wild sister — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Feyre Vuesain
the return of the missing Vuesain sister's. @Nash and anyone else.

"Come on Star. We've got to hurry Mama's going to kill us when we get home." Feyre had a bad feeling that the longer she and her sister were away their punishment would be a whole lot worse. On the other paw she hoped that it wouldn't be that way. Instead Oksana wpuld be so relieved that they were okay that she would forget to punish them. A girl could certainly hope couldn't she.

The Blackbird was just glad that she'd had her sister with her. She knew she would have been lonely out there without her. Not to mention she honestly wasn't sure she'd make it back to the cove.

She could smell the pack before she saw the border which caused her tail to wag furiously behind her. "We're almost there Star and then we'll get to have dinner with mom and Di and everyone else." It was going to be great she was sure.
(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2023, 12:39 AM by Feyre.)
Played by Kai who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Star Vuesain
Though her sister was excited to be home Star was a little more nervous about it. What woukd their mother say. The others, woukd they be upset. She really hoped not. The Vuesain girl had been watching the ground pass under her paws when she heard her sisters voice ring out, "I'm coming," she told Fey in annoyance. The truth of the matter was she was looking forward to a little aline time. Her sisters energy was almost too much. She didn't really understand how their mother put up with it.

As theycame into the familiar forest of their home Star's pace slowed a little. She wasn't sure she was ready for the homecoming they might recieve. Once again Feyre's voice reached her ears causing her to look up, "Thats what I'm afraid of," she voiced under her breath, "Great!," she then spoke out loud for the benefit of her sister.

She supposed she was going to have to face it sooner or later. She supposed sooner woukd be better so she quickly caught up with Fey before calling for their mother and Di.
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Magg practically jumped out of her skin as a howl sounded from what felt like right behind her and startled away the snow-bleached hare she'd been stalking. She popped out of her prowling stance and looked around her, wondering if she'd heard right. That sounded like...

She sent out her own howl, like marco-polo, in hopes that they would call out again. If she could get to them before anyone else, maybe she'd get to be a hero! Taking her best guess, the brown-eyed girl took off in the direction she hoped they were. One thing was for sure- @Galen was gonna be so happy!
Played by PuppyThief who has 180 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain

Galen had made it home safely, much to everyone’s relief, but still there was no sign of his sisters. Leo dutifully continued his patrols, circling the lake and straying down the mountainsides as much as he dared, but to no avail. A realist, the young Vuesain did not nurture hope, even if his little brother had found his own way back, it was doubtful that the girls could manage the same

So, the last thing he expected was to hear a delicate howl ring out, freezing mid step to turn towards the call; Star? He ran as fast as he could to meet his wayward sister, but it was quite the distance from the section of the border he’d been patrolling. Surely someone else had been closer though, one of the adults, maybe even their mother. Yet the voice he heard answer was as erratic as the first, another pup, Magg if he wasn’t mistaken; What is she doing out here? With all the disappearances, Leo was not at all comfortable with the thought of the remaining pups going anywhere near the borders – though he knew he couldn’t stop them from joining the search, as eager to see their friends and siblings home as the rest of the pack.

He pushed himself a little harder, clearing the last distance to finally catch sight of not only one, but both of his lost sisters. Face softening with relief, he called to them: “Where have you been?” Although the words were sharp, all he felt was joy at seeing them safe.

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

There was a certain sound that sent Nash's heart pumping and his paws pounding over the frozen earth, one that filled him with a savage relief that was almost like joy - and one he was hoping he wouldn't experience again this year, after this moment. He hoped dearly that this time, somehow, the last two remaining lost children had returned, and for once his hope was not in vain. Of course his daughter would beat him, and who better suited to answer the call than Leo. Nash arrived just in time to hear the boy reprimand his sisters and smiled gently. "Welcome back, girls," he said warmly as he looked them over and ran his nose along their pelts. He wanted to get the scent of the pack on them as quickly as possible, as if he might protect them from dangers they may have already faced.

Played by Flywolf who has 76 posts.
Inactive IX. Subordinate
Diantha Vuesain

She couldn't believe her ears. Diantha sat upright, chewing bone forgotten between her paws, ears strained so much it almost hurt. The call was fading from the sky, but there was no mistaking it. "Mom! Galen!" she shouted, even as she took off like bird frightened from its perch. She felt like she was flying - like if she ran fast enough, she might really fly, fly right to her sister. Only, it wasn't just Star; Feyre had come home to. The relief slammed into her as though she'd run into a tree - or another wolf, because Di was so focused on her littermates she'd failed to notice not one, but three other pack members gathered around them.

Running full speed and intending to tackle one of her sisters as penance for being gone so long, Di instead ran headlong into Leo's side, flipping around her brother in a tangle of uncoordinated, gangly limbs and an undignified yelp.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Galen had returned to the cove which had brought the mother great joy to have her son back. It was bittersweet though because his sister's Feyre and Star were still missing. She tried to have hooe that they too would find their way back or be found but as the time grew longer she feared the worst. She worried that like the Caribou her girls had lost their lives to the winter too.

It seemed that miracles did happen sometimes as she heard the call of her daughter from the border. At first Oksana couldn't believe it. They'd been gone so long and the weather had been so bad. There was another call in answer though. That had to mean something. Her breath caught in her throat as she rose to go meet her daughters.

Di's voice calling for her was the next thing Oksana heard. She quickened her pace through the territory. When she made it a Nash was already there welcoming the pups and Leo was there too. Oksana went right to then pulling them both close to her, "I've been so worried," she said into their fur as she hugged them tears streaming down her cheeks.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Feyre Vuesain
They waited and waited. Feyre was ready to just burst in the joint and not care what happened. After all what could they really do. Her and Star belonged their it was their home. Frankly she thought it was a bit ridiculous that they would have to wait to be let back in. Some of the rules were a bit...stupid in the blackbirds opinion.

However she knew her sister would never go for it. The goody two shoes would want them to stay and eat for their mother or Nash to come and tell them what they already knew. So she waited and finally someone appeared though it wasn't their mother. Where was she Feyre wondered. About the same time there was a howl from one of the other pups. It was Leo they had to face and explain themselves too. "Sorry big brother," she said, "It wasn't our fault. We promise."

Others started appearing. Nash was a little more welcoming than Leo. At least he wasn't demanding where they'd been. A smile spread across her inky face when she saw Di and heard Galen's name. He was home. That was a relief. Then the one she'd been waiting to see, her mother, came into view. "I'm sorry mom." She said quietly against her mother's cheek.
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2023, 01:49 AM by Feyre.)
Played by Kai who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Star Vuesain
Star could see that Feyre was impatient to get back into their home. They had to do things the right way considering they were probably already in enough trouble as it was since they'd disappeared without saying anything to anyone. She could only imagine what would happen once their mother got there.

The first to acknowledge their return wasn't their mother but one of the other pups. She still couldn't distinguish all the voices yet. It was Leo who arrived first though. Feyre was the first of them to speak apologizing. "We got lost," she filled in where her sister hadn't.[b) "Somehow we'd found our way down the mountain and we had to find our way back." [/b]It was the best explanation she had for what had happened.

Nash came next welcoming them home which brought a smile to the young girls face. The warm welcome was going to be needed to prepare them for what she was sure to come. "Thank you," she said to the Alpha before her sister's voice caught her attention. Then she saw her mother but before she could say anything Oksana had pulled them into an embrace telling them how worried she'd been.
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
so sorry for the wait, magg can be skipped/pp'd as going back with everyone c:

Unfortunately, the cavalry was right behind her. Magg was basically tied upon finding them, and she slowed when she saw the yearlings and adults also plowing through the snow to get to the young Vuesain sisters, dropping back. Nearly all of their family was here to greet them, and so she simply found her way to her own father's side and hung out with him, giving the others their space.